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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I can't see the pics I just get "Sorry, We could not find t..." and the page itself says... "Sorry, there is a problem The page you requested does not existError code: 1S160/2"
  2. Clive, Am I not right in saying that Brinks Emperor is a 48 footer? I understand she has the freedom from the broads 45ft limit from Granbdfather rights. Are there any other 48 footers like that?
  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again... If you want to live and thrive, let that spider run alive, but if you want to have a laugh... swat it with your Telegraph!
  4. If there's no news, print something alarmist. There is no logical reason to take any notice whatsoever of that article. it is based on little more than chinese whispers and hearsay.
  5. Sew 'em together and use 'em as sails. Just don't chuck ya used sails down BA's toilet!
  6. Yep Robin, I do that too. My most recent "refit" is on Brinks Admiral, a 48ft centre cockpit beastie. I've often wondered if there are any other 48 footers on the broads, preferably centre cockpit. I also wonder if there is any wauy it could be modified to get under potter. ahhhhh such castles in the air!
  7. Is this the same problem Jasper (Judge Dread) had?
  8. Hi Geoffery, What level of assistance do you require? Am I right in assuming that it's only when the boat needs to be moved from one venue to another that you need a crew, or do you need someone to be onboard throughout? I ask this as I have a friend who wants to come and is happy to crew for you. I think his idea is that he crews when the boat is moving but stays on my boat overnight. If I cannot make it there myself he would be happy to crew for you and stay on The Corsican. As far as boat handling goes, he is very able. I have known him for over 30 years and have always found him to be an affable fellow. He is his mothers carer (but is arranging cover even as I type) so if you do need more assistance over and above 'crew' he is no stranger to this. If this interests you, perhaps you can give further information as to your requirements. My very best wishes to you, John (Maurice-Mynah) from Nyx.
  9. At the summer meet this year I found a great Home brew and wine making store in Beccles. so if anyone wants to start, A good place for kit and advice!
  10. I haven't mastered the "copy & paste" on this new software yet... or is it a windows 10 problem? Either way I'm messing it up.
  11. Normally I'm concentrating on steering rather than take my eyes off Potter bridge to sound off!
  12. I'm in a similar position to Maxwellian's in that I hope to be there (I'd been hoping to be on Nyx) and would put myself up as crew, but things are so "up in the air" for me at the moment I can't be anything above 50% sure I'm going to make it.
  13. Hiya Daf and welcome, sorry to have to tell you but I'm as stupid here as I was there
  14. I am so used to being pre-judged it has for me, become a way of life. "The dog ate my homework" (from years ago) to " I've only had a couple of pints.", have always been greeted with sceptisism and suspicion, frequently correctly. The report/tweet from the coastguard will have been as the 'victims' reported it, it is not for the coastguard to argue points. However, there needs to be little in the way of reading between the lines before doubt creeps in to any normal thinking. Trial by forum is not often to be encouraged but equally it is rarely avoided. This is one such case. How often do we witness someone playing silly whatsits and think..."That's an accident waiting to happen."? Perhaps more telling, how often do we hear of someone who played silly whatsits and came to some level of grief throwing his hands in the air and immediately admitting his shortcommings?
  15. Oh, and while we are having a look back, I found this newspaper clipping in a box of stuff I was sorting out the other day.. Well dear readers, when do you think nit was printed?
  16. In 1972 I hit the £1000 pa point... pretty much what I'm on now!
  17. I thought that foxes and badgers were carnivorous! I'd discounted them on those grounds. We do get foxes in the garden quite often.
  18. Nothing to do with the broads as such but I have a question. Our back garden looks over a park. Recently we have discovered, in that garden, on the back lawn, a quantity of animal poo that has us a little perplexed. With all the rain we've had it is obvious that the creature that has gifted us these droppings has a diet high in what appears to be cherrys or small plums given the considerable number of stones within. The orifice from which these 'parcels' eminate would appear to be much the same size as a smallish dog's. I could add a photograph here but it might be modded on grounds of taste...if you know what I mean. Does anyone know, or have any idea what sort of animal we are getting as our regular nocternal visitor?
  19. Hi all, I was going through a large box of broadland photos mum dad and I had taken over the last 50 years to find that the ducks and rivers had changed little, when I came across these two. the one on the left (I hope it's on the left, I hate scanners!) seems to be of a pub garden, but I can't place it. Any ideas? The pic was taken late 70s I think. The other pic needs no explanation other than how they might go about selling it!
  20. Try rolling up your trouser leg matey, see if that does anything.
  21. As I would be the last person to suggest that it might just be possible, that should a vessel try to go between a "shallow water" marker post and the bank and should the shallow bank be such that it forced that vessel onto the afore said post, the resultant damage could, in certain eyes, not be entirely dissimilar from that which the photograph illustrates, I shall refrain from making any comment on the subject!
  22. I have the distinct feeling that somebody somewhere is being economical with the truth here.
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