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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. When does the 'Head Count' start for the Salhouse meet? I'm in
  2. Oh come off it folks, a broads holiday isn't to everyone's taste, and we should all hope that that ever remains the case. Imagine if a broads holiday took first place in a popularity race. Can you think what it would be like??? Bloody awful!!! Ok, so some have said they didn't like it. NO PROBLEM. They say it's "boring" STILL NO PROBLEM. I have never been to, nor will go to, Disneyland in USA or Europe so I can't give a review. Suffice to say I don't even like the concept, but many others do like it. NO PROBLEM. Let freedom of choice and tolerance rule the day. I don't understand them, they don't understand me (but then few do ) ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM.
  3. I don't know if this helps but Go Outdoors sells a single gas ring that's powered from a standard bottle+regulator. This would enable the gas bottle to be placed outside, with the hose perhaps through a window. I use one of these when I'm camping, and have even used it for lead melting.
  4. Welcome to the forum Pottermill, I take it that your moored near Potter Heigham bridge. I'm moored in Hickling Broad also an Elysian.
  5. That also explains his lovely hair.
  6. Good reason for that Charlie, all the foodies drink is wine. We real ale drinkers have stomachs made of sterner stuff, which is why we can eat in a place with a score of one without dying before we reach the loo.
  7. To stop it being distracted by all the photographers around it.
  8. What is 'Jiffy' pleaser Qv, and does anybody know anything about Gorilla Grab adhesive? Thanks Vaughan, P38 is a contender... Thanks Qv, P45 is not!... I've already got one.... it's very nice!
  9. Milliput sounds good for one of the jobs but not one of the others, I need a glue that will be like a mastic in consistency but needs to adhere to a wet surface under a flow of water. I'll not be able to push down very hard on the job so the adhesive needs to be soft and squudgy.
  10. I would like to modify one of the cascades on Frances' pond and the job is going to need some form of glue and some silicon mastic/sealer. I know that there is a glue that can be used on wet surfaces but I cant remember what it's called, also does anyone know if it's harmful to fish? I need to stick slate chippings to a kind of slate composite tile whilst the waterfall is still running but hey! Why make life easy?. I also need to fill a crack that has developed in the cement in this cascade. does anyone know if this glue that can be applied wet has good 'filling' capabilities? Finally I need to know how shallow I can get away with for the grave when I find the pond builder who did the job in the first place. !!!
  11. Could have happened to anyone my dear friend. Don't keep beating yourself up about it.
  12. Nah, those pilots were so good they'd have taken it UNDER Potter Heigham bridge.
  13. By this time I would imagine that GinBottle is now wondering what weird sort of a group she's joined. Well worry not! You'll soon get used to us.... well ok, Regulo (Ray), Timbo (Tim) and I (John) take a bit more getting used to, but we've been idiots and clots for far too long to change now. Ray's boat is too big to get under Potter Heigham bridge, so can't get to the Pleasure Boat. Timbo's boat is out of the water, hiding in the Martham boatyard and mine is moored at the Pleasure Boat, so I'm usually too drunk to move it. (not that that's ever stopped me) Back to the posts... Simples.... Keep one colour one side the other colour the other and keep away from the yellow sticks. They're not posts, they're sticks denoting water so shallow even the swans can stand up. There's a bunch of these yellow sticks in Hickling that I normally tell any visitors I have, are the result of a dinghy racing incident on the broad and that they painted the masts yellow as a tourist attraction. Somebody once actually believed me too.
  14. There are times when just a little 'technical jargon' can be slightly misleading... or perhaps not !
  15. Don't worry too much about this problem Ginbottle. The bottom tip of your outboard (the skeg) is the deepest point on your boat. My best guess is that you draw (the distance from the water line to the deepest point) somewhere around 18 inches (45 cm). and for the greatest part, you will not find water shallower than that anywhere close to the channel. I have wandered outside the channel several times and am yet to come to grief doing so. (I draw a bit more than you do) I do hope you're about next time I come up as I would consider it an honour and a joy to either go in convoy with you or to have you aboard for a trip from your lodge to the Pleasure Boat Inn and show you the do's and don'ts. There are very few 'don'ts'.
  16. Peter, I'm not sure for how long one may stand in a park calling out "Watch... Watch... Watch, come here, ...Watch" before the boys in blue came over to have a word.
  17. Yeah, suppose it does really.
  18. Whoops, very sorry about that G-B.
  19. No Robin, I freely admit that I cannot, not on the broads I can however remember an incident I was victim of from the canals. I was locking, and paying insufficient attention. it was a hydraulic lock mechanism and I was winding it too fast. the lock handle came off the machine swung round and hit me on the top of my head. I was out cold, no LJ but I was lucky, I fell the other way out like a light. no harm done. My point is that it was an incident that I hadn't previously considered. It happened , I got away with it. The OP is planning to step from a small cruiser onto a dinghy, something I have done often. It is not the most stable situation. 'head banging' IS a real possibility. also he may be cruising single handed in the future. He has recognised the danger and has asked advice. I see no advantage of the manual system over the auto one in this case. Do you? I do agree with you in that there are those who advise wearing LJs when anywhere within five miles of water over 12cm deep. There are those who will try to impress with their sage comments about impending death. I am not one of these. I do fully agree with Gin-bottle. He reckons an LJ is a good idea for what he is planning to do. So do I. !!!
  20. In my capacity as official shop steward for the Association of Network United Spies (incorporating Secret Police, double agents and affiliated busybodies) I have to ask if you were aware that we have been on strike now since 1987. We hold our meetings in the upstairs flat of the Crooked Plumb line public house. We were going hold them in the attic, but that's another storey. Demonstrations are held at 3am in Basingstoke High street when nobody's about or at 11am at Dragonfly House Norwich, where nobody listens. Up the ANUS.
  21. I agree with what you say there Vaughan but there is one aspect that was mentioned in the original post which perhaps you missed. The LJ is really to cover the stepping from a Norman 20 into a dinghy. neither of these 'platforms' could be described as highly stable. For that usage I would recommend the wearing of the life jacket on each occasion. Now I put my Sherlock Holmes hat on and suggest that given the members 'handle' it seems possible, nay probable that his aim is mooring in say Womack water and using the dinghy to provide for a secure mooring (mid broad) and means to get to the Kings Arms. I think the acquisition of an LJ is very wise and for comfort and mobility the auto is favourite.
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