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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Hi Ron, There are few things in life nicer than a good lurk. I hope you enjoyed it. Delighted to read that you've been given the "all clear" for another broads trip.
  2. Notice to all members Summer 2015 is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 30th of June. Please be aware that you are advised to stay in the shade throughout Tuesday to avoid damage from the suns rays and the inevitable high pollen count. After Tuesday Autumn will start and you are advised to stay in the shelter to avoid damage from the acid rain. Winter will start on Jan 1st and you are advised to stay in the warm to avoid damage from frost bite. Spring will resume on March 1st 2016, when you are advised to stay underground to avoid all this damage the weather does to us. Remember, a positive attitude doesn't help but it does annoy the hell out of everyone else.
  3. Whoops, I missed that, Hiya Lesley and welcome
  4. Alan (Ranworth Breeze). Sorry matey but your post reminded me of the William Hughes Mearns poem... Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish he'd go away... It was the idea of encountering bins that have been taken away that I liked
  5. Isn't it funny how we can like/hate different things, Personally Brian, that for which you look forwards to so strongly, would be my worst nightmare. I do hope you enjoy it though. My feet are firmly rooted to the ground (except when they're rooted to the water.
  6. Ahh haa, Is Capt. Dread not doing it right? I'm not sure I remember how to quote people either.
  7. Blimey, if they removed the facetious comments from my posts I doubt there'd be enough left for me to qualify for full membership!
  8. Some years ago I saw a chap with what looked like a black bin liner on his roof. it was a solar water heater. A very simple device that was a black butyl rubber (I think) bag that absorbed sunlight or rather daylight to heat its contents, and a hose going in through the window. He said it gave him water too hot to put his hand in. Never seen one since though!
  9. Is there room on the other ankle to write "Feather"?
  10. Frankie can't remember why he went to Hollywood.
  11. Couldn't agree more Keith. Leaving the "two second" gap seems to be treated as an invite for another car to use it. I too have had silly B*****s playing games, though less so now I run an old dented Discovery. I'm thinking of getting a dashcam now, and one for Frances (sister).
  12. "People have paid good money to hear me sing" and better money avoiding it! That's it, I'm outta here.
  13. DEEBEE29 SAID, "The ear infection sounds painful, hope its all cleared up now"
  14. This was a cynical move by Dr Packman in an attempt to stop the owners of sailing boats complaining about him.
  15. Oh yes Iain, It can be damned chilly round the Baltics.
  16. Thanks Mark, That's the one. I think she might have been Silver Emblem once, or perhaps white!
  17. Of course it's the summer! The rain's got warmer and people have started talking about Christmas.
  18. I understand that some of them record sound as well, so under the circumstances you had, you could start commentating on the other driver's actions too.
  19. Thanks for clarifying your point Dave, and for about the second time this year we find ourselves singing from much the same hymn sheet. The houses that were sold off for nominal sums I suspect really suffer from being in the wrong place. As you recently pointed out, we have little in the way of manufacturing in this country any more, or at least, far less than we used to have. Whose fault is that? Well, you and I can scream at each other over a few beers about that one! (but not on this forum). :) The London houses bought for millions by foreign investers, Now, there we are in complete accord. If a house is not lived in, (for say a rolling period of 12 months) not available to be lived in not for sale or rent, but is in a fit state to be lived in... Then tax it to the hilt !
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