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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Cool it guys. The NBN is a friendly place, please lets keep it that way. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Howard, Thank you for the heads up. Regards Alan
  3. I was looking at the Peregrine webcam this morning and I saw a fluffy beak. I looked down at the events listing and I was saddened to see that one of the chicks had died earlier in the month. The link however does show that the three remaining chicks are doing well. http://upp.hawkandowl.org/youngest-of-norwich-peregrine-chicks-dies/ Regards Alan
  4. Hi Neil, It sounds good, but for me I would have to loose the chives (Tan would be ok with them or substituted spring onions) to give the topping some extra bite I would include some blue cheese, blue Shropshire or Stilton. I totally agree that a mixture of cheeses gives any recipe added flavour. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Andy, A part timer or what Regards Alan
  6. Hi Mark, My take on what I have seen on the Broads Authority website and the notifications that have been sent to us is that the problem is the metal sockets that are fixed into the lock floor and the metal pegs fitted onto the bottom of the gate. I am not sure if more than one gate is effected, but more than likely they will be all effected at least on that set of gates that will not seal. Being as they are now working on the problem we might see some more activity. Regards Alan
  7. I have just been on the Oulton Broad webcam and there is workmen actually working on the lock, they are operating some welding equipement, plenty of hardhats and barriers On the grass cordoned off is one of the lock gates. Maybe soon the locks will be in use Regards Alan
  8. Hi Graham, I assume that hireboats like most other boats are not insured to tow other boats (note to self look at the policy) however we all see the Richardsons boats been taken from Acle back up to Stalham in tandum by the Richardsons staff so maybe they have insurance. I have not seen them flying any Trade Plates however Regards Alan
  9. For a clever man it is a pity he could not afford an hair cut. “Stupid is as stupid does.” – Forrest Gump, is my prefered quote. Regards Alan
  10. I will always offer help and will take a rope, but I leave it to the boats crew to tie it off. Personally I think B.A. Rangers should enquire that everything is alright with boats stuck in reeds or outwardly showing signs of needing help. The last thing we need on the Broads is the rangers to be aloof they are just messing about in boats like the rest of us, the Broads is a friendly place lets keep it that way. Regards Alan
  11. Hi Ray welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Guy's if you want to send messages via me you can do. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Geoff, I am surprised that Robin does not already have a reduced or subsidized hire rate. I know that Robin leaves a trail of defunct batteries in his wake, but come on you big three! Robin must have earn you a small fortune over these last few years with his promotion of the Norfolk Broads. Regards Alan
  14. After seeing Robins full video of his adventures on Day 9; I agree Robin did the best he could do in the situation, he remained safe and protected the boat, the boatyard are extremely lucky that Robin was onboard their craft and not someone new to the Broads. To be honest I think they owe him a debt of gratitude. This event has taught us all a lesson to make sure we all know where our battery isolators and fuel cut off valves and the main isolation valve for the gas (if onboard) are. In our case the fuel cut off valves and battery isolators are in a cupboard under the main control panel and of course the gas bottle valve is in the aft vented gas locker. It is inconvenient to turn off the gas at the locker, but if this is turned off before going onto the river and at night it is a good step towards safety. It is true we all would like to think that we would have acted with of the confidence that Robin appeared to show, he did not falter even though you could see he was very worried. I bet he thought he would never reach the island. Regards Alan
  15. Hi David, When are you down in September? I have looked at the calendar for September and can not see you listed. Sue from Moonlight Shadow is on the water from the begining of September as are Tan & myself. I will have to check the tides to see if we can under & back through Yarmouth for that week. Regards Alan
  16. As you pass through Horning towards Salhouse Broad and have passed all of the properties on the starboard side there is a small gate/entrance into the Broad. It is only opened during the main season and as Neil say you can not moor or land at the Broad. Regards Alan
  17. For those not in the know Blackhorse Broad & Hoveton Little Broad are the two names used for this private Broad. The first time I came across this Broad was in 2001 on the second week Ranworth Breeze was on the Rivers. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Robin, I agree with you, I would not turn the engine off until I was safely ashore the only other time I would cut the engine would be if anyone was in the water near to the back of the boat. Sadly electronic items do go wrong and with MOSFET devices these do bang likewise motor start capicitors etc. I do not have any experience of these units but I have worked on Victron UPS's up to 8KW for larger office backup systems. When any devices of this type do go bang it is accompanied by the tell tale smoke and acrid smell. Like the other forum members I thought you did a good job keeping your cool whilst under observation of your camera's. I am looking forward to your full report in due course. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Robin, It is good to make boat skippers well aware of where the battery isolators are fitted and also the fuel cut off valves. I was surprised however that on seeing the smoke comming through the floor that you didn't make immediately for the river bank, in case you had to leave the boat, once with a line ashore you could have stopped the engine, turned off the fuel shut off valves and battery isolators. The last thing I would have done would be to open the engine hatch (unless the cut off and isolators were in there) for the fear of adding air to a potential hotspot. If the boat had an auto engine bay fire extiguisher that may have been another matter. Regards Alan
  20. Hi David, As you say the outside moorings on the pontoon do give a good view of the powerboat racing, we have also had one of these moorings but we prefer the inside pontoon moorings in order to get a better nights sleep. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Alex, I have edited your post for you. Regards Alan
  22. Sadly this is the case. http://www.itv.com/news/anglia/story/2015-05-10/woman-dies-after-falling-from-boat-on-the-broads/
  23. Hi Geoff, I ordered this morning the full series of Narrow Boat, Narrow Boat Afloat and Guy Martin's the boat that Guy built, delivered for £17.51. I only caught a few of the Guy Martin programme and I have not seen at all the Narrow Boat Afloat. Regards Alan
  24. I have been watching a rerun of a programme (currently on Quest) called Narrow Boat which features the conversion of the Narrow Boat "Dover". The programme is introduced by Alan Herd. Although an old programme dates from around 2005/2006, most of the techniques used were cutting edge at the time and many are still featured today. For information on this programme see this link:- http://www.radiotimes.com/programme/fjv8/narrow-boat/episodeguide/series-1 Regards Alan
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