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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Dave, It is certainly quicker to walk to the Beauchamp Arms than to cruise there. Regards Alan
  2. One would hope that the recent repairs to staging at this 24 hour mooring earlier this year and the installation of the extra electric post last season have not been done in vain by the Broads Authority. This is a very popular mooring location on the Southern Broads not only for the moored boats but also families picknicks and people out for walks here. Always plenty to see here. Regards Alan
  3. Hello Laura, Welcome to the forum, I wish you and George every success with your venture. Regards Alan
  4. Hi John, At 2.5 metres (approx. 8ft 3in) you are not going to get through Wroxham Bridge or Ludham bridge. Regards Alan
  5. RIP Cilla Cilla's first single was "Love of the Loved " in1963 but would be remembered for her second single which went to number 1 "Anyone Who Had A Heart" .
  6. Hi Ian, For me its all, I never liked them as a child, I could never stand the taste, my grandmother did not know what to do with me. I could tell if she had used a knife on a onion, washed the knife and then used it to prepare my food. Tan many years ago whilst at work, before we were married had been offered and accepted a cheese and onion crisp from a friend at work, I picked her up several hours and could smell the onion on her breath. I can cook with them for other people, but I have to stay well clear of them, Tan has found out in recent years that they can effect her diet, so for flavouring for her I use spring onions. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Iain, I do not have an idea where a pickup point could be made, but in my humble opinion it needs to be before you get to Barnes Brinkcraft. Alternatively opposite Barns where you used to be able to take on water would have been an ideal location, five or six boats could be waiting for the pilot at that location, it would have kept the bridge free of any boats. Wroxham has always been an issue for mooring, well at least for the private boat crews, hire craft have more chance of finding mooring in the boat yards other than on turn around days. Maybe a new marina just outside of Wroxham that as part of its development has to provide visitor moorings and a pilots station? Regards Alan
  8. Hi Ian, I like the first bit, I always use larger in my batter mix. But don't darken my door with onions, I am also allergic to garlic, it brings me out in little white spots. I have to be careful with packaging because they seem to put garlic in everything these days, the only baked beans that do not have any in are Heinz. Pizza's can be a problem but Morrison's do a basic cheese & tomato for 60p that I use as a base for other ingredients/toppings. Regards Alan
  9. I like the event of a barbeque, the gathering of family and friends, but for me I prefer to cook most of the food in the oven and then just waft it over the barbi. I have been to far two many barbeques where I have had to ask for my sausages and burger to be left at the back of the grill until the Fire Engine arrives Regards Alan
  10. http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/boats/major-gem/ Regards Alan
  11. "What Yarmouth needs are floating pontoon moorings." I totally agree and have been saying so for a few years now. If the Marina Keys site was converted into an off river marina then then as already stated would be a resource worth having and would be used. I certainly would not stop at the Yarmouth Yacht Station as it is now. Regards Alan
  12. We kept looking outside last night to see the Blue Moon but we could not see the moon because of heavy cloud cover. Maybe more chance tonight but looking outside now I doubt it. If we manage to see it tonight and start twitching and running amok, Jane may be well be right. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Mike, Here is a link:- http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/boats/crystal-horizon/ Regards Alan
  14. Hello Q, Please report back to us how the event turns out, pictures would be appreciated. Any help with boats passing through/around your event would be appreciated by all river users. Have a great weekend. Regards Alan
  15. The current is very strong near to the St Olaves Bridge which can sometimes make mooring at the Bell Inn a bit of a trial, likewise it can be trouble getting off of these moorings. Regards Alan
  16. Guys, If you want to talk politics go to an appropriate forum or just send PM's between yourselves. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Matt, It is now working, but previously the website said that it was not there or deleted. Regards Alan
  18. Sorry Matt your is not working. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Dave, I remember the time at Ludham Bridge, we kept meeting up with a chap on a Freeman who could not get back to his mooring above the bridge, over three or four days he kept going back at low water to try and get under the bridge. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Clive, Thank you for the picture. I guess it will have been down to a broken throttle or steering cable. I saw one similar on my first time on the Broads and wondered how they got so far up onto the bank Regards Alan
  21. Hi Dan, The Broads would be a very lean place to live without the tourist revenue, be they on land or on boats. Without the boat hire companies it would be doutfull that other boat users would be able to afford their passion, service companies would struggle or may go out of business. I wonder how many jobs are involved in the Broads boat hire companies and the companies that service them? Would Pubs and shops remain open? more than likely the river based ones would close. Regards Alan
  22. We have all seen or have heard of a number of boats that are on the Broads that have not paid any river toll, in these cases more than likely they will also have no insurance. If they do have insurance does anyone know if the insurance is invalidated because they do not have a river toll? We all complain about paying out to keep our boats on the Broads, sadly there are people among us that have no intention of paying their way. Regards Alan
  23. The only issues we have had is the current that you hit after crossing Breydon just before you turn passed the yellow post. At times you can see the whirlpool effect on the surface of the water. I know of a few private boats that have had engine problems and soon found themselves at the wrong side of the posts, some were lucky, some not. We quite like crossing Breydon when there is a bit of a swell. Regards Alan
  24. A lobster on a plate in the UK costs a small fortune, for me you can keep it I would rather have cod loin preferably served with real homemade chips. Regards Alan
  25. Hi Alan, I would say that Silverline will not be too pleased with crew, they run a very good operation and take pride in the services they operate. No doubt words will be exchanged assuming that crew are still on the boat. Regards Alan
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