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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. If I have this right (which will be a minor miracle in itself) there seems to be a bunch of different issues here all coming together. 1. To stop Prymnesium parvum blooms, Hickling broad and the other areas above "that bridge" are in need of regular flushing through. This could be achieved by thoroughly dredging the Thurne and the Bure below that bridge right down to Braydon. 2. The clearance at Potter Heigham bridge has been reducing over the years, not because the bridge is sinking, nor is it because the water level is rising. It is because the tidal flow is reduced further down river. The tidal flow needs to be re-established. This could be achieved by thoroughly dredging the Thurne and the Bure below that bridge right down to Braydon. 3. If this dredging is done, the water level above the bridge will be dangerously low at low tide. it follows therefore that most if not all areas above the bridge need dredging. it further follows then that should such dredging be done all the boats that used to be able to cruise those waters would once again be able to do so. One might even say that "Navigation would be restored" and that no ancient monuments would be damaged in achieving this. 4. and finally Cyril (showing a bit of age there) Wroxham bridge's clearance would almost certainly be improved as well. Now all we need to do is to find out who is responsible for doing all this dredging and keeping the various navigations open. I do not hold with the continuous bashing that the BA receives, however, perhaps it may be accepted that on this occasion money spent on re-branding could have been better spent on doing what they are in existence to do.
  2. and there we have it. Circle almost complete with the final step being to take a drive directly off the generator and turn the prop with it whilst charging the batteries. Simples. Seriously though, there will be a source of energy that is renewable, clean and efficient, we just haven't found it yet. Until we do we need to be producing power stations that don't burn our ever diminishing reserves of fossil fuels. Never mind pollution, when these fuels start running too low it won't be fumes that end Human life, it will be the bloody great big bang and associated mushroom cloud delivered by the ones who want it. That will be the price of failure.
  3. For as long as people want/need to move around there will be a need for transport. That can in some places be public, but anywhere even vaguely rural, it will mean a personal version. I live in Hertfordshire, but my boat is in Norfolk. Yes I can use the train, but I'm not sure how often the bus goes from Wroxham station to the Pleasure Boat Hickling. We cannot get away from this issue of transport, all we can do is to aim for efficiency. If it is the populations health you are worried about then we need to increase awareness of Health and Efficiency. I have no idea how this can be done. Sorry Jonzo, there is a limit to how long I can be serious on any subject... I just overran it.
  4. Smellyloo, Personally I wouldn't trust Mr Clarkson to tell me the time, let alone which car is better than which other. My views on engines, pollution and what smut goes where is based on lifes experience and schoolboy physics. ...then all vehicles in each city would be electric. How the hell could they ALL be charged? It's not the vehicles you need to remove to solve the problem, it's the need for them. Do that and you've cracked it. You have also changed society as we know it, industry as we know it and commerce as we know it. Good luck matey.
  5. Please gentlemen, let us not forget that electric cars are NOT green, In fact the running of an electric car is more polluting that running an internal combustion engine. The only difference is where the pollution is, ie, near the power station. the power loss between the power station and the charging point is massive. the power to provide the charge is almost all from fossil fuel, given that most of these vehicles are charged overnight when all; our lovely solar panels are doing b****r all. Do not confuse the political agenda with facts. They do not equate. For the motor car there is little to choose between petrol and diesel for efficiency these days but should the private diesel car become the small minority group, the tax on diesel could be reduced significantly saving a whole stash on freight costs. For boats there will be little difference politically, so no action would be profitable in that area.
  6. They must be. Just look how often the sailies aim for them.
  7. Rick, you have no idea how many people you have cheered up with those posts. Good luck.
  8. Marshman, I have thought very long and hard about your post before replying to the above post, It’s taken me 5 days to do so and think I’ll take things in much the order you have presented them. Fistly you say “Don’t join that grouping” By that I take you to mean the “Anti National Park” group. Sorry but I’ve been a ‘fully paid up member’ for some years now. If however you mean the “knock Packman at every opportunity” group, no I’m not a member of that one and doubt I ever will be. I realize that 99% of the world’s population thinks the broads to be a National Park, but I don’t agree that we should just “live with it”. Far from it. To adopt that stance would leave those involved open to push things through. …“Those who know different and know what they know, are right”… Hmmm,… I once knew that I would receive my state pension when I reached 65. I knew this and I knew that I knew this and that I was right. WRONG !!! The government changed the rules. They’ve done it before and they can do it again, it just depends who is pressing for what. “The government will not have enough time over the next 15 years or so to give it a thought” Whilst I agree that the government has more important things to worry about, surely it would be quicker for them to cave in and change the act, than to keep arguing with the pressure groups and one of their own quangos. The route of least resistance I believe is to be full NP status. This is what I genuinely believe to be the case. Also to Batrabill may I add that I do not believe that Dr Packman has abandoned his aim for full National Park status… irrespective of what he may have said.
