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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Brian Ward's at Brundall, have a chap that will do any splicing at about £4 per end, they supply a range of all the rope sizes. If you buy a fid you can try doing your own spliciing, after doing a few you can get a reasonable result. Regards Alan
  2. We saw the mini digger working on the Green last monday and the work was done within a couple of days. This is one of our favorite moorings so the extra electric posts is a bonus. Regards Alan
  3. Hello Dean, Welcome to the forum. You have already had a lot of good advice regarding the Broads. Friends of mine used to hire two boats from Silverline and found them very good, also Alpha Craft is in the same location and of course the new boats that Broom's are now hiring, we had a quick look around these this week and they look very tidy. With the Southern Broads as long as you do not go through Yarmouth you will not need tide tables as already mentioned, but you will need to be aware of the rise and fall of the tides when mooring. Have a good and safe holiday. Regards Alan
  4. We were in the marina on Tuesday night, there were three other boats that were also moored, the showers were reasonable, but there were a couple out of order in the ladies. Whilst I agree it would be great if there was more facilities nearer the marina, if these are only used by seasonal visitors they would be unlikely to survive. Beccles is a great little town, it is just a pity that is not nearer to the marina. Regards Alan
  5. With regards to the stolen fuel more than likely it will have to be syphoned or pumped into a boat and more than a rowing boat or tender because of the amount of fuel stolen. The fuel stolen from Brundall a few weeks ago must have weighed over half a ton and by the sounds of it the same could be said of one of the boats fuel taken from boat sales compound during their closed season. We need to all look out for any boats behaving in a strange manner and report then, I know that there are loads of small boats going about there normal business stopping at boats carrying out repairs or even towing boats etc, but most of us know our marina's and also know the boats used by the yards. Regards Alan
  6. Hello John, ASAP is A.S.A.P. Supplies Limited they are at Reed House, 8BEllough Industrial Estate, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 7TD, Email: sales@asap-supplies.com, www.asap-supplies.com, Tel: 01502 716 993 Fax: 01502 711 680. It is worth it just phoning for a catalogue. Regards Alan
  7. Hello Roy & Diane, They are retro fitted into the necks of the fuel tubes and are a fairly cheap option. If memory serves me correctly they come in a couple of tube sizes. We had the lockable fitted to help stop anything being put into the tanks, I am fitting a lockable cap onto the water inlet next week that I bought to match. These and the Vetus anti syphon can be purchased from ASAP. Regards Alan
  8. Hello Splishsplosh, Welcome to the forum. I would try it out for a long weekend or a midweek break with one of the hire companies, you will find there is a number of offers from the various campanies at the moment. Richardsons have a loyalty scheme where you get rewards for future bookings and is a good idea if you have enjoyed your time on the Broads. Being as this would be your first trip I would suggest that you stick to the Northern Broads which are less tidal unless you head nearer to Yarmouth. The other alternative is join a boatshare or boat syndicate schemelike Matt on Thunder and myself on Ranworth Breeze. There is about 6 to 8 boats operating on some form of boatshare scheme on the Norfolk Broads, these are ideal if your time available is limited. Being as you have been watching the boating forums for a while you will have seen that boating can be very expensive. We have hired a narrow boat in early May for three couples on the Cylde & Union Canels in Scotland to go on the Falkirk Wheel at just over £1700 for the week so any hire on the Broads will be like money in the bank. Regards Alan
  9. Well if the paper had not said who they were I would have not know them from adam. In the end what ever job you do you are only a person and the so called stars of today will disappear tomorrow. Regards Alan
  10. We have had lockable caps put on both of our fuel tanks but have also had the Vetus fuel safe anti syphon tubes fitted in the fuel tubes. Regards Alan
  11. Hello Robin, You are not odd re looking at the sink and cooker, I think I would be the same especially if after cooking the pots were still waiting to be done. Regards Alan
  12. Hello Barry, I am down on the boat next week from Tuesday, do you still need that hardwood for the control panel, if you want it I will bring it down to the boat with me. Regards Alan
  13. There was a boat very similar to Thunder moored on the Island, maybe Matt could confirm that. Regards Alan
  14. Hello Jonny, If memory serves me correctly there is a number of wheelchair friendly river side accomodation just up from the Ferry Inn at Horning and I have also seen wheelchair launches also moored in this area. I am not sure about the riverside frontage of these holiday lets. Regards Alan
