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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Sorry I have no information for you only to say Welcome to the forum. I'm sure someone will be along soon with the info you want.
  2. Thanks Robin, but just to clarify, Am I right in saying that it would be safe to use indoors? I can see that indoor lights must not be used outdoors but I am trying to check whether the reverse is true.
  3. My sister has just been out and purchased an LED illuminated pretend tree. (our house backs on to a park with thousands of the real thing but hey ho!) This plastic apology for part of the forest is clearly labeled on the box as "For outdoor use only". Needless to say she bought it to put in the hall. I would also add that firstly the plug has to be inside the house and that the unit comes with 1.85 meters of cable from the plug to the tree. (That's 6' to you and me!). My question is... What makes it "outdoor use only"? as she still wants it inside and there's not enough cable to put it anywhere else! May I be the first to wish everybody a tolerable new year.
  4. Keith, Surely if a person has insured his boat with Edward William Insurance (for example) and has done so both in good faith and on the grounds that he has done so for some time before 2009, would that not be completely understandable? Further if that person had first hand knowledge of the speedy payouts of claims, (or even second knowledge from a source he trusted) would not that be sufficient endorsement for him to continue with that company? Believe it or not, there are boaters out there who do not belong to forums such as this, and who have not read the Broads Authority Act 2009. In fact I would wager that of broads boat owners generally, those who have read the act would be in the minority. In my opinion (famously far from 'humble') questioning someone's professionalism, publicly on open forum is not really within the spirit of this forum. What A.J.B. may or may not do under any given circumstances when working is not our concern, nor does he have any obligation to justify such actions to any one of us.
  5. Isn't that the BA's latest fast patrol vessel?
  6. I know this is going to sound stupid but there seem to be conflicting views on the size of my boat. (well, what did you think I meant?) According to Craig's database, it is 26' 9" long by 9' beam, where I always thought it was 27' by 9' 6". Where does the BA get dimensions from?
  7. If I have got this right, a cat owns us between 10:30 am and about 1:30 pm, at least, those are the times he lives here and allows us to make a fuss of him. I found out he seems to own another house a few hundred yards away from 08:00 to 10:30 and a third for the best part of the afternoon. Who he owns at night I don't know, nor do I know which of his pet people feeds him. I've always been a dog person in the past, but he seems quite forgiving of that. So sorry to hear your news Polly.
  8. I agree totally. I would never overtake heading down the dyke unless it was someone going ridiculously slowly, and I have been overtaken when going across the broad heading for the staithe. Naughty words passed my lips but I refused to race him. Welcome to the Forum Galipolli.
  9. Motion Lotion !!! .....Haven't heard it called that for a while!!..... 4 for sure!
  10. Absolutely! Red wine should be served at Room temperature whilst white wine should be served chilled. Wine on my boat is usually served in that fashion... this time of the year coming out from the same cupboard.
  11. "modern boating is actually departing from the joy of independence that boating has long provided." No, I think "Replaced" rather than departing from. It's happened, not happening. "Perhaps modern boating should be less about pandering to the perceived....." Maybe, but it won't be. The overriding problem with what you are saying Peter is that you want the supplier to tell the customer what he should want, rather than supplying what the customer says he wants. There can be only very few businesses that can operate in that way. The hire fleets are, as you put it, "pandering" or as they would say, "responding to customer requirements." Not to do so would finish the broads as a tourist area faster than the famous JP or RSPB could even dream of.
  12. Not the question you asked but may I recommend you re-consider this. I have had boats with and without pulpit rails and would always advise their removal. I found them to get in the way far more often than finding them of assistance.
  13. This is just another example of rules being introduced without them having been thought through, without the enforcement being considered and without them being written with any care or consideration for the terminology used. Peter, What you think reasonable and what someone else might think will probably be two very different views. I have had sleepless nights on my home mooring when it's windy because of the continuous 'ting ting ting' of wires slapping against a mast. Some may call that "the delightful sound of boats" I call it "an unreasonable disturbance". views differ!
  14. Is there a difference between an "Engine" and a "Motor" ?
  15. Fair enough and thanks John. I think for the foreseeable, I'll make do with what I've got and just try to protect it as best I can. I think Ray is suggesting that me being on-line whilst on Nyx, might be detrimental to the Forum, and in all fairness, he's probably right.
  16. Monica, I think that given you made no phone call and that you don't live in Barton on Humber, it is possible that the post was not directly aimed at you. Vaughan. I think that given the phone was answered, it is reasonable to conclude that someone was there to answer it, with or without a glass of sangria in hand. It is equally conceivable that knowing the cam to be monitored by people prepared to keep him/her informed as to anything going on might be quite welcome. Jeff. your post was sent whilst I was typing mine, allowing me to edit your home town's name. Thanks. Finally... "Season of goodwill"? ... Where did I leave my humbugs?
  17. I vote for being the 102nd, getting there when it's all been sorted out by 101. If a job's worth doing, let someone else do it. That's what I say!
  18. Yep DavidH, I reckon you've nailed it there.
  19. Now, that is going to open up a whole can of worms ! Several questions/points that video raises. Firstly, I know how fast the pilots take my boat under that bridge, I also know that going fast increases the air draught astern, but does it decrease the air draught forward. If so the people (who may or may not have had a pilot on board) did it right. Equally, the slower you go the less steerage you have indicating that the people (who may or may not have had a pilot on board) didn't do it right. We may each have our own suspicions as to whether or not there was a pilot on board, but we have no proof either way so "innocent till proven guilty" is my view on that!
  20. I have to admit that it strikes me as a crying shame that the hull is to be painted even though I fully understand why.
  21. There are two meets a year on the southern waters and the one up north. If you moved the spring one south another one would need to be arranged north. So how's about keeping the Salhouse one as is ..... pretty please
  22. I've already altered the bios to look at the DVD drive for the boot, but I think on attempting to boot from that device it comes up with a very quick message (too fast for me to read) and goes into standard disc boot bringing up XP. For my e-mail I use G-mail. I suppose that will still be ok.
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