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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Glenn, I have just checked our list of marine surveyors and a good proportion of them offer ultrasonic hull testing. Have a look at the list on the following link:- http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/196-marine-surveyors/ I would also checkout forums that deal with hull maintenance on Narrow Boats and barges for tips on preparation (such as shot blasting and special coatings) prior to painting on steel hulled boats. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Neil, "Syndicate ownership works for us, and in these times of austerity, it could work for a lot of others too." It certainly works for us and has done so since 2001. Unless you have very deep pockets, loads of time off or retired with a exceedingly good pension then boat share/syndicate ownership IMHO is the way forward. What surprises me is that none of the larger hire companies have gone down this route in some way or other. In the right hands there are profits to made in the build and sale of the boat, management of the boat, maintenance and cleaning contracts. I know if I was younger, lived in Norfolk, I would be making a fortune doing a job that I could enjoy. There is nothing better than messing about in boats. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Warp, Yes edited to include the details in the repeated/bumped message. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Mark, You can buy fender clips that fit onto pulpit rails if you have them or if using eyes:- Brian Ward's (remember the NBN forums 10% discount) http://www.brianwards.co.uk/chandlery/fenders/fastfender-25-white-1pr.html http://www.brianwards.co.uk/chandlery/ropes-and-rigging/snap-hook-pk2.html Of course you can do what most people do and use a clove hitch. http://www.animatedknots.com/cloveend/ The beauty of the clove hitch is that it is easy to adjust it for the rise & fall of the fenders. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Jean, If you look in our information pages you will see three links (including the one you use) here is a quick link to that section:- http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/250-boat-listings/
  6. Hi Jean, I don't have a problem regarding which side of the road I should be on. The main problem I have always had since our first boating holiday in 1974 is coping with the increase in speed on the journey home and the slight motion sickness problems that most of us get for having time on the water. The feeling that you are still rocking with the boat only lasts a couple of days and is a reminder that you actually did spend some time on the water. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Peter, We tend to always have the canopy down when ever we are on the move, one on the first things I do on arriving at the boat is taking off the canvas cover that goes over the windscreen (I stow this until we leave the boat). We see loads of boats on the river with their canopies up and screens covers on, it must be so dark inside these boats. We have not had to offer assistance to any other boats other than allowing boats to moor to us. We would however help any boat that was in trouble, the same can be said of most Broad users. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Neil, I often wonder where they manage to store all of those day boats during the week. Please carry on with your holiday report. Have you any pictures you can post? Regards Alan
  9. Hi Peter, Duly signed. Regards Alan
  10. Pictures of the lightning over the Broads last night. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/weather/amazing_flashes_of_lightning_in_norfolk_overnight_1_4156772 Regards Alan
  11. Guy Martin is taking part in the Dirt Quake VI event in Kings Lynn today, for more information please see the following link:- http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/guy_martin_at_bike_event_in_king_s_lynn_today_1_4158154 Regards Alan
  12. Hi Paul, I have sent you a PM. Regards Alan
  13. I have just been watching the Barnes Brinkcraft webcam and seen a chap standing on the top of boat whilst it is motion. I often see people in working boats (small craft) again steering standing up. I find this all very odd and unsafe, maybe its just me! Regards Alan
  14. Cutting those bends results in problems, after saying that if encountering a boat coming towards you on your side the river where do you go? As you say a lapse of concentration can result in a number of problems. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Alan, I guess it was an early start to get through Yarmouth? I see you are flying the NBN burgee. I hope we will be getting a full report of your travels Up North Regards Alan
  16. Hello Ray, After speaking to Grace I have moved this post into Broads related chat so everyone including new and older forum members have access to it. Regards Alan
  17. Hello Grace, Well done your post will inspire hirers and owners alike. :bow Please feel free to pen some more thoughts during you lunchtimes. Regards Alan
  18. We always regarded the Breweries as being the worst for female personnel, especially the bottling plants Regards Alan
  19. I can just picture Grace, steam billowing from her ears! So near but so far away from the answer. Well done John (MM) I was wondering if it might be a Wren. Looking forward to the pictures Trevor. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Iain, You may find that there could be an obstruction under the key or the key is seized in each case yu would have to lift the key in order to check it out. This can be problematic on laptops however but I would give it a go if I were you. The only other option would be to source a replacement. More than likely it will be a genetic part that is fitted to several makes of laptops. Best of luck. Regards Alan
  21. I think Yarmouth needs a bigger plan than just refurbishing a Victorian greenhouse. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Iain, I am sure you could use the capstan handle for lifting our mud weight, however the kneeling down might be the death of you. Tricians and knees most of us suffered, I can kneel down, its just the getting back up that the problem. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Colin, Alas it was the same on the canals when we were on one of them last year, at one time it used to be your average MPH was governed by the number of locks, moveable bridges and tunnels, these days it is down to the amount of long term mooring that is allowed on the tow path by the River Trust, in some cases it is impossible to moor in some of the villages. Regards Alan
  24. My impression is that the post is aimed at people speeding who ever they might be and craft they are on. I wish that boats would adopt the practice used on the canals of slowing down going past moored boats. On the Broads slow down for fishermen (or Grace) and people in canoes or kayaks, we are all river users after all. Regards Alan
  25. Hi Janetanne, Hence the reason we do not use our spare mud weight much being as it attached by a rope, the real one is attached by a chain on the winch. Note to self and committee, we should get one of those electric ones, but there again we need the exercise. Regards Alan
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