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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Thanks Matt, I have not seen the boat since February when we were down doing some of the pre season work. You know what it is like there is always jobs to be done and wish lists to be fulfilled. We are down at Ranworth Breeze in 3 weeks time hopefully into warmer weather, can't wait. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Mark, I thought it was and there is only a few other Birchwood 340's on the Broards with our spec, Castaway II, renamed Beau and Secundus. How was the weekend other than the temperature? Regards Alan
  3. Hello Andy, The site seems to open up quickly, I have not spent much time on it but I can see that you need to do a few tweeks on the boats you have on offer. Some show new this for 2010 and that for 2011 etc, it would be best to remove these and only show what has been done for 2013. Regards Alan
  4. Looking at the the Wherry Hotel camera this morning there is a Birchwood 340 moored at the marina, maybe our owners Joan & Joe met up with you all if the boat was indeed Ranworth Breeze? Regards Alan
  5. Hello Clive, I always look for the best value with anything I buy, lease or rent, the lowest price is not always the best value. I do you wish your company were involved with canal holidays. Regards Alan
  6. Hello John & Mary-Jane, I wish you all well with the meet this coming weekend, as it already has been said this is a good way to premote the forum and the Broads. I will check out the Wherry camera over the weekend. I do hope that it will warm up for you this weekend. Tan and I are down on the on the 23rd of April and looking forward to it. Regards Alan
  7. I am surprised Clive that nobody has taken on that base if only for the mooring. The location is good with the service road at the back and the location is very popular. Regards Alan
  8. I personally like the style of the old Broads launches and the Thames river launches but like everyone else not overjoyed when one is following you for a period of time on the river. Regards Alan
  9. Hello Dave, Looking forward to your holiday experiences, we tend to like holiday logs and reports and whilst sat looking at the snow makes me long for the summers that we have had on the Broads. Regards Alan
  10. Hello Jonny, I assume you are joking. When ever you buy a locking fuel cap for a car, boat etc there is two/three keys at best and evey lock is different. For opperations such a hire fleet the locks could be supplied in the same suite with overall master keys. I spent a number of years in the amusement indudstry and had a a keychain over 6 foot in length with hundreds of keys on it , service keys were used in general for one of the rear doors but not both and every site had its different keys. Regards Alan
  11. Hello Clive, I doubt it at high tide with that mast and could also be a problem on certain tides. From other forums it was said that it went out to tender, at least it went to one of the Broads boatyards and not abroad like most other goverment/quango departments tend to do. Regards Alan
  12. I assume a number of you will have seen the post on one the other forums where a member on visiting their boat yesterday at the Tingdene Marina found the batteries to be flat and the petrol tank empty some 80 gallons of fuel taken. It is thought that the batteries were used to pump out the fuel! It seems to me that a boat must have been used to take the half ton of fuel. The owner has yet to report it to the police or the marina office. Talking to BMS today they have had five enquiries for lockable fuel caps this afternoon. Regards Alan
  13. Hello Broom50, Welcome to the forum, we are a friendly bunch so a name to go with your login would be ideal. Regards Alan
  14. Hello John, There is a number of these folding steps on Ebay for around £5 including delivery, but if they have them in Roys it would be a pity to not shop locally. Regards Alan
  15. Hello Martin, After you have got your pin notification and successfully logged in, I would go to your profile on the site and put in a password of your choice. When you pay online it uses sage verification on the credit/debit card payment, this will require you to put in 3 digits of your credit/debit card password (usually a 8 to 15 digit combinination of letters and numbers) the 3 digits are asked at randum, i.e. 2nd, 5th, 9th etc. If you do not have a password for this it will ask you to set one up. Regards Alan
  16. Hello Robin, A good report as always and going by your pictures a very tidy boat especially for the price you paid. I look forwards to the rest of the story. Regards Alan
  17. I applied for our River Toll online over the weekend in responce to an email I had from the BA a couple of weeks ago. It was fairly straight forward other than the legends for the Visa payments could be a little clearer (also why 3, Visa credit, Visa debit, Visa ?) Regards Alan
  18. By all accounts we are into minus quanties for most of next week, maybe we de-winterised too early, I am so glad we have those engine bay heaters installed. We were down last weekend getting the boat ready for the start of the season. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Colin, It is good that you suport the forum and your advert may provide you with more work on the Broads, but this may be also a bad thing because you may be torn between working or being on a boat. These guy's who work on boats within the leisure industry must have the best of all worlds. Regards Alan
  20. Hello Richard, I have seen the kingfishers at Bramerton on a number of occasions but I have not seen the otter at Woods End. But there are a number about on the Souther Broads, the last time we saw one was on the trip up to Loddon last year. Regards Alan
  21. Hello John, Brian has already sent me a PM and I have replied to him, so hopefully when the site is up in its new format there will be more than the four advertising slots that the forum currently holds, this of course will provide a good source of income to the forum. I of course welcome Amanda and Herbert Woods to the forum and did look at their website. Regards Alan
  22. Hello Brian, I have asked in the past after joining the forum for information on placing a banner advert and nobody has been back in contact with me. Regards Alan
  23. Hello, We are with Internet Central, but they like most use the BT network, there is issues using BT they in the past seem to be poor at responce other than lines that are on Redcare (alarm use) and the adsl modems they provide have been very low tech. The homehub they provide is useless. When all area's have got "Fibre to the cabinet" (the box at the end of the road) then no matter who your provider is the speed will improve, that is of course if you pay the extra amount for the service. Regards Alan
  24. Hello Julz, I once went with my cousin and his family to a Miners Holiday camp just down the road from Butlin's at Skegness it was a similar setup with regards to the accommodation and meals, it was to regimented for me and was eating on grand scale with regards to the number of people eating, even then it had to be in two seatings. There was not that much for my cousin and I to do in the camp (unlike what was on offer up the road) I seem to think we saved up our pocket money for a day pass to get into Butlin's. Regards Alan
  25. I try never to shop at Tesco, which IMHO has always been expensive in the same league as Sainsbury's, that said all the items are there if you need them but supermarkets will pull out all of the tricks to try to make you walk down every isle by constantly moving everything around. The DIY type supermarkets are no better, during last year I needed some yacht varnish and another item, I was out so I called in B&Q on a Saturday morning little if no staff and the only tills open were the self service which on priciple I will not use (I want service, not to work for the store) I ask the chap if he would open a till, he said no so I left the varnish and the small plumbing item on the top of his checkout (at a total value of £68.00) much to his protests and walked out of the store. I went to a local decorators shop in a Sheffield suburb and bought a better know yacht varnish which was almost £21 cheaper for the 2.5 litres tin. It always pays to shop around and when the local shops have gone supermarkets will have little or no competition other than online shopping. Regards Alan
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