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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Here is a link to Herbert Wood site giving information on Crusading Light:- https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/boating-holidays/our-boats/crusading-light.html Regards Alan
  2. Hi Jill, Not too far from us, about 40 minutes, I can be in the Peak District National Park in under 20 minutes, from where I live in South Sheffield, it was in North East Derbyshire before Sheffield took over. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Tony, We had some inside the canopy last year, we removed them all but found more again, I saw one that was blown onto the top of the canopy, we were in the marina and the trees are not that near. We also had an issue last year from earwigs dropping from the trees at Loddon staithe, mind you the earwigs were not as bad as when the trees dropped all the sap filled seeds onto the boat. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Jill, Where were you in Derbyshire? Regards Alan
  5. Hi Iain, What about your joist brace, rawl tool and star chisels, these of course will mean nothing to electricians under 50. No electric tools on most sites back in those days and the portable toilets were always rough. We did have some quite large Wolf drills but tended not to use these, wrist breakers if they snatched. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Iain, No wings just £'s, the small plane on the right of the picture is a USA Stanley No 1, it is worth possibly more than all of the other planes in the picture. Being very small many salesmen carried these as a sample of the range, they are a delight to use and very sort after. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Chris, Alan is correct your dad is taking on a lot of work; not only the keel but that damage to the starboard planks going aft and the condition of the bows, this is certainly going to be a labour of love. Please keep us updated to your progress. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Stuart, Here is a picture of some of my planes that I use. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Jon, Its good to see you back on the forum. If the insurance company did not write off this boat could it be revived? Regards Alan
  10. A mate of mine did a open university course but the summer school preparation almost killed him working up the four pints an hour requirement in order to attend. Regards Alan
  11. When I was in my early teen years, I would look at jumble sales and swap shops for old radio's or clocks, my bedroom looked like a tat shop at the time. These days and for many years it has been china and tools. What were your hobbies or collections? Regards Alan
  12. Hi Charlie, Of course it counts, you will always be you. I was and am still great at practical things, I learnt more after leaving school and living in the real world. My writing skills have never improved over the years. Back in the day everyone was learnt to write right-handed, I think I may have been a lefty or ambidextrous. I find that I adapt to working left or right-handed when needed. A friend of mine a Barber, sadly now gone; was left-handed and he learnt to cut hair and shave right-handed because at his training school he was told nobody would trust a left-handed barber. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Iain, I didn't, so it only goes to show whether you pass or fail your 11 plus you might end up as being an electrician and a moderator on the NBN. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Peter, That reminds me of my involvement with a dancing school panto where they had a large pumpkin as a prop, after a few days they had to freeze it each night because it was going off from the heat from all the lights we had rigged. By the end of the week on the last night it reeked. Regards Alan
  15. Hello Iain, I am so sad to hear that you had to cut your holiday short on the Broads, but it was the right decision to make in your circumstances, a couple of extra days on the boat may have taken you weeks or even months to get over. I do hope this is not the end of your boating. Regards Alan
  16. In our case this 6.2% increase would cost less than £22, which is hardly worth debating in boating costs. Regards Alan
  17. Hello Jayne, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. I am so glad to hear that you are fully insured and hopefully you will be back onto the rivers for next season. Regards Alan
  18. Hello Smellyloo, Grace is kind of well heeled, and often puts people in there place! I bet you are or were a domino slammer. Phones should be handed over on entrance into a pub or restaurant and any TV should be turned off other than on an organised sports evening. Maybe then people would talk to each other again. Soaps, a complete wast of time like a lot of television, even the adverts are a waste of time these days, so many adverts for betting, donations for this or that, lending services charging interest rates that are beyond repayment and solid wood furniture that I personally would not give house room. Rant over honest. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Peter, Thank you for posting. I don't mind a refurbished pub, a few on the Broads were dire and a few more still need money spending on them. I agree wholehearted regarding how food is presented, this idea that people want food on a slate, block of wood with items stacked up or in an imitation frying basket is somewhat alien to me. All this poncing about does not improve the quality of the food. If I am served with peas in a pot I always put them straight on my plate, assuming I am lucky enough to have one. Things that should be in a pot or a jug always seem to be always be on your food. Maybe its just me? Regards Alan
  20. We do moor at the yacht station at Beccles but don't at Norwich, its too noisy, we usually turn around and moor at Commissioners Cut, that way you can go over the railway bridge up he lane up to the main road, turn left and there is bus stop within 25 meters, this feel is a better alternative for getting into Norwich. If you just want a mooring then Brammerton Green takes some beating. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Greatplum, In our information pages there are three boat listing links, including Craigs List. If you check out one of the others it includes a route planner. Here is a link to boat listing links on the forum:- http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/250-boat-listings/ Regards Alan
  22. We watch the show, Tan likes it and the female professionals are worth a look, she says that they have partners dancing with them but I am afraid I have not seen many of them My biggest issues with the show is the constant pretense that the show is live on Sunday, when everyone knows it is recorded after the Saturday show is aired. Another is that Tess Daly over the years she has been on the show can not dance and has no rhythm at all. Regards Alan
  23. Hello Greatplum, Welcome back to the Broads and the NBN forum from Tan & myself. A few pictures would pictures would be appreciated. Enjoy your weekend. Regards Alan
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