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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. So guess which total prat moored at Thurn Dyke Sunday night!!!
  2. Hmmm, Caption for Wonderwall's pic... ... go on then... turn the tap on... I bloody dare you!
  3. Will keep an eye out for yopu Broadsword. Sorry Adam, I'll miss you this time, Have to catch you another day. Hi SteveO, maybe see you at the new Inn as well as Mike. It all depends on "That bridge"
  4. I've lost my link to the cams
  5. Hmmm, New Inn Friday, now that sounds like a plan. Hope to see you there Mike.
  6. Tilley is a make Alan, and unless you coughed up about £50 what you got aint no tilley!
  7. Is the Factory Shop still there? I'd heard it had gone!
  8. Hasn't stopped you smelling of meths though, has it!
  9. Oh he knows JA, he knows.! We have to get our jollies where we can.
  10. Yeehaaaaa That drained the color from ya cheeks!
  11. Andy, I hate to say it but you can bang on about pricing till you're blue in the face. We all know it, we all understand it but as soon as the prices get mentioned again, all this knowledge and understanding seems to be blown to the four winds again and hire fleets get accused of "hiking the prices" again. as if you didn't already know that!
  12. I gotta metal detector... can I play Archaeologist please... can I... can I. Awaits Timbo's severe slapping!
  13. That can be tricky when the boot's on the other foot. Whoops, did I type that out loud?
  14. Interesting you should say that. Was your mother interested in fields by any chance?
  15. That's a shame, I'll just miss you, I need to be back here by Wed 30th and so was planning on heading home on the Tuesday.
  16. I'm sure there's another thread about this but I couldn't find it. Suddenly it seems I'm going to be afloat over the Easter Holiday. Who else will be? If I can get under 'that bridge' I hope to make it to Wayford bridge.
  17. Hey, I gotta boat like that!
  18. My sister is looking for a treddle Singer sewing machine! any ideas where she might find one and for how much?
  19. Not just up north Iain, I'm going to be psychic any day now, just don't yet know when.
  20. Nah, He's not that sort of bouy
  21. Hey that's cool Howard, I didn't know you were psychic
  22. "4 Days And Were Off" I got some stuff in the fridge like that... can I get all excited yet?
  23. MauriceMynah


    Yeah, we had a dusting here too, but I reckon that'll be gone by the time I get up.
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