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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Isn't that what Delia Smith did? Very sound advice, I shall do exactly that, but what action should I take if BOTH alarms go off in the middle of the night for no apparent reason? The same question above applies. Quit possibly CH3OH fumes, but I hope its CO as it's easier to type, especially when CH3OH is mixed with KOH using transesterification resulting in PO3NG. I do thank you for your replies but given the high profile CO alarms have been given of late I think my questions are important. If the alarm has been triggered in the middle of the night on a hire craft and there's no apparent cause, what advice (post "thoroughly ventilating") is given to the hirer? What advice should be given to the hirer? Should the hirer abandon ship? What should the hirer do if on a wild mooring? Should the hirer call 999 and if so which service should he/she ask for? I hope you all see my point and don't think I'm just 'banging on about it' I honestly want to know.
  2. We ventilated the house, there were no signs of an external source and we both felt fine, no headaches or nausea. No, what set it off is a mystery, but not the mystery I first wish to tackle, which is... what should one do if ones alarm goes off in this way after ventilating the house?. in short, We've got the alarm, how do we use it?
  3. A funny thing happened on my way to the forum....Ok, not quite but at about midnight on Thursday night-Friday morning I was awoken by an alarm going off in the house. I thought it was one of our smoke alarms but it wasn't, it was our CO alarm. The central heating wasn't running at the time and the only possible source was our wood burning stove which was on it's last knockings of wood and would have gone out after an hour or so. The first thing I discovered about our alarm was that it doesn't have a reset button and the alarm was going fit to bust. I took the alarm into the downstairs loo (where the air was purest... yeah it was and don't ask!) where after about ten minutes it stopped screeching at me. I had awoken Frances (my sister) to confirm that she wasn't dead, who's first comment was..." I thought I heard something... thought it was outside." I brought the alarm back into the sitting room and placed it back in it's original position. We sat there for about half an hour and it didn't go off again. I did check that it was working ok with the test button and it was. Now, this is where I started thinking. I still don't know if it was an alarm malfunction or if it had worked as it should have done. Nor do I know what action we should have taken. and I still don't know! Should I have phoned the fire brigade or the police? Should I have abandoned the house? What should I have done? Further thinking caused me to wonder what should be done if one is on a boat and the CO alarm goes off for no apparent reason. OK, if an engine is running or the heating is on, or even if you are cooking, you can eliminate the source and continue boating. But what do you do if you can see or hear no source of CO? Do you ignore the alarm? do you call someone? if so who and when?? There's not a lot of point being told you are sleeping in a gas chamber if you're not going to do something about it. As far as here at home goes, the alarm hasn't gone off since, and as far as we can tell we are still alive. Sleep well all.
  4. Thanks for that picture Peter, it answers a question I've often meant to ask... Can Breydon mud be walked on (safely). It seems not!
  5. Some restaurants have been buying up stock as they can't get the stuff from their normal suppliers. That's why some supermarkets are rationing customers to an amount that would be thought normal for domestic use.
  6. If this has been done to help the physically challenged (Is that the right term?) then great, good luck to them, I'm all in favour of 'access for all', but if it's been done for H&E reasons then someone needs holding under Oulton Broad with a boathook.
  7. I don't wish to de-rail this thread more than I have already done, but I need to write this post, which will be my final one on this subject. I have re-read my last post where I thought I'd apologised to Spider. Having done so I can see that my apology was far from clear. Please allow me to correct that. My rant was inappropriate. I should not have typed it. For that I apologise, but more importantly, I might have offended Vaughan and certainly I offended Spider. For that I apologise unreservedly to you both. John.
  8. Sorry Spider, it is how I feel when this subject comes up, which is quite often. There are those who come up with the "Why watch TV when you could (read "should") be enjoying the broads" This observation I have paraphrased, but in one format or another it comes across to me as condescending. This isn't just you and Vaughan on this thread, it has been said by many people, on many occasions, just this time for some reason it hit a nerve. Sorry, I shouldn't have had the rant but should have waited till the nerve got itself 'unhit' like wot it is now.
  9. Each to their own, I find the radio gives great entertainment, the TV keeps me out of the pub in evening, and when I finally get it going my laptop will keep me up with this forum. When I was a carer, I would have had to have abandoned any thoughts of having a broads holiday from 2006 to 2012, luckily this was not necessary thanks to the mobile phone. Sorry for the rant but just because some people do not want such things, shouldn't justify them looking down their noses at those of us who do.
  10. Pally, isn't there a difference between telling someone what the law is and someone quoting the law? I could say that Drink driving is an offence, but that isn't quoting the law, merely using 'common usage'.
  11. Ok, I take your point Pally. Yes, of course the officer must indicate that he/she wants you to stop, I rather think Wildfuzz took that bit as read. I suspect that he was really just giving a simplified version of the law to reduce worries that some may have over bogus policemen. Either that or the law has (once again) been written so badly as to be ambiguous. We both know that can happen
  12. Is the first not indicative of the second? Nice to see you back posting Pally.
  13. Pah, Childs play to a man of that calibre.
  14. And ya head bones connected to ya...... neck bone and ya neck bone's connected to ya....... back bone...
  15. It's ok everybody, I have it on good authority that when he's finished doing all the dredging that's needed, Dr. Packman intends to widen the Chet and the Ant to enable craft of 60' length and 15' beam to cruise those waters.
  16. Hells teeth Tim, People might even start listening to you, me and Regulo. The end of the world in nigh.
  17. I can imagine the most popular expression in Gracie's household is... ... "As much use as a... Where did that go?"
  18. Yeah.... Try that round Trafalgar Square at rush hour.
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