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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Hey, I gotta boat like that!
  2. My sister is looking for a treddle Singer sewing machine! any ideas where she might find one and for how much?
  3. Not just up north Iain, I'm going to be psychic any day now, just don't yet know when.
  4. Nah, He's not that sort of bouy
  5. Hey that's cool Howard, I didn't know you were psychic
  6. "4 Days And Were Off" I got some stuff in the fridge like that... can I get all excited yet?
  7. MauriceMynah


    Yeah, we had a dusting here too, but I reckon that'll be gone by the time I get up.
  8. I would suggest that what you demonstrate there ST is the difference between "Religion" and "Faith", one is man-made and is taught, the other just sort of wells up from within.
  9. When I was on the wagon (2002 to 2011) I went through a lot of alcohol free beers, with Becks blue coming out about the best. I'd be interested in your view Iain as to which ones are good!
  10. Hmmm, Well we all know what a quality journal the EDP is, and nobody here will ever doubt the accuracy of its journalists, so the story is obviously a true, frank and unbias account of exactly what happened.
  11. I'll never waste an opportunity to point out that the way to look cool, is to look like you moor up like you do it every day. Never jump, alway step off a boat. Walk nonchalantly to the mooring post and tie the craft whilst appearing to be wondering what wine might go best with the Foie gras you were planning on having for lunch.
  12. Oh I'm "H" "A" "P" "P" "Y", yes I'm "H" "A" "P" "P" "Y", I'm sure I am, No I know I am, Yes I'm " "H" "A" "P" "P" "Y"
  13. Dare I point out to Viking that he is in fact agreeing with BuffaloBill, only more so... I think the pair of you will just have to agree to agree on this one
  14. Sadly the style of beer I like the most seems to have dissappeared. I like a rich brown beer reasonably bitter but not too much, full bodied yet not over strong. About 4% is right for me. Beers such as Fullers London pride, Adnams Broadside, and even Shepeard Neams Spitfire are ones I look for. However, what has taken over these days are beers that have what I hear discribed as Elderflower aftertastes. Beers such as the Woodfordes range. Humpty Dumpty beers sadly seem much the same. I went into the White Horse Neatishead last year on one occasion and couldn't find a single beer I liked, quite an acheivment for an establishment of that type. So to all brewers I ask... Please don't forget those of us who prefer the more traditional beers.
  15. That should have the worlds "gin palaces" making a b-line for Norfolk... and probably Suffolk too.
  16. That would explain all the "Freedom look you" quotes.
  17. One needs to drive within ones own limitations as well as within the limitations of those driving around you. All other drivers are incompetant idiots who need horse-whipping, thus it's a good idea to obey the speed limits because although they were not written for you, they were written for everyone else.
  18. Nah mate, remember, "if you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em!"
  19. I support the seasonal change of metric/Imperial measurements used in temperature. A nice day in the Summer is between 75 and 80 degrees, yet in the Winter the rivers freeze at zero! .. Spring and Autumn are just warmish or chilly. Simples!
  20. Griff, just a quick tip (if you didn't know it already) The Vacuum pumps people use for changing the engine oil are excellent devices for sucking fuel right to the engines fuel filter, saving a lot of time and effort when bleeding the system.
  21. Absolutely on the nail's head there.
  22. I think one reality is that some of the speed limits are as inappropriate as the speeds some motorists think to be OK. If I were to have any say in the matter, I would have 20mph outside every school, with 30mph for 200 yards (metres if you prefer) before the 20 limits. Both those speed limits to be "defended" by speed cameras. Those speed cameras would be switched off at 8pm and turned on again at 7am. All other speed limits should have a 10 year review to see if they're appropriate. Frequently what will happen is that a speed limit is reduced AND speed cameras are introduced in the same place (usually after a few accidents have occured at that place.) where only one OR the other is really necessary. This frequently results in inappropriate speed limits existing.
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