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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Perhaps instead of repainting Nyx, I might tile the outside of the hull.
  2. Good point Keith. I too understand that there to be two ice cream boats, of which only one is for sale. The other, Adrian's, is not, as far as I know, for sale. (but does sell really nice ice creams)
  3. Thank you Swift, I had no doubt that Adrian (I didn't know his name until now) had met all the regs, but I didn't know what those regs were. I have had many ice creams from him in the past and will have many more for certain. We all should be perhaps a little careful with the banter that we enjoy so much, as there may be some readers who do not immediately recognise it for what it is, so for my part may I make it quite clear. I am in no doubt whatsoever that the flake in my 99 is of a chocolate construction as is any sauce poured over said confection. Any implication that this may not be the case is, whilst intentional, not an accurate reflection of my true belief.
  4. As ever, all very fair points Strow, and your observation about the government closing all the broads based businesses, is, of course, quite correct. However, how can I, a mere mortal, know when I see a real threat as opposed to one perceived by the other paranoids I keep company with?
  5. I do not accept your word "cannot" Strow. If a government thinks a move will make it popular, "cannot" would soon turn to "maybe". If subsequently a powerful lobby group proved to that government that there was a substantial majority in favour of such a move, "maybe" would very quickly turn to "will". Who do you believe to be the stronger lobby group, NSBA or RSPB. All the RSPB has to do is to prove to it's members that the only people who want the navigation to be protected are those people who are rich enough to own boats, and honest guv, it's "Bob's your uncle". Yes my analogy was meant to be amusing, but, as I said some posts back, they only have to say "yes" once. So!, If the government want's it and the BA want's it, then it's found that the general public wants it and the RSPB wants it, ... are you still saying it couldn't happen?
  6. In terms of government policy, the broads is treated as a member of the National Parks family although its statutory basis is quite separate and it is not legally a National Park. We do not propose to change this position and it is DEFRA's intention that the three purposes of the broads will remain of equal standing. "Mummy mummy, can I?" "No." Oh Mummy, can I?" "No." "Oh Mummy, Please can I?" "No." "Oh Mummy, Please Mummy, Please Mummy can I?" "NO! Mummy has said no and mummy means no!" "Awww Mummy, PLEEEEEZZZE can I?" "Oh alright then, if it'll keep you quiet!"
  7. One can easily fall into the trap of only thinking about the navigable part of the broads when discussing this, yet I reckon that with the help of the ordnance survey map, I can name more non navigable broads than navigable ones. Surely those non navigable areas should suffice for the RSPB's requirements! or are they greedier than the birds they purport to protect?
  8. It's so nice to read about the issues without the victim falling into the trap of "naming & shaming" the possible guilty parties. As you say, discretion is the best route, it burns fewer bridges. I would certainly talk to the yard first, they may be unaware of the situation and would appreciate the chance to investigate further, possibly leading to their repairing the issue.
  9. Hmmm, I think in future I shall treat the chocolate flake in my "99" with a little more suspicion.
  10. So did Harley Davidson.
  11. Is that Burrill bloke any good? Chap on here called Teadaemon says he looks a right dodgy character! :)
  12. I take it you realise that it's when the CHILD is 43 you can return to a normal life. Before that time, you have to go through the ... "Dad, can I borrow the car?"... "Dad, can I borrow a couple of thousand FOR a car?"... "Dad, can I borrow a few thousand for a deposit on a house?" and then... "Dad, can you babysit?"... before finally "Dad, can we borrow one of your boats?". THEN and only then will you return to a normal life... if you can remember what's "Normal".
  13. If someone is going really fast, just for the fun of it... Do they have a warped sense of humour?
  14. Thank you Alan, a very welcome modification.
  15. Was snowing, now sun is shining. I'm out looking for a snowbow.
  16. The Government told me that at 65 I would receive a pension from the state. It changed it's mind. The Government tells me that the Sandford principle will not be applied to the broads. you see why I worry about what the government says...and that's any party!
  17. I think Strow, the problem is one can say "no" as often as one likes, but one can only say "Yes" once.
  18. Back in the 90s I had a weird situation... I was working shift in those days, visiting my boat two weekends in three right throughout the year. Occasionally I'd get the feeling that someone else had been aboard. One winter I was proved right. The river was frozen over when I got to the boat and getting dark so I sat onboard, had a few smokes (I did in those days) and a bottle of red. Went to the pub for din dins then back to bed. In the morning I went to empty the ash tray overboard (yes, I used to do that too ) and noticed on the ice that somebody else had been doing it before me. On the ice were quite a lot of dog ends, I guessed about 20 to 30. I managed to retrieve one and found it to be a different brand to mine. It was obvious that whoever it was had been doing what I did, emptying the ashtray out of the window. As I have said, I'd had the feeling for over a year that someone else had been using the boat but this was the first time I ever found actual evidence. There was never anything missing, even though there was usually cash on board. There was never any mess, but it did explain why on occasions I seemed to think the boat was slightly cleaner than I'd left it. It took me some weeks to decide what to do, leaving little traps or tell tales. I'd leave a dead leaf in a certain position on the carpet and just one dog end in the ashtray. Sure enough, even though the dog end was still in the ashtray, it was in a different position and the leaf was gone. Whoever it was he/she was very careful to cover their tracks. (and No!, I never noticed anything in the snow). Eventually I left them a note saying that I knew they were using the boat and had been doing so for some considerable time, but given that they'd proved to me their honesty and carefulness with my property, they were welcome to carry on, and perhaps we might meet up sometime. When I next went to the boat I could tell the note had been read but there was no reply, and to the best of my knowledge, sadly, they never returned. ..Shame really! Still, probably the rarest form of squatter! Edited to ask... is there any way of using the word "Welcome" without the welcome banner coming up?
  19. If the Telegraph ever becomes "balanced" I'll stop taking it!
  20. It looks like some sort of measuring device to me. Thanks for putting the steering wheel in to give a scale.
  21. Wow, that brings back memories.... or rather it would have done but I only had a Honda 70
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