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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. I tried the above link which did't work the first time I tried it. So just to recap, series 2 episode 1 is being screened on Sunday 15th March 2015 at 8.00pm on Channel 4. Timothy West and Prunella Scales embark on a waterway adventure, starting in the romantic city of Oxford. Tan & I will be watching this with great interest being as this is the last canal journey we made last year. Regards Alan Edited for Muppetry Alan
  2. I guess no need for back up means of propulsion, life raft, flares, radio and charts. There is also the additional costs on insurance, small ships registration if taken out. When Ranworth Breeze was taken out to sea I have been told that waves did at times come over the windscreen and under the canopy in choppy weather. I think I would prefer a much larger boat, twin engines and a full bottle of anti seasick tablets Regards Alan
  3. Hi Iain, Here is a link to the Linlithgow Union Canal Society webcam at the Basin at Linlithgow:- http://www.linlithgow.com/webcam_canal.htm Regards Alan
  4. Hi MM, I don't know about fabric conditioner I used some Vanish in with the wash. I tried putting the ropes in a pillow case but found that if it was not tied the pillow case and the rope parted company. Can you imagine the world of pain I would have been in had I broken the revered washing machine. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Alan, Looking good!!! Broads here you come, get that transport ordered up, who are you using to transport you to he Broads? some idea on costs may be of use to some of the forum members and the distance of the transportation involved. Could this be a job for Jon? Regards Alan
  6. It would appear that all the Norfolk Live webcams are down. Does anyone know what the issue is or if the company is still operating? Their login page works but none of the cameras are working. I have updated the Norwich Peregrine 2015 link, we just have to wait to see if the Peregrines return this year. If you known of any other Norfolk/Suffolk webcams that we do not have listed please send me a PM. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Strowager, That looks good but how do you get the engine to cough Regards Alan
  8. Any guide or information that helps visitors to the Broads find their way around has got to be good for the visitors, companies providing services and jobs. When providing listings of services, be they pubs, restaurants, café/tearooms the information provided is only as good as the research at the time, places close, reopen or even change of use. On our own listings of pubs we even have errors:- The main thing is with the Richardson's Guide is that it is available to all. Regards Alan
  9. Well done Alan! It just goes to show how the crossing palmes with silver really works Joking apart that must be a worry less for you. Best of luck with the float test. Next step Norfolk here you come Regards Alan
  10. We buy a couple of small bottles of water we keep in the bathrooms for cleaning teeth and a large bottle of water in the galley for making tea & coffee, we find using water from the tank makes tea with a scum on it. We fill the large bottle when empty direct from the taps on the Broads but without using the hoses, we do the same practice on the canals. Regards Alan
  11. Hi Griff, Most of the battery angle grinders seem to be purchase the body only and the charger and battery separately. Have a look at this cheaper option at Clas Ohlson. http://www.clasohlson.com/uk/Cotech-LXC-AG18-Angle-Grinder/40-8697?LGWCODE=408697000;83827;4797&gclid=CMKc-OjdkMQCFVDHtAodnQ8ACA&gclsrc=aw.ds Regards Alan
  12. Hello Zilly, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. We would love to see some pictures of your boat. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Alan, I used to use the BICC Cables tables most days in the early 70's. The 17th Edition Regulations were never a good read even when you had to read them. Utter twaddle springs to mind. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Alan, You and Dave should be proud of yourselves the boat has come a long way from when you first started your blog well over a year ago. This topic has been to the benefit to all of the forum members to while away over those winter months over the last two seasons. We all feel like armchair members of your restoration team, of course some of us are now strutting around in those new shoes Regards Alan
  15. until
    On the boat this week
  16. until
    On the boat this week
  17. Hi MM, I have deleted one of your entries. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Grace, We are always watching, even when away Regards Alan
  19. Hello Brian, We are still on the Broads today but are going home today. Please start your topic in the lounge, with information of the Waterways in Ireland, we love pictures on the forum. Regards Alan
  20. Tan & I will be on the Southern Broads from the 14th to 21st April aboard Ranworth Breeze. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Steve, If you are more familiar with the other holiday calendar we have had a link in our information pages foe quite some time:- Here is a link to where the calendar is located:- http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/11-useful-links-slipways-information/ Regards Alan
  22. Hello Brian, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Alan, Not sick but now feeling light headed and no feeling other than the knees, vertigo is a bitch! (female dog)! Never liked heights but it used to be part of the job. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Rob there is both on most if not all of the posts. I think you will find most commercial splitters are just 16 amp, you can buy a 32 amp to 16 amp converter. The main problem if you are going to hire is getting information of what shore power facilities that boat has if any. Regards Alan
  25. Tan & I will be coming down to the Broads late tomorrow afternoon, we are having a long weekend on the boat to get it ready for the season start. The car will be loaded up to the gunnels bringing back all the curtains, bedding, TV and items we took away for refurbishment over the Winter layoff such as the noisy toilet and galley fans. We have a potential new owners visiting us on Saturday so we will more than likely be going on the river, so I will have to check that the NBN bungee is still ok. We are down on the boat until Tuesday but are back again in mid April. Regards Alan
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