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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi John, 1971 year of decimalization here are some sample prices:- Chips 3P, fishcake 3P, fish 8P, petrol 29P (per gallon) and beer between 7P & 9P. Regards Alan
  2. Hello Tempest, Welcome to the NBN your friendly forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  3. Hi John, Brooms were £1.03 per litre this morning. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Geoffrey, I would just get them to check the connections and brushes on the bow thruster before taking the boat out of the water, if it proves to be a gearbox issue then the boat can always be lifted. Regards Alan
  5. Yes Tan was sat on the upper deck and very relaxed; she stopped up there until the sun went down. Regards Alan
  6. Hi John, Being as it is a dull start to the day we are going to go over to Wroxham, we have not called in to there this trip and I need a roll of foam and Tan wants to pop into Roys. Regards Alan
  7. Or the one on that vehicle restoration program on free view. Regards Alan
  8. Thursday morning. We had a late start and had breakfast at Bramerton, I helped Tan out with a few of the easy clues in her crossword. We set off back to Brundall to collect my cousin and her husband; they would be spending two nights with us before spending a night in Gorlston. Ann & Alan arrived about 2.00pm so we decided to take them on a trip up to Bramerton, the moorings were fairly full with a group of boat up from Somerleyton, I expected Alan to be amongst there group. We were quite a way from the electric posts but managed to get a connection after a few extensions were used. A slow walk up the lane to the Waters Edge where we all had a wonderful meal; Ann & Alan had the pork chop with dirty mash and honey glazed vegetables, Tan had the chicken breast and me being my adventurist self opted for the sirloin steak, needless to say we had a few drinks and were well looked after by the owner and his staff. Nothing was too much trouble. Back to the boat for a few more drinks and we introduced our guests to Rummikub. We stayed up till after 11.30, dirty little stop ups compared to our earlier evenings. Friday morning. Raining again but only slightly when we set off from Bramerton; our intention was to go to Loddon but after the rain was coming down faster we decided to go to Rockland St Mary, the staithe was empty when we arrived at lunchtime, at least 5 Silverline boats came into the staithe after us, I guess many of them had called into The New Inn for lunch, we plumped for eating a light lunch on board. We left around 3.00pm still raining slightly to get back to Brundall to moor at the Marina. A few games of Rummikub later we went to the marina facilities for a shower. We then went to the yare where we spoke with John the admiral & Jonzo for a short while until our guests arrived at the pub. I tripped over a bar stool and sadly poured a fair amount of lime and soda down the back of the lady sitting on the stool, after repeated apologies I went over to John & Jonzo, John of course mentioned I may be called another name! Good old pub meals which we all enjoyed. Back to the boat more games a drink for me and bed. Saturday morning after breakfast Ann & Alan left the boat just as our new owners arrived for their training on Ranworth Breeze. William & Dianna have loads of experience on the Broads being as they already have shares in another Syndicate. We ran through the ins & outs of where everything is located, what it does, how it worked both inside & on deck even down to the location of the emergency tiller that is stored in the aft cabin wardrobe, it has never been used but at least they now know where it is stored and what this big lump of metal is for. Its use is when the hydraulic steering fails, the mattress has to be removed and wooden deck board to access the top of the rudder control where the tiller would be fitted. Its use would be with lookouts and operation would be like a scene out of “The Cruel Sea”. We decided to go for lunch at the Yare prior to setting out onto the river for mooring practice, we arrived back at the marina around 6.00pm. I went to Budgens for some milk and a couple of other items, the chip shop was open so I purchased a large portion of chips so we could have some chip butties, and needless to say the level crossing was closed. A few beers, games, a video & off to bed. Sunday Ian & Diane arrived shortly after 11.00am to have a look around Ranworth Breeze, we chattered and showed them around the boat and asked if they wished to have a trip on the river, being as it was close to lunch we stopped off at the Waters Edge, the owner moved a boat slightly so we could moor up, it was appreciated by us but the owner of the boat had other idea’s, if he had not left a space it would not have been an issue, On the Bramerton Green if the boats had moored with thought another 3 or 4 boats could have moored up. Back to the Marina where Ian & Diane offered their thanks for afternoon out, we thanked then for lunch and they had a 2 and a half hours drive back home. On leaving the pub we put the canopy fully down and sat on the upper helm seats until the sun retreated behind the trees. I had already carried out a slight canopy re-stitch slightly earlier. Omelette, bacon, sausage (using up our food that was left) for our evening meal whilst Tan was reading. Been up to the marina laundrette, just got back, a cup of tea, apple pie a few games and bed. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Alan, Sorry to hear of your problems. most of the other guys have given you the names of the companies I might have recommended. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Mark, There is plenty of water under the boat now on the Chet since they finished dredging earlier this season. Regards Alan
