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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Sorry Strowager, Top Gear was the BBC's Golden Goose and was sold worldwide and still is, you struggle to not find a channel on free-view that is not screening it at sometime during the day. My guess is that heads will have rolled at Aunties house, I doubt however we will hear the full story. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Neil, Make sure you have an hose on Lightning, some of the hoses are removed and some of the toilets locked. Most of the pubs and shops are still open, not sure about the quay rangers but Yarmouth Yacht station closes for winter (not sure when)m Oulton Broad and Beccles Yacht Stations operate shoter hours so I recommend that you phone them if wishing to have shore power. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Geoff, To be honest I liked all three presenters, sadly the BBC killed the golden goose. I am looking forward to seeing the new show when it becomes available. I will give the new top gear a chance, but I loath Chris Evans. Regards Alan
  4. Brooms informed us today that as of the 1st November they will be operating winter times which means they will only be open from Monday until Saturday and closed all day Sunday. Saturday opening times will be from 9am to 1pm This is as far as I know that Broom's have closed on Sunday. They also tend to work not much after 4.00pm during the winter opening period.If in doubt give them a call. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Geoff, I watched some of it on the two days it was on and enjoyed it, as you say the Morgan factory was very interesting even though run on more traditional lines. It was funny that most of the people showing James May around were glad to see him on his way. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Kris. Welcome to the forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Andy, In Norfolk say 4 to 5 people at most, usually a pint of larger and a large glass of red wine in most places is about £9.00 plus. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Mark, Frecheville, so not too far away. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Neil, I agree with everything you say other than the use of WD40 on the electrical system, it is far better to clean down even using clean water on the wiring and then letting it dry out naturally. Any panels or circuit boards or panels dry off as best as you can and then place in bags of dry rice. Regards Alan
  10. Have a look at this website:- http://www.anchor-marine.com/userguide.htm Regards Alan
  11. Hi Stuart, Count us in with regards to the boats inventory. Please update us when you know the details. Regards Alan
  12. It would be interesting to know where this so called support comes from, that is spoken about in the report? It smacks to me of wishful thinking. Regards Alan
  13. We have let down side boarding ladders (lift up and hinged stainless ladders) on Ranworth Breeze, they are great for mooring up and could be used for holding onto the boat if a crew member fell in, with help you could then climb back aboard. Many boats just have foot and hand holds which would be totally useless in a MOB situation, soaked heavy cloths, wet cold, possible mud coated hands. Regard Alan
  14. Hi Iain, As soon as there is any pictures or footage of the new road I would appreciate it if you could let me know. Regards Alan
  15. Someone sent me this clip bridge building in China. That is certainly a bit of kit. https://www.youtube.com/embed/B6X82g2UZOs Regards Alan
  16. Chris based at:- East Coast Motorboat Training is an RYA recognised training centre situated on the beautiful River Waveney at Somerleyton. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Mark, If that applies then the answer is still to get the boat refueled and pumped out on the 23rd or 24th of December and limit the amount of ticks used on the toilet chart A note left on board for the next owner, a promise for cash on the next meeting or at AGM if any money for fuel is owing. It is not always possible to leave the boat as you would like to find it in any syndicate, however if you can do all you can then other owners do understand. I had do similar a couple of years ago when Broom's had run out of fuel, I managed to get some from Sanderson's but not enough to completely fuel it up. Regards Alan
  18. Hello Mandy, Surly it is the responsibility of the owner who is on the boat before you to make sure that the boat is refueled and pumped out, even if that has to be done the day or days before? Note that Broom's fuel station will be on short working hours during the winter months, it is always a good idea to phone them to check what time they are finishing for the afternoon especially on the weekends. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Carol, Thank you for the update. Will all forum member be on the lookout for this dog. It must be a very worrying time for her owners. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Chris, Thanks for that, certainly not to be missed. Tim really does think it is a contact sports and does try to make sure he participates Timothy and Prunella go in search of London's lost canal route from Teddington, through Surrey and Sussex, and all the way to the sea at Littlehampton Please see a link to Channel 4:-http://www.channel4.com/programmes/great-canal-journeys/episode-guide Regards Alan
  21. Hi Paul, Please keep up with your blog, a few pictures would be appreciated if you get time. Here is a link to Richardson's website to the Contessa information. http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/boats/contessa/ Regards Alan
  22. Hi John, I think there are many collectors out there, especially this time of the year or early in the season Regards Alan
  23. Hi Iain & Mark, If you keep on you will be stealing Poppy's thunder. Might have to move this topic into the bad joke section. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Peter, I have to agree that a bargain can be found at a car boot, but planes have become a collection item, sadly the wooden planes do not hold much value which is a pity because of the work that was put into them. Pattern Makers planes can be an exception however, these usually had a cast iron upper assembly with clip on wooden bases that were shaped for individual jobs. Regards Alan
  25. Hi Q, They always go on there side when being used. To be honest the Record plane with the Stay Set blade was a better plane. Their ultimate plane was the Calvert Stevens which was a very heavy plane for a four and a half. Norris planes were used by the trades men of their time, these were a plane for life. I rather like Millers Falls planes & the Lie Nielsen range Regards Alan
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