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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Wasn't an Indian summer defined as a group of people in Delhi complaining about how bitterly cold it was?
  2. I hope Wildfuzz is reading this, it occurs to me that there could be something rather more sinister behind this. Possibility 1. That there is an address to send a payment (or phone number) which has no relationship to the BA. Possibility 2. That it's a way of monitoring which boats are regulaly being used. Possibility 3. That there is an equally nasty possibility that I hadn't thought of!
  3. and obviously you realised that one of the boats was powered by a Nanny
  4. I'm guessing that when Peter was guessing that Marshman was guessing that Peter was aiming his comments at the BA, Peter (quite rightly) guessed that Marshmans guess was wrong. Of course, in fairness, who was guessing what at that point is anybody's guess.
  5. It's one of the boats I really like. Will it go under PH bridge? What height does it need?
  6. Looking at the boat moored in the distance I'd have guessed it was heading Hickling way not Yarmouth way. I could be wrong!
  7. Ahh, but what about 'word prefect' ? Tee hee, teach you to speed read.
  8. I've only had minor problems with w10 having installed it on one desktop and one laptop. One of the problems (on the laptop) is the "search the web and Windows" button next to the start icon is as I have just written and not a 'magnifying glass' icon. On another point raised here, would I be correct in thinking that when using web mail, all the e-mails go through the hosts virus check? I use G-mail assuming that my mail goes through Googles antivirus system. If so, does that apply to my mail going out too?
  9. "Five hundred and fifty seven, five hundred and fifty eight..." S'cuse me mate, can you tell me where the pub is? Yeah sure mate, just down the road on your right. ...dammit.... One, two, three
  10. Hanging up that much bed linen to go along, when thousands of refugees are cold in Calais smacks of bad taste to me
  11. Downside of an inflatrable jacket perhaps but nothing to do with "Auto v Manual" debates as the incident would have had the same result in either case. Better that the father had had the inflatable LJ and thrown irritating child overboard.
  12. My typing used to be terrible, but now it's word prefect.
  13. Thanks AJB for putting some perspective here. Out of 3,400 speeders fewer than 6 prosecutions. As I had hoped and expected, not heavy handed at all. Enouigh to send out the right message, not so many as to be killjoys. Spot on as one might say.
  14. Sorry, I can't resist this, and I admit I'm being a bit of "devils advocate" here. You are moored alongside the bank when you see a motor boat approaching at considerably over the speed limit creating an almighty wash. As it nears the moord craft (we shall say that others are there too) it slows to well under ther limit and passes them. no wash, no rocking. as soon as it has passed, the skipper whacks up the throttle again and carries on at speed. In the distance you can see this skipper repeating this manouver as it passes another moored boat. I ask each of you these questions. Would you take any action to bring this skipper to task? Wouild that answer change depending on hire craft as opposed to a private craft? Just wondered..... tee hee!
  15. I rather concur with Neil's post if not quite in such strong terms. What will happen to the holiday industry if the broads gets the reputation of "the easiest place to get 'done' in"? "There's speeding a bit and theres just being a complete tw*t." as LeoMagill puts it. I'm absolutely certain the BA rangers know this and I would imagine their normal reaction would be anything between a blind eye through waving a lollipop to chasing after and stopping the offender. I'm sure that only exceptional cases would result in court cases. If a craft goes passed me whilst I'm moored, and rocks me a bit, I don't mind too much. That's one of the joys of being on a boat. The more it rocks me the more I mind. Too much and I'll voice my displeasure. Only if it is approaching a dangerous level will I take notes of names and numbers, and only if I strongly believe it exceeds dangerous would I start making phone calls. The speed limits are over land as this is the only way a novice will be able to judge the boats speed, but in reality it is the speed through the water that creates the wash, and the wash is the issue. My view is pretty simple, If someone wants to dress up as a pirate, let him do so. I don't mind. If a boat is loaded to the gunnalls with cheap booze, I just hope they stay safe and have a great time. and if it's a stag or hen party, I wish them well for the future and raise my glass to them. If whoever they are, and whatever they're doing they are enjoying themselves, then life is good. If they are ACTUALLY doing damage, only then should any reporting be thought about.
  16. Very quick suggestion, 2015 had one meet north, two meets south. How about alternating that? Perhaps one at Salhouse and one at Thurne Dyke.
  17. This is an opportunity to sound as thick as I really am! Register to what? What is it exactly I am objecting too? (ref numbers that sort of thing) I don't live in that area, Am I entitled to object? Can you think of anything else a stupid ass like me needs to know?
  18. Steel boats aren't everybody's cup of tea, but they're great for fridge magnets.
  19. "That's exactly how we attach ourselves." Works quite well John, but I think you'll find attaching fenders instead gives better hull protection. Think I'd better start running!
  20. Oh look, it has a tree too.
  21. Thanks Warp, point taken. What is the legislation of which you speak? I'd like to know so's not to break it. I am looking for an LED 12 volt floodlight. Not too bright, just enough to give clear visibility at say 50 feet. A wide angle would be useful to pick out both banks. Any advice would be helpful.
  22. Sorry Warp, I disagree. If I need to use a headlight I shall do so. Having said that, I am talking about a lamp mounted on the boat that shows a beam of light that lets me know where I am in relation to hazards in the vicinity. You might call that a "Spotlight" I call it a "Headlight" If traveling down a tree lined narrow river, a light showing you where the banks are is essential. You will not be able to see where you are going without one. Trust me, I've tried it!
  23. That rather depends on the available light Peter. If traveling from Beccles to Geldestone on a night with no moon well into darkness, trust me, a headlight is essential. Going across Hickling broad, try finding the posts marking the channel on a dark night without one. As far as "masking the navigation lights" goes, I would probably think along the lines of... ... "It's in the water, therefore it's probably a boat. Those are headlights, therefore it's probably heading towards me... TAKE COVER... DON'T PANIC... DON'T PANIC." Sometimes it's better with a headlight, sometimes without. Skippers call!
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