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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Ahh but more importantly in 8 days the evenings start getting lighter
  2. Absolutely right MM, I'm just taking the question in the "This is now and this is the situation I'm in. What should I do?" It's no good shouting at the man in the water "You shouldn't have fallen in there, you should have fallen in at Salhouse where the water's calmer." We are all capable of mis-timing the Yarmouth approach!
  3. These floods are terrible, I've just heard that the Dartford tunnel is under water!
  4. Ahh, this is where I need my tin hat as I'm going to say something that goes against all the advice you'll ever be given, but first an observatioin. ..... I am reminded of an old Dave Allen joke about a fellow asking an Irishman for directions. The Irishman said,,, "Ahh well now sir, I wouldn't start from here". The question was " if one is approaching Yarmouth from the North , with the tide and you want to moor up at Yarmouth where do you turn, so as to moor against the tide ? So, just for the sake of argument we shall say that the boat is travelling from the northern broads. We shall perhaps add that it's an outgoing tide, Should he turn at such a hazzardous spot or attempt to moor stern toi the tide? For my part (and this is where I am in contention with all perceived wisdom) I would moor stern to the tide. Ok, Yarmouth moorings are on the port side in this situation. What I am about to suggest is tricky (but fun) if you are trying to moor between two other craft but here goes. You approach the mooring as close to the bank as the moored boats allow. As you are alongside your chosen spot go astern. Keep the engine going astern until you are stationary to the bank, at which point you turn the helm just a bit to starboard. This starts to bring the stern towards the bank. DO NOT PUT THE HELM TOO HARD TO STARBOARD, this maneuvour has to be done gently to maintain control, and it's not easy. As I'm frequently on my own I have to moor portside on to the bank so I've practiced this, making a right cock of it at Reedham (with large audience) and perfectly at the Berney arms (deserted) Thus, what I would advise is that if you can you practice this trick somewhere with a good flow but some space. Done well it looks REALLY cool!
  5. It's Ok, I'm an idiot or to use the IT support acronym.. PICNIC. (Problem In Chair, Not In Computer). I just went to the Adobe website via Google and updated from there. Thanks for the card, very nice..
  6. I don't know if anyone else is having this problem but when I try to open the file it tells be to download some software for which it supplies a link. This link takes me to what porports to be the adobe site,My antivirus then warns me that it will not guarantee the download as virus free!
  7. Sorry John, and I don't wish to sound hyper critical, but that sounds like a rather loaded question. If what you ask is confirmed it sounds like a precurser to a bit of "Plod bashing" whilst if denied it sounds like your next post would be along the lines of... "Well I've heard that..blah blah blah." A no win situation for Broadsbeat. Personally, I feel that with crime on the up everywhere, Broads beat should be supported to the highest extent possible on this and every other broads forum. Now I might have misinterpreted your post and if I have I apologise unreservedly, and further perhaps, you would do me the favour of clarifying your point.
  8. May I point out that the article says "Horning Ferry" not Horning car park. However, apart from such a minor detail, it remains that somethging needs sorting out over this. There is little to be gained by ranting & raving, positive suggestions need to be put to those involved. The boatyards pay commercial levels of rates, to have hirecraft refuse taken, that should be an end to it. Who was responsible for re-clasifying the waste?
  9. Well, whenever I see a bandwaggon, I have this overwhelming desire to jump on it... soooo.... A very merry Christmas to all forum members (even Peter who's thread we've just hyjacked ) and guests.
  10. Yes it's true, I need to ask a chocolate expert a question or two. The heading wasn't just to get your attention. My sister (Frances) is going into the University collage of London Hospital (I think that's what it's called UCLH) for Chemo and stem-cell replacement therapy. Close by is a 'Costa Coffee' where she had a cup of what she described as the best hot chocolate ever. Now the questions... Does anybody know what chocolate that is, and can I make it here for her when she comes out... And, as I am determined to keep her chocolate levels up as high as she likes, What chocs do all you experts reckon to be the absolute best? I like the stuff, but I'm really no expert!
  11. Never mind the wind Howard, Is the pub open this time of the year?????
  12. Typical, They find a bridge I can always get under... and close it!
  13. I hate to think what an "Interlopper" does for a living!
  14. Charlie, Have you not heard the IT support's acronym "PICNIC" ?
  15. Ok Robin, I agree, meaningful debate is the life blood of a good forum, especially in these winter months. So! It is after conciderable thought, reflection and research that I have my 'seasonal' reply to the question of these proposals being a good idea... Ohhh nooo it isn't!
  16. Shouldn't that read "Pots, black, Kettles etc. etc." ?
  17. I sometimes find that if I've read all the recent posts but still have a little time in hand, I delve back into posts of old, and should I find a post on which I'd like to comment I would do so. As most of my posts could be described as "inane", it's starting to look like such posts would not be welcome. I very much hope that this is not the case. That would not be friendly. In my "never known to be humble in his life" opinion, any post that is positive strengthens the forum. Any post that raises a smile, strengthens the forum, and any post that keeps the forum active to it's current level or above, strengthens the forum.
  18. "When you arrive at a mooring that is under the system, the mooring knows you have arrived"... And sends a gentleman in full morning suit with a silver tray holding a foaming pint of Broadside (well maybe not "foaming"). I could live with that!
  19. I'm still trying to work out if Jasper wants a lifeboat, or a thick metal band running up his bottom!
  20. I have to say Robin, Some of your ideas are my worst nightmare! You'll soon be suggesting that we tell children that Santa teleports into houses and has become even fatter on venison sarnies.
  21. I'm hanged if I'm going to be a pendant, so there!
  22. There is a "mobile home" park near Wayford Bridge. If you can find out who runs that, there may be a possible lead for you. Alternatively, would the caravan club be able to direct you?
  23. I saw a plaque a while back which said... "Money doesn't buy happiness, but it does buy chocolate, which is much the same thing." It is December the first, so I shall now wish all on the forum (and on other forums) a very happy Christmas. Roll on January the second, when I can stop being nice to everybody!
  24. So, A saily skipper displayed a total lack of control and hit the bank. I thought that second to hitting another boat, that was perfectly normal behaviour for sailies!
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