  15. Hello Paul, We used Ian Jennings and we have arranged to use his services again in September when our BSS is due. He is bases at Brundall on Evening Tide, please PM me and I will let you have his phone number. Regards Alan
  16. I know Hylander is aware of another carbon monoxide incident on Windermere, a woman and her two children had to go to go to a hospital in lancaster last week with carbon monoxide poisoning after being on a friends boat that had its canopy up with the engine running. Just a message for everyone to check their installations and to be careful. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Mark, I am sure you are right, they hardly had time to get their feet wet. The base they are at in Horning is just before the thatched house going into Horning. When we were moored at Horning that base was run by another company and they had a sign on the river entrance saying fuel/pumpout etc, it was very windy so I called in there and managed to moor, there was a chap in the office so I asked for a pump out of both toilet tanks and toping up with fuel, the chap said they closed on Mondays so could not help, there boundry wall backed onto Bolters, so I climbed up and shouted to the owner can you help me in, no problem came back the answer. Boulters ended up with over £100 in their till the other chap just got my contempt. One of the main problems with some people on the Broads they have no get up and go, it is quaint at times but at other times there is no answer to it. LeBoat did not really advertise the fact that they were at Somerleyton or any of the other services they had to offer. Regards Alan
  18. Hello John, That is probably me at the front willing Vauxall Bridge to shake free and raise that extra inch or too so I can get under, Tan covers her eyes every time we go through there. By the time we get down to the Yacht station appoach we know if my calculations are correct, if not I turn around and head back to Stokesby. Regards Alan
  19. I agree this is old news LeBoat pulled out of there last year. They may not do much better at Horning they are far too expensive. In the artical they had only twelve boats and were moving some up to Scotland, I know they operate on the Caledonian Canal and the cost of a Birchwood 340 like ours is £1600 plus all of their extras I know because the Caladonian was one of the options we were looking at but decised to go on the Clyde and Union canals to go on the Falkirk Wheel. We were looking at there 6 & 8 berth boats and these ranged from £2600 to £3400 for boats in the begining of May. If they can fill these places on the Caledonian Canal can we blame them? Regards Alan
  20. The mooring at Yarmouth, Norwich, Beccles, Oulton Broad etc all have facillities there showers, toilets, washing machines, dryers etc. Is the B.A. going to provide these at this site for overnight paid mooring or is this going to be a low cost payment for providing little or no facillities? The yacht stations provide electricity points to a number of craft mooring there, the electric post at Reedham is limited at best to 3 outlets assuming there is just one post. Does the B.A. have any plans to upgrade these? I know a number of you all moor here but to be honest I would rather moor up river at the Reedham Ferry, yes you have to pay and there is no electric but I prefer it there or at Loddon. Regards Alan
  21. Hello Hylander, CO2 is carbon dioxide. What we breath out and what is used in fire exinguishers for electrical fires (they used to be in black fire exinguishers but now in red with a black square, needlees to say yet another sign of modern thinking, no doubt european). Regards Alan
  22. Hello Hylander, I agree and we have oneon the boat and one at home in the ceiling just after the first bend in our stairs so it covers the boiler that is under the stairs and through the door into the kitchen. The one at home a combind unit has a lound alarm followed by FIRE or CABON MONOXIDE (and yes it shouts). By the way carbon monoxide is CO. Regards Alan
  23. Hello John & Mary-Jane, I will pass the information on to Trish & John our owners that should be on Ranworth Breeze on the weekend (25th to 27th July) assuming there share has not been sold by then, if that was the case I would pass on the information to the new owners. One of these days one of the meets will fall on my weeks. Regards Alan
  24. I agree this is indeed a tragedy, no doubt the reason for it will come out in due course. There are best practices that should be used when onboard regarding ventilation and the use of gas. Always open a window or have means of mechanical ventilation whilst cooking. Turn the gas off whilst the boat is in motion and the last thing at night ideally at the gas locker. If your battery box has a fan on it make sure it is on whilst cruising. Regards Alan
  25. We fitted one on Ranworth Breeze for the start of the 2012 season after a couple of our owners were bringing their own. The hire craft appear to be going all electric with regards to cooking but still use diesel heating, it would be interesting to find how may have combined fire/carbon monoxide alarms fitted, maybe Clive or Andy could let us know their thoughts? Regards Alan
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