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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello Mark & Sue, Congratulations is that your first or second anniversary? Regards Alan
  2. Hello HemsbyPie, Welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan & Tan
  3. Hi Mark, I hope you are wrong and it ends up scorchio Regards Alan
  4. Tan has got braver with regards to yachts, but at some time she will hand the helm over to me (sometimes the only way I can sit in the seat). I have not had many problems with yachts, the larger ones do give signals where they would like you to go, it is nice to have a wave, but there are times when the crew are up to their necks doing things with ropes and the sails so it is not always practical. We have only had one encounter with a yacht where the conditions were such that it should have not been racing, this was just below Acle, I was forced to go full throttle across the river because the yacht coming towards me was not in control with almost the top of the mast just inches from the water, a safety boats was on the radio asking for more safety boats. The look on the crews faces was just pure panic. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Eric, Both at home and at work I get all the nuisance calls. I slipped up last week I had yet another of the calls regarding deafness in industry, both Tan & I had made up our minds when getting the next one of these calls was to ask them if they could speak up Regards Alan
  6. As far as I am aware this has always been the case, but I am still fairly new at this with only a few years under my belt. I noticed that a forum member was looking at various topics yesterday who had not posted at since his membership in 2008. Every day we have to check out if any members validating membership, guests are allowed very basic rights to view certain forums, once we have validated their membership they can post in the general pubic forums. Yesterday alone I deleted over 30 potential members that were spammers that were caught be our spammer catching software and mod intervention. Regards Alan
  7. How many of you watched Topgear last night? I did and thoroughly enjoyed it. Regards Alan
  8. Some people just like to view what is happening on the Broads, before I became more involved in this forum I used to go on all three major forums before I visited the Broads to check, what pubs were open or closed, any closures or restrictions or Broads Authority news etc. Any forum is only as good as the advice it gives in its information pages, friendy debate, shared advice from its members. Regards Alan
  9. I have been known to wield a luthiers plane but I leave the playing to my mate Chris (my best man incidently back in the day)he has been playing the guitar since his early teens. He is still in a band and he plays every now and again in and around South Yorkshire. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Neil, We have had the last week in the boats official season into the first and into the second week of December on a number of occasions, as already stated this is a magic time on the Broads. The picture used for my avatar was taken on the 25th November at Ranworth Staithe, we were the only boat moored there. Please see the picture below. You will need to make sure you have topped up your supply of the B.A. electric cards, have backup comfort food, soups, potatoes for putting in the oven together with sausages, bacon etc. Plenty of warm clothing, the old water bottles and fleeces. Some of the public toilets do close in October, some pubs do operate on shorter hours, likewise Broom's also work shorter hours over the weekend, if you have to refuel or pump out, it is wise to phone them to find out if they are closing early, usually they finish by 4.00pm on Sunday afternoons out of season (I have known them close earlier). We once were sat in brilliant sunshine on the back of the boat at the Bridge at Acle in early December. We saw black swans at Salhouse Broad out of season and the rivers can be full of birds that have flown in for the winter. Have a great time and let us know how your out of season week works out. Regards Alan
  11. Hello Lesley, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Sadly you will encounter a number of rubbish bins that you used to use are now missing both on the Northern & Southern Broads. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Iain, I always thought it was the Magpie Café that everyone queued up its steps to get into the Whitby fish & chip restaurant. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Iain, I guess we could make a visit to Whitby's Fish & Chip Resturant which is only a couple of miles from us. Regards Alan
  14. Jep, I like chips, real chips especially when done in the frier, hand cut chips, not the frozen rubbish mostly served by the local pubs and most of the eateries on the Broads. To cut down on our fat intake we have one of the hot air friers, uses less than a teaspoon of olive oil, the down side it takes 30 minutes or longer if they are thick cut chips, they taste a lot better than oven chips. We went for a meal a few weeks ago, there was about 10 chips with a peice of fish on the top & garden peas (what that all about it should be real mushy peas & not the mushed up garden peas that are starting to grace the menus these days), it costs nothing for catering chips, too much about the look of a dish rather than the quantity or quality. Needless to say that pub is off of our current list. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Grace, A jacket potato is ok with butter; but it's much better topped off with a mixture of grated cheeses. Have you tried roasted new potatoes served with a small amount of butter? Regards Alan
  16. Hi Iain, It depends on the patina Regards Alan
  17. I have just been watching Salvage Hunters on Quest, Drew visited Norfolk and had a look around Martham Boats, Gordon took them under Potter Heigham Bridge with very little clearance on one of their boats. The programme continued by visiting the Hippodrome Circus in Great Yarmouth. I do like this programme but wonder at some of the purchases, Drew however seem to get the items sold fairly easy once they are listed on the internet. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Dave, At the start of Fred Astaire's career it was stated:- can't sing, can't act, can dance a little. Ginger Rodgers did everything Fred did but backwards in high heels (just to keep Grace happy and interested in the topic). Regards Alan
  19. There are only electric points at Beccles Yacht Station on the office/information side, these are in the form of short street lighting bases that are coloured black, I think there are three in total, each one has a channel to put the cables through so there are no cables on the path to trip over. Regards Alan
  20. I spent all day laying pathing yesterday after building a retension wall from 18 x 9 x 9 blocks (well they should have been but were metric equivalents 44 x 21 x 21cm) on Saturday. I had my Bestman Chris & Mike mixing for me on Saturday but yesterday it was just down to Chris and me, Chris had forgotten that it was Fathersday so one of his daughters called at our house we a few edible gifts and cards. Mike left a card for me when he left for work and Stuart and Joanne called in around 4.00pm with a card and gifts from them & Mike. Tea was down to me as usual no repreive for Fathers Day. I hope all you other Fathers had a great day. Regards Alan
  21. So Peter how many shopping days to Christmas? Regards Alan
  22. I know that they do over winter mooring for a number of boats, surely this must be at a reduced rate? Regards Alan
  23. Hi Alan, In a real emergency situation you contact the emergency services by any means possible and if mobile phones are n a poor reception area then your radio is the way to go. For none emergencies then see our listing for walking centres and medical centres, Tan had cause to go to the medical centre at Wroxham, they were very good and fitted us in with their appointments, all they required were details of our doctors and medical certificate if you had one with you. Regards Alan
  24. Anyone would thing Grace's jokes are bad. I have heard a rumour that the NHS are thinking of using some of her jokes instead of anaesthetic, the costs should be cheaper but they are concerned that there could be after effects Regards Alan
  25. I like the idea, ours has been flying on the bow rail of Ranworth Breeze since they were available last year. We may all have to buy a second burgee just to take part Regards Alan
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