  11. Hi John, A few of the other owners do work on the boat, one of the owners and his brother have rebuilt our spare bow thruster, I am sure you know the costs of these, they have also machined the prop shaft after it was stainless welded to take out the wear. In the case of the prop it was removed from the boat by Broom's but they could not get the work done before the start of the season. Any work we can do on the boat reduces all of the owners costs. If we do have issues and an owner needs help in the form of services we have a number of service providers we can call upon. I do however quite like working on the boat. Hopefully there is an attached picture of the bathing platform repair, my work on this must have saved us a small fortune. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Jane, A few years ago we went by bus into Norwich so I could have a word with the yacht master at the Yarmouth Yacht Staition, at the time they were operating out a shed rather than the brick building they are now in. The old guy that had seen too many years in the sun, said just come at low water and we would be ok, we came up and worked out that the air daft was at least a foot too low. They are better now but at the end of the day it is down to the skipper to get it right consult the tide tables and do your calculations, if it is marginal that you can not do the journey both ways then potter about on the Northern or Southern Rivers until it safe to go through Yarmouth, Boat with low air drafts should have little problems. Regards Alan
  13. Our allocation on Ranworth Breeze and Wednesday already. Wednesday already, we have been on the Broads since arriving around 6.30 on Sunday evening. We had a good run down, 4 hours including a stop for a coffee and walk around. Sunday evening in the Yare, Tan had been longing for their steak, ale & mushroom pie, fish for me, back to the boat for coffee and homemade cheesecake, early to bed. Monday was a washout so we went to Norwich to pick up a few things from B&Q in order to do some work on the boat. We had to go to Morrisons at Beccles to cash in our £15 of vouchers (these had to be redeemed this week) we also had two standard £5.00 vouchers. Shopping done we decided to go back to Brundall via the Reedham Ferry, needless to say still raining. By the time we arrived at the ferry it was turned 1.00pm so we would call into the pub for lunch. The ferry operator was thinking about closing the ferry down because of the height of the tide, this was giving some issues with some cars bottoming and he thought he would have to put sandbags across the road to protect the pub from flooding. Back on board and a light evening meal, a few games of Rummikub, Tan managed to win a game and was only one behind, watched a DVD and bed. Tuesday morning we went to the showers at the Marina building and then off to Brian Wards for some items. Back for breakfast and outside to start on the jobs I had planed to do on the boat. I started rubbing down the port aft window which had oxidation under the powder coating, the plan was to rub it down and paint it with smooth black Hammerite as a stopgap. Rubbed down and finished with wet & dry and given one coat after masking up. Onto the next job, the teak on the bathing platform, someone had damaged this at the start of the season, but needless to say once damaged someone was bound to catch it again. Phil kindly went down to the boat and made a tracing of the damaged plank and posted this to me, for this I made an oversized machined section to bring down to the boat. Once the damaged was removed, I started making the new section fit, a fair amount of planning was required to get it down to the thickness required and trimming to fit the existing boards. One it was almost down to size thickness wise and now fully shaped to fit, it was fixed into place using marine adhesive, and this was also used for the caulking. Back to work on the window, for another coat. A late lunch and then we set off for Loddon, Tan had the helm for most of the journey including all the way up the Chet. We moored overnight at the staithe and helped a couple of new crews to moor up. At the other side of us was a crew that had hired one of the Brooms Captain 4’s as a taster on the Broads for 4 days. I removed the fender socks that we have over the bathing platform and replaced both socks whist working up an appetite, a glass of wine was in order. We had an evening meal in the Swan, which was good although the portion size could have been an adult’s, although Tan’s was a starter. The