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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Alan, We have had our auto extinguisher aboard Ranworth Breeze since season start 2013. I fitted the powder type because the gas option was no longer available in this county, we did have a auto gas extinguisher fitted on the boat but this was removed from the boat by the previous management when the boat stopped going to sea in 2007, maybe to allow the easy fitting of the heating system at about the same time. All the owners thought the auto extinguisher was still there until I asked someone to check the use by date, the extinguisher needless to say was missing. It is better to have to have work done on the engine rather than a burnt out boat. No doubt you will have seen pictures of new boats that have burnt out and sunk during sea trials. One story I saw the new owner was none to pleased that his pride and joy was lost at sea because a auto extinguisher had not been fitted. Iain, A number of years ago during an elf & safety inspection at our local Community Center the inspector wanted to know why there was no sand in the fire bucket back stage. We had to point out that the fire bucket in question (old stock that used to be in the building) was in fact a prop used on a set for our production of Big Bad Mouse. It was even hard to get good staff on the local authorities even back then. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Alan, Just fit a auto extinguisher in your engine bay and forget about it for five years. You do not have to fit a full system, all that is required is the extinguisher, the rest is just window dressing. Regards Alan
  3. It seems to work OK now. now.http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/search-results/?hsid=26943&hsp=0&hso=0#top Regards Alan
  4. Hi Howard, It looks as if you and Mrs Nog have the rivers and moorings to yourselves. Regards Alan
  5. You seem to have a habit of adding a message to very old posts? Regards Alan
  6. Hello Stranger, I can get onto the website http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk But I am getting an invalid start date on any search. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Matt, I have deleted your duplicated post. I can understand that your fellow owners insist on pat testing on equipment that is left aboard, it is a good policy and one that we too have as part of our maintenance, needless to say it is done by myself at the season start. The fact that you are bringing items from home is down to you and your risk. Items that have an inductive load are the ones that I would always check, cord, correct rated fuse for the appliance. To give you an idea people who hire out items such as tools etc should do pat testing when an item is returned off of hire, ready to be a stock item again. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Alan, I have just had a look on Ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Beko-BSG580W-50cm-Single-Cavity-Gas-Cooker-with-4-Burners-LPG-Option-in-White-/141755769112?hash=item21014d6118:g:EpwAAOSwu4BV3A-9 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FLAVEL-FSBG51W-50cm-Gas-Cooker-White-LPG-OPTION-YES-/331713825788?hash=item4d3baf4bfc:g:x50AAOSwZVhWR29g http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brand-New-LPG-LOGIK-LFSTG50W-Gas-Cooker-50cm-LPG-For-boat-or-caravan-/231765334504?hash=item35f64a59e8:g:5L4AAOSwgQ9VwN95 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LPG-Ready-Cookers-by-Manufactuer-55x55x85cm-/141842752239?hash=item21067ca2ef:g:li0AAOSwAYtWG45Q Regards Alan
  9. Hello RevDave, Welcome to the NBN Forum from Tan & mayself. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Alan, I think you will find that any gas cooker at £400.00 is fairly cheap I am sorry to say and you may find that LPG cookers are even worse. Regards Alan
  11. If Tan comes home with a red suit I am in trouble Regards Alan
  12. Hi Poppy, I have had my beard from the early 70's Tan would not be best pleased if I shaved it off. It used to be black but white now and for some reason seems to grow quicker towards Christmas Regards Alan
  13. I guessed it must be St Andrews Day today after seeing the big blue and white cross on Google this morning. At one time all diary's gave such information. Enjoy your celebrations but not too much. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Roy, It would help if you can give the allocation dates for 2016 and 2017 if you have them available. Maybe a little information about the Syndicate. Best of luck with the sale. Regards Alan
  15. Hello Mondoman, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Sorry I do not know about Rio Light 1, but here is a link to the Herbert Woods site giving information on the boat. https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/boating-holidays/our-boats/rio-light.html My guess is that one of our forum members will have more information. Regards Alan
  16. Hi Grendel, I too have a couple of different sizes of those, they are good for getting you have plenty of snow under you but you can not run on them when the snow is light or mushy, sadly they are both the wrong size for my wheels. When you said you had grips I thought you were talking about the rubber grips that are held in place around the wheel with packaging strapping tape. By all accounts they are good lorries off of muddy fields. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Mike, Outer Mongolia, well almost, less than an inch of snow in Sheffield brings the city to a standstill. I have always been in the service industry, you have to go out no matter what the weather is doing, yes over 40 plus years of driving and plenty of it in North East Derbyshire. Many times I have not fitted chains, grips but I have also been stuck in snow deeper than the car wheels, so a knowledge of routes in Derbyshire is almost as important as the tyre's you have on your car. I have always got home, maybe sometimes a little later than I would have liked. People who block roads up because they have not made any preparations, have a spade, warm cloths etc are a bigger danger to everyone and of course these days most people are not aware how to drive on snow. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Iain, It was somewhat windy down here last night and first thing this morning, Tomorrow is supposed to be better, so they say, only time will tell. If its that windy up there you had better stay indoors and keep warm, rather than gadding about. Regards Alan
  19. I managed to fit my Winter Tyre's earlier this morning, just enough time to fit them before the heavens opened up, still raining now some 4 to 5 hours later. In the past I have used chains, grips but for me the tyre's are the best option. Have any have you fitted your snow tyre's yet? Regards Alan
  20. Hi Howard, I don't shop at Tesco and would never shop at Tesco Express, we have one on our main road, never been in, far too expensive and the death of local shops. Regards Alan
  21. Thanks Strowager, I didn't realize the amount of moorings there were, are these still there?it is not apparent from the river. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Alan, Best of luck with the lift tomorrow and your journey to pastures new. Like Grace I am sure that we would all love to see pictures of the departure and relocation to your new home mooring. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Poppy, I would have thought your bread was buttered both sides Regards Alan
  24. Hello Zeta, Welcome to the forum from Tan & myself. Good to hear that you have sold your items. Regards Alan
  25. Hi Iain, Well you know me I mentioned it to Wendy that I would get that sorted as a matter of urgency, People look at the webcams all the time, the one at the Hotel Wroxham was the best one for showing the bridge height board and seeing if there were any mooring spaces outside the hotel, it was then a quick phone call to reserve a lunch or evening mooring spot Its all business, a mooring fee, maybe a fee beers, an evening meal or a good breakfast, I noted these are at £8.50 for none residents which is a £1.50 reduction on what they used to be. The beauty about that camera was that you could be nosy and see all the people sat outside watching the bridge carnage. Regards Alan
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