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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. No it wasn't 12:11 am is 11 minutes into the day, not 11 minutes into the afternoon.
  2. Ahh, That's one I can't answer without going to the boat. sorry.
  3. Hi Alan, Power is getting to it but it's dead. Turn it on and nothing at all happens. Some time ago, I plugged in an inverter to a cigar lighter socket and it blew a fuse. All the electrics went off on the starboard side, including the fridge. I replaced the fuse and everything except the fridge came back. That's why I think some electrical component has blown. I'm completely useless with that sort of thing and terrify anyone who sees me with a soldering iron. Any ideas... please... pretty please
  4. Yes, I remember Watney's Stingo.
  5. I always stock up my cupboards at Easter JA, but I'm sure you will agree with me that chocolate eggs take up so much space.
  6. I still need to find someone who can mend my fridge. Although some of my tonic water is in tins, it's so much better when chilled.
  7. Ahh but did you get wet ??? hmmm? Well did you????
  8. For when the season is open again, it has been my experience that the main mooring fishes quite well with many small fish and a few larger ones. The spot I always felt had to be the prime one was the end mooring looking over Sutton Broad. later experience has proven to me that this is not the case with higher numbers of fish coming from nearer the boat yard. Hope that helps.
  9. Until such time as I can find an electronics engineer who can repair my Isotherm fridge, I might be having to stock far more in the way of tinned products. Oh woe is me! Still even though I have seen Robins most instructional video on opening cans, I do have a tin opener.
  10. Me ?? Gobby ??? I shall not hide in May, though I might take a few precautions
  11. I can't argue with that ! and I wouldn't dare argue with that !! (except manoeuvre is "oeu" not "oue" still, perfection is perfection is perfection.)
  12. Come along now Pally, stop poking the wasps nest to get a reaction. We all know how easy it is to put typo's in a post, and we all know (and is pretty well documented) that the Rascals opinion of the broads is pretty damned high. Things go 'tits up' and we have a moan. We all do it (generalisation) probably even you (suspicion). I too have only found the staff of the tolls office to be helpful, but we speak as we find, sometimes just a bit too quickly. If I were to place the blame for the IT failure, it would be aimed at all those who waited to the last minute for paying their tolls. (I'm a goody two shoes who paid his toll when first asked, back at the start of March).
  13. DNKS34 said... ..."I think more than anything this highlights the increased risks involved in crewing a boat single handed." Ahh but add to the increased risks the increased satisfaction of a manoeuvre well executed. Also add the peace available if you are on your own. No, Solo boating is a joy, though in my case also unavoidable.
  14. Clear the decks for action, make ready the torpedo tubes... Oh I wish
  15. Canned Ratatouille !!! Wash your mouth out sir! On the other hand, it does sound quite a handy thing to have aboard.
  16. hmmm one short of perfection. Can we do anything to remedy this?
  17. We cannot know the details of what actually happened we were not there. Nor do we know what was said or how much was heard, we were not there. Finally we can have no knowledge of any other extenuating details on either side. We were not there. I have been running solo far more often than not since the 1970s and always prefer it if people didn't just take it upon themselves to "assist". My craft is an aft cockpit 27 footer. I frequently put her nose into the bank to kick her stern out. Last year I was doing that during storm "Kate" I was in Thurn Dyke and being blown on from the starboard quarter. I needed to both get the stern round and turn the boat. The wind was strong but even so the manoeuvre was about to work when two kind souls, thinking me to be in difficulty, pushed the nose out. I called out "No thank you" but all they heard was "thank you" so continued with their assistance. I shouted "NO THANK YOU" but still it seemed my message wasn't getting across. I was of course in this period, travelling sideways, quite fast, towards the craft moored ahead of me. I hit it. The two who had been 'assisting' me were from that boat, and although there was no damage, were jotting down details. As their craft had halted the bows progress, the stern swung round but as these two were taking details, I thought I'd better re-moor and have a chat. The wind was now off my port bow still blowing me on. I invited the two aboard, and with the aid of pencil and paper showed them what I had been trying to do and how their well meant actions caused the coming together. This they understood (it was then they told me they thought I was just shouting thank you). Getting away I once again put the nose to the bank and wound the stern out. The kicking her round to get the bow out was a bit hairy, but fun. and I did it contact free. The reason I tell this tale is not only to illustrate how easy it is for requests to be misheard and for misunderstandings to be had, but also demonstrate that one experienced riverman may very easily think that another such person needs no assistance and that to give it unasked could be counter productive. Requests from a boat must be loud, clear and concise as to just what is required.
  18. WOW, you get 'lit barbeques' walking past you. That's handy. Sorry, no, really I am
  19. Most strange, I tend to get my pumpout done there for exactly the opposite reason. Always friendly, always helpful! Is it possible that, given the breeze, the pumpout operator misheard the request, perhaps not hearing the "please" or misheard the tone of the request? It can so easily be such a simple misunderstanding that can cause these frictions. Perhaps he had asked you something and you had not heard (something that happens to me often). I have a rule of thumb, I will not say ill of a business until the reason has occurred more than once. Poor service or bad attitude can happen for real or be perceived through misunderstanding for any one of a number of reasons. My advice is... Use them again. See what happens and if no better, then give negative publicity. Having said that, maybe you did, it didn't and you have
  20. Not necessary Q, We're all groan men here! (ok and groan women too, it just didn't look as good )
  21. For Motorbikes, lady drivers, drunks and anyone else who feels like it, use the same principles used by sailing craft on the inland waters. All rules, laws and other advisory documents apply to everyone else.
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