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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Have you never seen Griff Gracie? I'm having nightmares and I haven't even gone to bed yet.
  2. Thanks for that NonTecky! I was enjoying my day until I read that.
  3. I'm hoping to get better as I get more mature!
  4. Reading the details, it looks really good. Sadly I can only get freeview not freesat but maybe I might look into getting the sat system (freesat not Sky). Mind you, thanks to JM's link I might just watch them on the puter !
  5. Mmmm Turkeyyyy Sooooooooooop... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  6. To be honest, I'd go for the heaviest one you can reasonably handle. I'm sure someone will be along soon with a definitive reply, but I can't think of any problems caused by the mudweight being heavier than necessary.
  7. No, you will not need to show an anchor light. Ideally the lights that you will need to show are... Gin and Tonic being poured (1 white light with a green light either side and blue lights either side of those.) The early morning "Bacon Roll" being prepared. (2 flashing amber lights) Someone has stolen my G&T as well as my bacon butty. (single flashing blue light)
  8. "I`m just glad i can think for myself and trust in my own common sense." I used to think that.
  9. Thanks Clive, I was curious for no better reason than that he brought my boat from the Grand Union to the broads in 1995.
  10. Nah mate, Jon's yard is down stream from Wayford Bridge, but most certainly UPSTREAM from Ludham Bridge.
  11. Mark, I put some bread out for your Mrs, but there's no sign of her. You sure your not over feeding her or doesn't she come this far south (Bishops Stortford)
  12. Isn't Kingsley Farrington still moving boats then?
  13. Strange thing Christmas is. We old curmudgeons grump about for the first three quarters of December all saying how terrible the shops are these days and how good Christmas used to be and the way it's all too commercialized today. We moan about the carol singers not singing carols. We moan about the January sales starting before Christmas day. We moan about how few Christmas cards we receive these days (partly because we don't send any) And we moan about the cost of postage. (even though we never send presents either). Then suddenly there it is! It's the 25th! It's Christmas day! And as if by magic we look around at all those lovely friendly happy people. All kissing each other and wishing each other a happy Christmas. Smiles and hugs everywhere. And that's when we realize. That's when we really know! It's worse than we ever imagined it could be, far worse than last year and it'll be even worse next year. Happy new year everybody.
  14. Well like, us Essex boys 'av enough agro tryin to understan yoy like Iain yanow, wivout you like goin posh an tawkin like you summink sowf of Pitsea. Leeve it ouwt yonow, like, innit.
  15. I always took it to be the Pleasure Boat Hickling.... or was that "Coot Club"?
  16. You're right, Pressure cookers could have been made for turkey carcasses.
  17. I have decided that this spring I'm going to wash my boat..... (Probably)
  18. Damn!!! Thirty five were against ToS, Four weren't funny enough and the last one I couldn't spell.
  19. Hmmm, I'm just wondering which of the 40 or so sarcastic and/or offensive comments that immediately flashed through my mind to type..... now let me see....
  20. Yeah 2P&M, I bet that's what you said to the turkey too
  21. You know... the strangest thing happened to me yesterday! I was sitting in this bus shelter wondering about the world, when along came........ Sorry Gracie, I couldn't resist...
  22. Tricky to define "Shopping days" these days.
  23. Ok, it is now within a week of Christmas so... Merry Christmas to all here.
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