San Miguel on draft went down so well, I was obliged to sample another to make sure it was still good. We noticed on the way to the Swan that notices were in the windows of the Kings Arms that they are longer providing food but you are welcomed to bring in your own.Back to the boat and a couple of more games of Rummikub, Tan won them both so is one game in hand, I will have to pull my socks up; pity I am not wearing them, coffee and bed. Wednesday normally I am up around 6.00am but we stayed in bed again till almost 8.00am, breakfast and a couple of crosswords and Tan went shopping whilst I sanded down the section of teak I fitted into the bathing platform. On Tan’s return we put down the canopy and left Loddon in sunshine, it went very dull and we had a vast dark cloud above us all the way to the end of the Chet, we proceeded on our journey to Bramerton , It started bucketing down by the Sugar Factory, so Tan had to helm whilst I put the canopy up around her, from then on we had to helm with the front screen unzipped down. Tan was at the helm shortly afterwards and did not see a couple of fishermen in a boat a mile or so out of Brundall, she was close and apologises for any upset caused, I would note that profanity directed towards a woman is not on in my book no matter the cause, we all make mistakes at times. Just after Brundall the rain stopped for a while and we managed to moor up near to an electric post. Lunch was done in the oven, jacket potatoes, sausages and beans. After lunch Tan washed up and started reading whilst I recovered a couple of side fenders. Currently not raining and a few people are sitting together on the green. More later, connections permitting. Regards Alan
  14. We had cause to go over the river on the Reedham Ferry on Monday lunch time, the operator was saying if the tide got any higher he was going to close it down and put sandbags across the road to help the pub from flooding. He was still ferrying cars across all the time we were having a meal in there. Regards Alan
  15. The Merlin engine was indeed a 12 cylinder engine, if memory serves me correctly it was about 9 foot long. Many years ago I called into a stainless steel company in Bakewell Derbyshire (sadly no longer there) they had a Merlin engine in their reception because they made the manifolds/exhaust s as part of their war work. Regards Alan
  16. Hi John, We don't have a microwave on board, but like yourselves we take the odd cold stuff with us to use up rather than leave it at home, it is a case of bringing the cheese with us or putting it in the freezer. It was our turn for the annual soiree (barbecue) these days because of the weather (not so warm yesterday evening) we tend to have anything other than burgers & sausages, so we have meat, salmon, cheese tartlets and scones to bring with us. I hope you left room for your beers and wine. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Monica, Lots of yachts on Oulton Broad today, I have been watching from the webcam and spotted Ranworth Breeze moored at the Yacht Station. My fellow owner has had a few bad days this week and it is not looking too good for the weekend and Bank Holiday Monday. Regards Alan
  18. Our last week of school holiday share allocations finish on the 1st September, we are hoping that our fellow owner is leaving the boat on Sunday 30th rather than traveling on Bank Holiday Monday. So Jane you may find it a bit quieter, well we can hope it is. Regards Alan
  19. I will amend the forums listing of pubs/hotels/inns. Many thanks Alan
  20. Hello Villan, Looking forward to day 2. People can be very helpful on the Broads, make use of their offers to help. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Monica, I was awoken before 5.00 o'clock this morning with torrential rain, that did not stop until around 7.30 am. We have had rain on and off for the last couple of weeks up here, good for the garden but nothing else, I was hoping that my fellow owners on the boat would be having better weather on the Broads. I really feel for anyone who has hired this summer ( I know what summer), is August this year the wettest on record? Regards Alan
  22. Hi Gtiff, The pump saga sounds like the standard replacement issues we all tend to have these days, even if the parts required are by the same company, is supposed the correct type, it is odds on that they will have changed something. We all have to play the adaption game and get our hands dirty. Regards Alan
  23. I asked nicely, this topic is now locked. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Ian, We have a few members that have not posted much on the forum, but they have viewed the forum on a regular basis. Before I got involved on the forum I tended to view most of the Broads forums to get news of any stoppages, moorings that were closed, pubs that were open & closed and the tides prior to our allocation dates. People get different things from forums and there is nothing wrong with that. Debate is good, but it needs to be in a friendly manner. Regards Alan
  25. Hello Andy, I think that is the correct stance to take and you should be applauded for your comments. Regards Alan
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