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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Iain, Because I have an interest in music, of course we had an 8 track player (not in the car), although a number of friends did have them. Did you take them apart when they fouled up with a loop of tape hanging out of the end of the cartridge? I seem to remember seeing that turntables were also fitted into American cars in the 50's so you could play 7 inch records. These were called Highway Hi-Fi's which were ordered as part of the cars production if required. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_Hi-Fi That would not have been of much use on our roads and our cars suspension at the time. it would have been much the case of "Sorry squire scratched the record, scratched the record, scratched the record!" Regards Alan
  2. Hi Mark, I was unwell at the time so I had spent the night laid on the settee downstairs with the curtains in the bay window open. When it was first coming light about 4.00am I looked up out of the window and saw something in the distance about the houses across the street it was fairly large and cigar shaped it was almost standing still, and was still for a few seconds and then it shot off and disappeared. From our estate we can see over the houses and into the valley beyond, on a good clear day we can see for miles. Was it an UFO, who knows, I have never seen anything since, but I feel that it is unlikely we are alone in this universe. For all our thoughts that of being intelligent we still have not scratched the surface of knowing our planet and the secrets of the oceans let alone what is happening in the universe. Regards Alan
  3. "Just as an add on, back in the fifties & sixties we always slowed down when passing moored boats and anglers, always gave way to working craft, always moved up at moorings to make space for others, always made others welcome alongside, always considered others, just common courtesies really. It fair gripes me today when people refuse to help others at moorings. Saw a boat the other day, at a 24hr mooring, with a large notice saying 'No alongside mooring'. Grrrrr, not nice, not the Broads way." Hi Peter, What you describe is the way it is done by the majority of canal boat users, you will find that people who have drifted from the canals to the Broads will still slow down when passing moored boats and will talk to fishermen after slowing down approaching them or may ask if they want a quick blast of the throttle after passing them. As you say helping people is the Broads way, every time you visit the Broads be it at the weekend or for a weeks holiday, you are there to relax and enjoy yourself, chat to other boat users, people walking their dogs or just hiking, if people do not want to join in why do they bother to visit the Broads. Regards Alan
  4. Hello dnks34, You know what you saw, my guess is little green men or women, maybe they are after Grace's hoard of shoes or have heard of Alan's extensive refit? Joking aside I saw something almost 50 years ago very early in the morning that I could not logically explain. Regards Alan
  5. Hello Bryan, I really enjoyed your video and stills. There is nothing better than being near or on the water and messing about with boats. Regards Alan
  6. You are correct Gary Gilmore was executed in 1977 and the song was released about 8 months after by the Adverts. Here is a link to the song for those of us who can not remember the punk era :- Sadly some of us can even remember that Cliff Richard had some of his earlier records on 78's. Many say however he must have been recording on wax cylinders Regards Alan
  7. Hello Charles, I am sure the forum members would love to see a full sized picture of your boat that is featured in your profile picture. Regards Alan
  8. Hello Jamstar159, Welcome to the NBN formum. Regards Alan & Tan
  9. Hi Neil, That old rusted bridge is about 3 inches lower than the road bridge dependant on which Bridge Height tables you look at. The one I use is 7 foot on the road bridge and 6 foot 9 inches on Vauxhall Bridge at high water. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Iain, I don't know about taxable, but it is certainly taxing especially when the bottles of your brew start exploding. Most of the wine we made tasted like sherry, I prefered the beer, which was like rocket fuel, small mouthfulls only. Hic. Regards Alan
  11. Hi John, Elderflowers are similar to broccoli the fower head is made up of several florets. Going way, way back in my wine making days I did some sparkling wine, that required a bigger trap that went into the demijohn whilst fermenting. You also had to use plastic caps for your bottles that had draw strings on them to release the built up pressure in the bottles. If memory serves me correctly after the wine had fermented fully new finings were added to the wine and left for a couple of days and the wine was syphoned off into the bottles where additional sugar was added to finish the brewing. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Monica, Matt has shown the screen is just protection from wind when using the upper deck. For more pictures on Thunder (Lightning is a similar boat) please see the following link to BCBM: http://www.bcbm.co.uk/boatsaledetails?domain=B&boat=192 Also a link to the virtual tour:- http://www.mi360.net/Boats/BCBM_Thunder_v95/_auto/flash/mi360_BCBM_Thunder_v95.html Regards Alan
  13. Hi Peter, I thought that might have been a shot of your moorings? Regards Alan
  14. Hello Robert, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. There is lots to do and see, I would add Womak Staithe to your list of overnight mooring it is one of my favourite locations on the Northern Broads, a short walk up the lane takes you to Ludham and a few shops and the Kings Arms. If you go as far as Acle you may be better going down to Stokesby, a great little shop for provisions and cakes that you could die for, eat in or take back to the boat, you can moor at the green or outside of the Ferry Inn which does reasonable meals. As everyone says take it easy and go with the flow. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Alex, Deleted the double post for you. Regards Alan
  16. A friend of mine sent me this youtube link showing a Walmart concept truck, could this be seen in an Asda near you in the future. https://www.youtube.com/embed/NER9X4_gtYk?feature=player_detailpage Regards Alan
  17. Hello Bryan, Thank you for your daily log and pictures, I am looking forward to your video. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Iain, I am glad to hear that Eric is back at the seafront, it is a pity you could not stop there and have a look at the inscriptions that are on the floor and steps radiating from the statue. If you do call in at the Midland with scoot it is a pleasant walk/ride on good paths up to the statue. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-30432651 Regards Alan
  19. Hello Terry & Denise welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Silverline are a great boatyard and not long to wait now. http://www.silverlinemarine.co.uk/hirefleet/Harmony.htm Regards Alan
  20. Hi Ian, Tan prefers her salmon cooked in tinfoil with a bit of seasoning and lime juice, new potatoes and green beans. Regards Alan
  21. We usually buy one of the 5 litre bottles of water for drinking and brushing teeth, we then refill this from the taps on the Broads (direct from the tap not through the hose). We have done this since a few years ago when someone was over zealous with some tank cleaning solution, the taste of boiled Milton's in ones tea is not pleasant. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Iain, Glad to hear you are settled in and the weather is better than in Sheffield, we have had rain since early evening yesterday in some shape or other. If the Clarkes shoe shop is still there on the front they do have offers on from time to time. Can you let us know if the Eric Morecambe statue has been returned since it was damaged last year? Regards Alan
  23. We stayed at the Midland Hotel in 2011 for a couple of days for my 60th Birthday. It is well worth a visit for that special occasion. Here are a few pictures, note the curved corridors. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Andy, "As David Cameron once said (though I find it hard to believe him ) we are all in this together" I believe he was talking about members of parliament and their boys club, MP's have no concept of what happens in the real world. Regards Alan
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