  9. Thanks, I'll try a paintshop jobbie on it and see what I can come up with.
  10. When we were very young... say 25 or so, we knew little of the various 'celebs' of the pre war era. To our parents they were heroes but to us... we would say "Who?" when told that some musician or actor had snuffed it. Now the boot is on the other foot. the youngsters of today know little of 'Mot the Hoople'. 'Herman's Hermits' are a mystery to them... but not to us! The only reason we think all the greats are suddenly falling off the twigs is just that we are now the sad old gits we used to laugh at when we were younger. Trust me. When 'Puff Daddy' goes, the same thing will be said by todays kids. Wait for the day and look down with a wry smile and tell 'em,,, "Your getting old kiddo"
  11. Ok, so where can I get the transfers made? Any ideas? A4 size seems about right.
  12. I find myself surprised, no, staggered at the level of sexism being displayed by people of whom I had previously had such a high regard. The "schoolboy humour" is hardly worthy of the members of this forum, which hitherto has been proven to be such a high calibre. On the other hand if the picture had been of a lass with a pathetic pair of jugs I'd not have bothered in the first place.
  13. and I for one am very grateful for it. Thanks Jonzo, did the above and all works hunkydory now.
  14. Wot's a Klatchian urn? well if I hadn't asked it maybe nobody else would've
  15. Ok, two issues I have at the moment. The first one involves a catastrophic crash on the computer I had on Monday. Window failed to load. I contacted MS-Support who were unable to assist (no real surprise there) I re-loaded Windows 7, but that wouldn't install properly. I tried loading it on other disk drives but the machine was telling me that ALL my disc drives had failed. Some may remember that I have four drives on this machine. Eventually I opened the side of the computer to try a fifth drive. I have a removable hard drive caddy enabling me to move hard drives from machine to machine. I was going to use that drive as a last resort. I don't know why but for some reason I turned the machine back on before installing this fifth drive. Window 10 loaded up as if nothing had ever gone wrong. Everything was back and intact. All four drives were there with all the files. I did a massive backup onto DVD of all my important files. I did a restart to make sure that this "recovery was no flook. It wasn't. Everything loaded back up as before .... with one exception. When booting up now, the machine offers me the option of loading Windows 7 or windows 10. Sadly the install of windows 7 is still naff and fails to load properly, otherwise I'd be a happy bunny. What I would like to do now is to remove this 'corrupt' install of 7 so that boots go straight to Windows 10. How do I do this please? Issue number two... I have found some artwork I'd like to have made into a transfer to stick to the side of Nyx. Some of you will be aware that the goddess "Nyx" is from Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Chaos and personifies a void. Kinda fittin huh! I found a picture of Nyx on Google and wondered if I could have a transfer made. I would also like our illustrious members opinions on whether this artwork would be thought to be too risqué to have on the side of my boats superstructure. I attach two pictures to this post. The first is of my boat. It shows the NBF logo (now removed) That is the position I have in mind for this, one each side. The other picture is of the artwork I found, for your opinions.
  16. I know that someone (on here I think) has the sign-off "Artificial intelligence is no match against natural stupidity" So, Granny is shivering in the corner and various devices are used to warm her up. Vents are blocked up and the alarm is disabled. Granny snuffs it!. Customer has several options one of which is to admit to being an idiot and accepting responsibility. Or he can take away the draft excluders and say the alarm was defective. I wonder which he'll do.
  17. I'm yet to find any question who's answer doesn't lie there Smellyloo
  18. This is an argument I often have with people, when discussing things like CCTV and hidden cameras. With the administration we have at the moment, there is nothing wrong with any of it. If you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, and where you are supposed to be doing it, then you have nothing to fear... but just hold on a moment. That's ok with THIS government, including any of the major parties as and when THEY come to power. But what would happen if for some unaccountable reason the far right or far left came to power. How would we feel about it then? Big brother could happen. I'm not saying it will, but we must never forget that it could. Whether you are for or against the man remember, nobody thought that Donald Trump would end up where he is. These things can happen. That's why we need the legislation, the Human rights laws. Ok, sorry but there is no alternative to my making a political statement here. This protection we are trying to protect and enhance here, was that which was provided by the House of Lords. It included the bishops and the aristocracy giving it left to right wing balance. It included hereditary peers who were nobody's puppets. and for 400 years, it worked. It was an opposition that no matter how large the government majority was, it was answerable. It has been weakened over the recent years so now we need Human rights laws.... which of course can be changed by government if they are found to be "inconvenient" So... to sum up... Yes Happy, I'd object to the secret filming of employees if I where you.
  19. Bill, I agree that the group of people that keeps bringing this matter to our attention is indeed small, and I can accept that some of the regular readers might find it repetitive, but it is your "utterly pointless" comment that I feel needs to be contested. There are certain facts within the repetition that I believe need to be supported. The RSPB is a massive pressure group who's agenda may well not be to the advantage of the boating/fishing groups. They will not give up. Full National Parks status would also not be in those two groups interests either. I cannot see the push towards NP status being relinquished ... well ever actually, and for as long as there is that "push" however camouflaged, the issues have to be brought back to the public eye.
  20. Ahhh yes. There are definite signs of spring being just round the corner. The month after next the clocks go forwards, and the evenings will be lighter. The forum chat will turn from the spring meet to the summer one and there will be warmth in the sunshine. Then, before you know it, it'll all be over and bloody Christmas will be upon us yet again.
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