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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I seem to remember the BA having "above inflation" tolls increases for the past few years always saying it was a "one off" for one reason or another. I asked many times whether this years toll review would bring in more money overall or whether it was just a redistribution of the overall rates. Something that was never satisfactorily answered. Mine has gone up 9%
  2. You'd prefer a male queen ?????
  3. Nah nah nee nah nah, Griff's a forum icon...Griff's a forum icon.. Nah nah nee nah nah.
  4. Wine can never replace a meal but makes a wonderful ancillary to it. Both are improved by it's presence. These days I see Facebook in much the same light. OK, I only use it when the forum hits a hitch, it's useful to know what the problem is, but that's just me. I could say that some people drink more wine with their meals than I do. I have no problem with that and they have no problem with me. I like the modification to the thread title, a better reflection of the situation.
  5. Perfectly true Gracie. I have a satnav with a lady's voice telling me to turn right here and turn left there. I'm waiting for her to say... "He looks local, ask him if he knows where it is "
  6. So, I see Jenny Morgan on the mud at Breydon and I see footprints from the boat to the shore. Hmmm Would I go to see where Peter was or would I take loads of pics and post them here..... Hmmmm decisions decisions....,. ...... ....... ................... Sorry Peter..... YEEEEE HAAAAA
  7. I hear no arguments.........................................................sweety
  8. The reason for my question Peter was about "grandfather rights". If I were to buy say Brinks Emperor at 48 feet, and replace the superstructure, would I retain those rights? Then if I were to keep this new superstructure and replace the hull, could I still keep those rights? All a bit Walter Mittyish, but I wondered.
  9. This reminds me of a question I asked a while back but don't think I received an answer. If I take a hull and put new superstructure on it, can it have the same Reg number?
  10. And most of the Ernest Collins hire fleet
  11. It was the " I bet any boats owned by friends of the councillors will be classed as 'aesthetically pleasing' " one I enjoyed. Harsh but fair I suspect, especially at £10 or £15 per foot per year!
  12. One thing that might reduce the amount of GRP that needs to be dealt with could be to repair and re-use the hulls and just scrap the superstructure. Hull design doesn't change that much it's the topsides that carry the fashions. Just a thought!
  13. Ahh, the Fanny Craddock clip I'd like to find is where she made doughnuts, and Jonny's comment at the end (and honest, this is genuine) he held up a plate of doughnuts saying... ..." Well there you are, may all your doughnuts look like Fanny's"
  14. Should I start singing... ... Scunny Scunny Scunny Scunny Scunny Chameleon... You come and go,,, You come and go.. As they say, I'll get my hat!
  15. Is my mind allowed to boggle yet ?
  16. You have a weird concept as to just what constitutes a "Dream".
  17. I prefer the long grain rice in Rice Crispies, but that's just because I'm a big kid.
  18. As one who makes his own diesel (FAME), I can well understand boatyards wanting to control what fuel goes into their boats. I know my stuff and am happy to use it in my car, my sisters car and my boat, but I know of people who's fuel is of a poorer quality. They don't mind as it goes into heating systems or engines that can cope with it. but it wouldn't be right to shove it into a hire boats tank to get top dollar back as a refund. Personally if I was running a fleet, I'd have locked fillers on the boats fuel tanks, with reciprocal agreements with some other yards where necessary. It's about more than just making a bob or two extra on the fuel sales.
  19. Well Seamaster, do you feel your question has been an answered?
  20. Every one tells me I have the 'dims' all the time. Do you want some?
  21. How much did the new one cost Mike? How easy is it to fit? and is it a "DIY jobbie or a pro job? I accept the "what price your life" point but the questions above still need answering so I know how the boaty budget goes. I will have to look at Nyx to see what I have, though I've used the heating and I'm not dead yet
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