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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Senator, Whilst I can see your argument I can't help but feel you have made one or two assumptions that may not be correct. Take two identical properties. One is a private dwelling, the other is a pub and there is a reasonable amount of land (and by that I mean carpark, beer garden etc.) The dwelling would have a higher market value than the pub. This is why so many pubs are being bought by speculators, getting de-licensed and being turned into dwellings. If the Bereney Arms was purchased by its current owners at 'dwelling value' then they were short sighted, got it wrong and are trying to recover their losses by either rent or selling on. Or... If the Berney arms was purchased at 'pub value' then they are trying to make a killing on the deal by 'proving non viability' de-licensing and selling on at dwelling value. If the pub is valued and sold at 'pub value' then it is a viable business for an owner/publican. It might still be tricky if it were still trying to suceed as having an owner letting it to a tennent. I say tricky, as possibly still not impossible if nobody asks too much of the business.
  2. Ahh, understood Chris, That would be why the Quails flew.
  3. I'm surprised the Escargot went so quickly!
  4. Coo, I don't know nuffin about smartypants fones. Hells teeth, I have only just worked out how to send texts!
  5. Why did you get rid? I was just thinking of getting something similar!
  6. It occurs to me that this is a tool well worth further expansion perhaps picture in picture might be investigated, The main pic being of the bridge with the height indicator shown in the corner. For example, how usefui would it be if the two bridges at GY were covered and that the Bernie Arms and the Fisherman's Arms showed them (plus of course a note indicating the rough difference allowing for the crossing of Breydon) I for one would really appreciate being able to see Potter clearance from the Pleasure Boat, and the Thurne Lion. Further on in time perhaps with trackers on hire boats and a small screen onboard, A display could tell the skipper whether or not his craft wouldd fass under the bridge he seemed to be approaching, saying "You have clearance to pass under Ludham bridge" or "You may pass under Ludham bridge woth caution" or even "Don't even think about it!". Or maybe I'm just getting carried away!!!
  7. Come along now Robin, stop yanking Peter's chain
  8. I'm sure that when the time's right, Alan will tell us all he can. I for one await with great interest, however in the meantime I must say to Alan... Someday you will look back on all this and burst into floods of tears!
  9. No Grace, Nilson was known to ail in lots of places, in fact, wherever he didn't feel well
  10. I used to get all my suits from Barton's. Did you see any nice ones while you were there?
  11. I've checked the kennel club records and nowhere does it say... "This dog will not normally pass under Potter Heigham Bridge."
  12. I was thinking I'd have Easter on the boat next year, (2016) but as the Easter holiday will be shorter than normal, I probably won't bother.
  13. I've had an idea!! Attach 1 metre of chain to your mudweight, then the rope to the other end. Hang the mudweight so about two thirds of the chain is submerged, this would break any thin ice. Would that work/help?
  14. They could turn Potter Heigham bridge into a model of Goofy with his mouth open!
  15. A boating theme might be rather nice one year!
  16. Most pubs on the northern waters are pretty dog friendly, I don't go south often enough to know for down there. Especially I would recommend the White Horse Neatishead, Sutton Staithe Hotel and the Maltsters Ranworth. The Lion on Thurne Dyke is another. There are many more but those are my favourites. Oh and of course my regular haunt, the Pleasure boat Hickling if you can get under that bridge.
  17. Ha! and he thought he could get away from me by joining here Welcome Robin,, nice to see you here.
  18. If a priest stops me in the street asking for money, would that be a papal scam?
  19. Before we all jump down Herons throat perhaps we ought to consider the possibility of his having had problems with them. It would only take one really bad experience of a financial entity to stop me using them, and I would almost certainly tell you forumites of it.
  20. Thanks for the heads-up Mike. I reckon that since the Talktalk fiasco, there'll be loads of scams about.... Stay alert folks.. Ps, I take it that the above post WAS from you Mike, I just noticed 'civeaway'! You're not a scam are you??
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