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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello Steve & Sue, Here are a few links to companies that supply rubbing strakes:- https://www.wilks.co.uk/marine/boat-fendering/fendering-selection.html https://www.seascrew.com/browse.cfm?BOAT-RUBBING-STRIP---REDIAL-FENDER-PROFILES---PROTECTIVE-EDGING--&l=0000000872 http://www.sealsdirect.co.uk/shopping.asp?intDepartmentId=5 Regards Alan
  2. Hello Seriously, I would be inclined to watch someone using the cutting paste before you take on the job of doing yours, maybe if you helped one of the forum members such as Liberty, it would save you some grief if things go wrong with the gelcoat. Regards Alan
  3. We have all been there done that etc. I tend to use water stones rather than oil stones, the chap was ok with the grades of paper for flattening the backs of the chisels but he should have used a guide for sharpening the grinding and cutting angles. I am still using my Stanley chisels that I purchased over forty years ago and spend time sharpening them when required. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Mark, You must have deep pockets. We are having it done again hull & superstructure as part of the winter service, far to many arms and legs, but at least 20 people are paying for it. Peter from P & J cleaning services also does this at Brundall but he needs a couple of fine days to do it. Regards Alan
  5. Hello Martin, Here is a link that might explain it. http://www.howcleanisyouroil.com/DIESEL-FUEL-BUG My guess that domestic boiler systems will be able to cope better with any tank contamination, but at the cost of the additives it might be worth the cost of a bottle or two. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Grace, There are tunnels for frogs & toads Regards Alan
  7. I switched off all of our timers on Sunday night. Tan took down all of the inside decorations, I might be able to take them down outside at the weekend weather permitting and then into the loft. The time between getting the decorations into and back out of the loft seems to get shorter each year It looks very bare in the house now. Back at work yesterday was a trial, with emails to delete and contacting any inquiries that came in over Christmas period. Regards Alan
  8. Its ironic that drivers or passengers can be prosecuted, yet a car thief can be can be caught sat in your car and ovoid prosecution because they have not driven off Regards Alan
  9. Hello Liz, Here is the link to get to our information pages regarding "Boat Listings. http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/250-boat-listings/ Regards Alan
  10. Hello Martin, That certainly makes interesting reading and ought to be read by all the unfortunate souls that have been effected by floods in there area. Maintaining all of the waterways would pay dividends for all people effected and in the long term would save the country and everyone money. When will the authorities see that cost cutting from the sharp end only costs more money? Regards Alan
  11. Hi Roy, Thank you for that. How is the syndicate working out for you? Regards Alan
  12. Hi Grace, I hope you only bought girls from the supermarket? sugar and spice sounds good in baking, not too sure about the alternative Regards Aaln
  13. I see that the Hoseasons sale is on till 4th January. No doubt there will be another extension after this date. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Monica, Our bin was well fed over Christmas, on Christmas day I burnt the bacon on the pigs in blankets, so the bacon went in the bin and new was applied to the pigs. The usual problem not enough oven space even with two ovens and using all four gas rings on the hob. The kitchen needs a refit, so maybe I will look at a bigger hob and a new oven. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Iain, Scoot sounds as if he is a "Rolls Canhardly" model Regards Alan
  16. I thought I had better post this report for Iain's benefit even though he is almost tea total http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/law_from_1800s_used_to_charge_norfolk_grandfather_for_drink_driving_on_mobility_scooter_1_4364513 Regards Alan
  17. We went to Meadow Hall (shopping center) yesterday about lunchtime after a late start in the day. We went there to return a few items that we had been bought for Christmas, Tan and I had both bought each other The Chase board game, also Tan had to return two tops that were far to big for her. I had been shopping in the center just before Christmas but Tan had not been so the decorations were a pleasant surprise for her. We returned our items, had lunch and did a bit more shopping. If we were looking at Christmas goods for next year we could have saved a fortune with the reductions. Must be getting old, the shopping was almost pleasurable What items did you get duplicates of? Regards Alan
  18. Hello Liz, Have a look at this older topic regarding asking for information on boatyards. http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/topic/158-oldest-boatyard-on-broads/ Regards Alan
  19. Hi Eric, Happy New Year to you and your family, don't over do it at your party. Happy New Year to all forum members. We hope to toast in the New Year, hopefully this year without having to toast the new year in with Beecham's. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Paul, Wishing a Happy New Year to you and all of our forum members. Regards Aaln
  21. Hello Peter, That was very informative and a travesty that people should be taken advantage of simply because they can not afford to rent an house or flat. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Grace, Our Stuart went to see it and was very impressed and says Tan & I should go to see it. He said it was almost as good as the first three films! Regards Alan
  23. In 1963 I was 12, we had a paraffin heater in the kitchen, two coal fires and a small paraffin heater in the bathroom to keep the pipes from freezing, even with those we still had frost on the inside of the windows. I used to put my cloths at the bottom of the bed so they were warmer in the morning. Plenty of snow but sadly the school was only up the hill so lessons as usual unless the teachers could not get in. On the main road, on some spare land was a very large wooden plow, horses were brought up to clear the road towards Mosborough and Eckington, as with all plows it created a wall at each side of the road. Plenty of sledging but so cold as I remember it. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Alan, The aerial that Paul (ZimbilV) mentions is available from Brian Ward's, they also stock a suitable mast. Regards Alan
  25. Hi Grace, I know my place, one pace behind at all times The reasons for my kitchen duties are that Tan has been know to burn cornflakes and I rather like cooking & baking. Chill out day today so chips, eggs & beans. Regards Alan
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