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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. "I've got a Granny in the Gurkhas" That sounds Really painful
  2. I'm terrified that my solar panals will be stolen, so I only put them out at night. See, I'm not stupid you know.
  3. I think two things have becxome clear here, firstly that the cost of boating is very hard to estimate, and secondly the credit side. How can you put a price on the plusses. I don't know how much Broad Ambition originally cost, but if sold today, she'd probably fetch a bob or two more. Unless you are going to spend all your leasure time sitting in a cold dark room, you are going to spend money. I spend mine sitting in a cold dark boat and love every mninute of it. Can I have some more info about that caravan centre in Blofeld please, I feel a burning desire to spend some money and buy a heated torch.
  4. "Well this thread certainly never went the way I thought it may-I'm seriously thinking of taking up smoking!" Well don't! the whole thing's such a fag. I make it £120,000 saved. Where the hell did I put it?
  5. I too was a 60 a day man but packed it in in 96...oooh 20 years ago in July! not sure how much I've saved... how much does 20 Marlboro cost these days?
  6. I just knew you were a good judge of cars. ( I own a landrover Discovery )
  7. Wow, I've never known a bottle last that long!
  8. Oh! that corrects a bit of a misconception I had. I thought it was a distillery created by Alexander G. Bell to take his mind off the inordinate amount of time his wife spent on the telephone.
  9. My ears are ringing,.....for me and my Bells. The birds are singing.....for me and my Bells Ev'rybody's been thinkin....About how much I've been drinkin And for weeks they're been talkin,....about some Teachers or Haig They're congregating...... for me and my Bells The Parson's waiting...... for me and my Bells And sometime, I'm goin' to build,.... A little still for two... Then they will chatter.........'bout we and our Bells and now HakunaMatata, We are going to have to teach you the difference between Whisky and Whiskey, the latter it seems is "uisge beatha"
  10. I was in Munich in about 2000, Lovely place, and my German improved no end. By the end of my stay I was able to say "sorry, my German is not very good" fluently.
  11. Your English is far better than my German!
  12. I don't know if this will be any help, try contacting DESIRA NORWICH, 129 HEIGHAM STREET, NORWICH. NR2 4TG. 01603 397721. They seem to be Jeep people, part of the GM group.
  13. Oh Admiral !!! Even I know that the man is Scottish, but what's in his glass is Scotch. Thought I'd mention it before Iain comes at you with his little dirk!
  14. £6 17/6 Hmmm, I don't think I earn that much yet!!!
  15. It is inevitable that some "confrontational" posts get through and for many reasons. Some are written "tongue in cheek" but not read as such whilst some others might just be poorly phrased. Yes there will be times when there is a bit of a spat, but I think that given the reputation of this site, those threads should be left to run and sort themselves out. That's what normally happens. I think it necessary to be both diplomatic and thick skinned if one is going to enjoy the full spectrum of forum posts, and although there will always be some who post to raise some form of response, the percentage of such people is small enough to make their contributions both welcome and interesting. Ok, at the moment we have two threads running where feelings are running a bit high. Both threads have important issues at stake so those feelings are bound to be voiced in ways that could have been better thought out, but we are all human (well most of us anyway) so a little leeway may need to be given here and there.
  16. You could have had " Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch Belle".instead
  17. Chuck the baby in the car boot and go enjoy your holiday. She'll be fine! Sorry, I can't think of anything very helpfull at the moment.
  18. I've lost the links to the cams. I had to do a pooty rebuild a while back!
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