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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello Juli, Welcome to the NBN Forum from Tan & myself. May we have some details about yourself and your boat, we tend to like pictures on this forum. Please have a look at our information pages, to do this click on the Forums tab and curser down until you find something of interest. If you require any help or advice please let us know. Regards Alan
  2. ranworthbreeze


    Inhave just spoken to one of my fellow owners on Ranworth Breeze, they have left the boat in the marina and havegone to Norwich for the day, hoping for better weather tomorrow (well less wind anyway). Regards Alan
  3. Hi Alan, I am sure we can supply you with a Morse control, I will check it out and send you a PM. Regards Alan
  4. Hi David, Eager to read day 3, don't forget the pictures. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Smellyloo, These days the amount of boats you encounter at every village or junction is out of hand, the River Trust (ex BWB) seens to rent out large areas of long term mooring on the tow path side of the canals; the results are that if you can find a mooring it is more than likely outside of the village you want to stop for the night. It can be very time consuming traveling past all these moored boats, more times that not there may even be private mooring on the oposite canal bank. Speeds tend to be very low due to the boat being on almost tick over. Most people struggle to achieve the four lock/miles per hour we have been down to less than two miles per hour especially if also encountering a tunnel. We still like the canals but are not going this year, but hopefully next year. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Monica, More than likely do a search on BBC4 for The Canal Trip Regards Alan
  7. vanillaice99 is looking for a twin Morse control. Can anyone help? Regards Alan I have listed this as a new wanted item for you.
  8. Hello Vanillaice99, to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  9. Sorry guys, I did not see the program listed until I had left the forum last night, I ended up recording the program on the 1.00am slot. I have yet to watch it. Regards Alan
  10. Personally I like full rails around a boat for the safety aspect, and drop down boarding ladders make it practical. Regards Alan
  11. Have any of you seen the the floatila of Bavarian yachts over the bank holiday? Please see the following link:- http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/mobile/news/flotilla_of_yachts_to_fill_norfolk_s_famous_broads_1_4057916 Regards Alan
  12. Hi David, More pictures and instalments please. When you met up with Rich and Lisa, were they still smiling, Rich was like a kid with a new toy when I left them a little over a fortnight ago. Regards Alan
  13. I have been on moorings where people have said they are leaving early to catch a tide. They get ready start the engine and slip away with hardly any disruption. It is the boats having to start the engine to cook or have a shower that is the problem these days. I guess we have all been moored with a boat that has run its engine for an hour or more. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Alan, What about Jeckells at Oulton Broard? or Brian Ward's or one of the other chandlers. Regards Alan
  15. Hi John, As a veteran of the waterways you should be well aware that it is step from the boat, not leap or jump. Especially if you want to protect those creaking bones Regards Alan
  16. 2015 Horning boat show hailed a huge success! http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/tourism/horning_boat_show_2015_hailed_a_huge_success_1_4059029
  17. Hello Geoff & Wendy, I think we can all say that you have enjoyed your time down in Norfolk, both on the boat and your time in the villages, towns and cities. Thank you for your daily reports and pictures; they have brought envy and longing to many of the forum members to be back onto the water. So I guess you will still be coming down to the Broads later in year? Regards Alan
  18. Hi Peter, Luckily we have an additional forward toilet. All of our buckets come with a silent P. Regards Alan
  19. What a great company Maffett's are. Thank you John :bow One of our owners was having a problem with our aft toilet, they were moored at Loddon Staithe. The pump out facilities had a sign on them saying they were closed and my fellow owner phoned me to say the toilet bowl was filling up with blue coloured water, I asked was the handle locked off and that the switch turned over to pump out. The problem was of course the choker valve, no doubt effected by lime scale. We have a spare pump on-board but David is not mechanically minded. I suggested the he contact Maffett's and have a word with Lynda, Graham or John. John was good enough to attend the boat and confirm my suspicions, sadly he could not change the choker valve (from our spare kit) without the possibility of a discharge from the pipe that goes from the toilet to the tank. Because their pump out could not be accessed because of their boats were blocking their facility. This is not the first time we have called upon their services and like many other Broads boat owners we are always singing their praises. They were unable to change the valve but reassured our owner that the toilet would fill but not overflow. Ranworth Breeze is going to Broom's today for a pump out on that tank and the replacement of that valve/complete pump. I thought I was in store for a journey down to Norfolk to fit a valve, Paying for my fuel it may have been cheaper but not on the 6 hours two way journey. The joys of boating strike again. Regards Alan
  20. A sad outcome for the owner of the boat, their pride & joy left in the state shown above, the effects of finding their boat in that state must be devastating. Sadly we unfortunately are seeing this more often over the last few years, outboards cut out of transoms, and boats being left in ruins. The people who do this have no conscious at all. With any luck eventually they will come across someone worse than them.
  21. It looks good on the outside what is she like on the inside, Tan & I have always wanted to have a look at the inside of these new breed of hire craft, we will see if we can have a look around one of them if we come across one when we are down in September. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Iain, Have a safe journey down to the Broads and great holiday, have a word with John (the admiral) to see if you can meet up during your week. Its good to put faces to the names we see on the forums. You made need a brace to keep up with all that waving Regards Alan
  23. Hi Matt, It is sad that those days have gone, but you are correct; our local and central Politian's seem to brush away the thoughts of the people who they should represent. We had all of the blurb through the door this morning, it all looks good on paper, but I didn't believe a word of it. I guess I would get more satisfaction out of voting in the MM election rather than the General Election, on the bright side our local community gets a good room rent for being used as a polling station so it does have some merits. Regards Alan
  24. Hello Easyrider, Here is an excerpt from the BSS guide regarding cables. If you have an outboard with the original wiring loom, please checkout the item in the notes. Regards Alan Cable specifications and condition Exposed wiring could allow short-circuits, sparks and thus potentially cause fires. Exposed 230/240 V wiring can also give people on your boat an electric shock. Are all electrical cables insulated? Check all electrical cables which can be seen for the presence of outer insulation. All electrical cables must be insulated. Note – this check applies to both a.c. and d.c. cables. Cables can overheat if they are not adequately sized or rated to carry the current required by the installation. Battery cables are subject to high currents, so it is crucial for the prevention of fire that these are suitable for their purpose. Are battery cables of a sufficient current-carrying capacity? Check the size of the following cables. n battery to master switch; n battery or master switch to starter solenoid; n battery to battery; n engine return to battery or master switch; n battery to bow-thruster motor; n battery to anchor winch motor; n battery to inverter system (over 1000w size). The battery cables prescribed in the check must be approximately 25mm2. Notes – Outboard engines having the engine manufacturer’s original loom are not required to meet these dimensions. The actual layout of cable runs may vary depending whether master switches are installed in the positive or the negative cables.
  25. Hi Andy, I had to edit your link for it to work. Regards Alan
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