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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Can't think of any! Most of my contributions are rubbish anyway, but difficult to throw away!
  2. My sister calls them "Craft Moments" Can't Remember A Flipping Thing
  3. JR Labrador, Thanks for asking that question, I had been wondering the same thing to the very word.
  4. Ok, we have every reason to believe that we are talking about a group of people of whom we all have a low opinion. However, we don't know all the facts. Let us just for one moment consider the possibility that the helmsman at the time made a genuine error that was not alcohol fueled. We might imagine that he was a pure novice and believed that he was supposed to keep the red markers to his left. Could it be that he thought the posts marked out the two channels and he was keeping well clear of the middle bit. What I'm getting at is that we don't know the following... Was the helmsman as drunk as the rest of them AT THE TIME of navigating. Did the helmsman just 'get it wrong' but not without a reasoned (but very wrong) logic. Were ALL those on board equally drunk, unsociable and obnoxious. And, as has been suggested before, maybe this wasn't his first experience of the broads, perhaps he'd seen cruisers on Hickling and Barton going well outside the markers. I think I've read (and contributed) enough slating of this crew. On the face of it, they were/are morons, but I'd still like to hear their side, it might not be quite so black and white!
  5. True Peter, I always keep my knowledge in a modicum, but sometimes I forget where I left it. I now keep all my modicums behind the jar of marmalade.
  6. We all know that there is 'bloody mindedness' in both camps. We also know that there is ignorance in both camps too, but surely we should allow for the IQ (ignorance quotient) to be greater within the stinkie camp. It is an accepted fact that a lot of hirers are on the broads for the first time. their first experience of boat handling. What do the sailors expect of these novices? THE SAILORS THOUGHTS. I'm tacking, this is a race. Power gives way to sail, The skipper craft coming towards me traveling in the same direction will have assessed my tack and will have calculated where I shall be when I'm ready to go about. He will have adjusted his speed so as to reach my stern just after I go about and will be able to pass me at that point. He will understand that as this is a race we are all being competitive. He will also have realised that the other 20 sailing boats all tacking, all heading in the same direction and each determined to win, will be concentrating on what they're doing and will be too busy to indicate to him what we expect of him. THE STINKIE SKIPPERS THOUGHTS. Wow, isn't that pretty, all those different colours. Where's my camera? Where did I put my beer?
  7. No Ron, We're the ones who should be apologizing. It is, as you will have gathered, a subject that has been discussed on here many times. only very occasionally contentiously. Most of the above comments are just us ribbing each other. Something I can only rarely resist. The situation as it stands is that the BA has changed the "branding" of the broads from "a member of the national parks family" to "The Norfolk broads national park" even though the reality hasn't changed at all. There are many who object to this rather strongly and others who are more laid back about it all. That is one area of contention. another is the cost of this "rebranding" and where the money comes from for such exercises. So, in short, yes you did sort of parachute into a warzone but we do try to keep the battles friendly. Please don't stop posting, in time you will get used to us.... well maybe not me, but you'll get used to the others.
  8. Go through all what John? Has this been mentioned before? I'll ask Peter! see if he's heard anything.
  9. That is certainly the case these days Eric, but I don't know if it has always been thus
  10. "Every time I see your name on a thread MM is frightening" Yeah, be afraid, be very afraid
  11. I had an accident on my motorbike many years ago, It was my fault a lack of concentration at a bad moment. I still had a bill from the Ambulance service. No difference as far as I see it.
  12. Thanks Tim, Hypo = low, I'll remember that, but the more I read the more I'm inclined to dial 999 given that the symptoms of a stroke and diabetes are so similar.
  13. I'll tell you what.... It's bloody frightening to find that I seem to be the only normal person here.
  14. And Hamilton will be driving in front of his home crowd.
  15. It is the nature of single sex parties be they stag/hen trips or just "lads week out" for reasonably large quantities of alcohol; to be involved, twas ever thus. There is little point in condemning this as it won't change however there is a point to ensuring that people know that they well be held responsible for their actions, and that it is spelled out to them that this means financially. as well as legally. If the emergency services are called, the bill for any assistance rendered should be sent to the person responsible for hiring the boat. under no circumstances should the boatyard be involved at that stage. Only claims for damage to the boat or other financial loss should be made by the boatyard. Those that can't be sorted on the return of the craft, could then be made AFTER the bill from the emergency service has been sent out. This would be pretty damning evidence should the matter go to court. Andy has made it quite clear that refusing single sex parties isn't a good idea given that the vast majority of them are well behaved. Business should not be turned away just on the reputation of a small minority. Banning people for any period, let alone life is also not an option. Suppose ten years ago a single 25 year old person misbehaved and was banned for life. He's now 35, married with a kid. Should he carry the results of one night of stupidity for ever? I think not.
  16. There are certainly pigheads in both camps and no acceptable solution when you are confronted by one. Take a chillpill and if you have the time, let the other party have it's way. Best chillpills come in bottles.
  17. Sorry to nick your thread Neil but a quick question to Poggymale... What is that animal you are using as your avitar?
  18. Good point Dave, I'll dial 999 and take advice from there. I do remember that there's too much sugar in the blood or too little and that one is Hypo the other being Hypa and I can never remember which is which!
  19. True. Could be a stroke or possibly a diabetic going Hypo (or was it Hypa) and in need of a sugar hit or food. Hope someone straightens this one out.
  20. I think we can reasonably take the term "Thump them" to be a metaphor for showing great displeasure within legal limits. AND BOY WOULD I LIKE TO SEE THEM GET THUMPED REALLY HARD!
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