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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. A dehumidifier will work at over 5 degrees and will remove the same level of moisture as one operating at a higher temperature but will cost slightly more to run. In operation it will produce some heat as a by product. If you are heating the boat, a dehumidifier set to 65% relative humidity will eliminate condensation for very little extra cost is it will turn on/off automatically. I have used this set up for years and never have a damp/condensation issue, the boat is dry and ready to go as soon as we arrive.
  2. It is important to maintain ventilation when introducing a heat source if a dehumidifier is not used, the warmer the air, the more moisture it will hold, the air will lose the ability to hold moisture as it cools, such as coming into contact with windows or uninsulated panels if the temperature drops. When using crystals, except when in in a cupboard or closed area, don't have ventilation as you will be drying the external air and not properly reducing the internal atmospheric moisture levels effectively Hope this is useful.
  3. The majority of broads boats were presumed to be used in the hire season, no point in the yards spending money on insulation. When they pass into private hands they are more likely to be used out of season. Partial insulation can cause problems by concentrating condensation formation on uninsulated areas and in extreme cases it can form on areas that were not previously affected, such as under beds and stored leather items. The most effective cure for condensation is ventilation and constant moderate heat. Sorry to ramble but this time of year I spend half my life talking to people about it.
  4. The pipes freezing is because they have used thin walled supply pipe, in Medway they turn the water off 1st December until Easter for the same reason. BGM use a thicker walled pipe and rarely have an issue. It must be annoying, might be sort a visit to the camping shop for some spare containers and a small pump.
  5. I smoke, I know I shouldn't but I do. I am happy with the ban and can't believe we all used to smoke inside pubs and restaurants. I only smoke in my kitchen near a huge extractor hood, if the grandchildren are about I sneak outside. On my own boats I only smoke outside, it just seems to be the right thing to do.
  6. That was plan B when I saw the state of other Calypsos in Norfolk at a higher asking price. Sold for the asking price so I am happy and can do without the hassle of transport and registration for a possible, maybe, couple of grand more. I lost three thousand over 8 years, not bad for a boat
  7. Thanks Monica, Because of lack of available weekends it was a burden, when we visited we would spend half the weekend catching up with cleaning and other jobs. Now we can spend our free time in Norfolk.
  8. Deposit taken, be sad to see her go but a boat that isn't used becomes a liability. After taking the deposit within an hour I had two further messages looking to view. I found the various facebook boat sales sites produced interest. Going to a nice young enthusiastic owner to use on the Thames. Quite a journey, from the Broads to the Medway and on to the Thames and after on to the canals.
  9. Wow, storytelling is a lost art. Thank you taleteller.
  10. Thanks for all the suggestions, We danced on board, went to Pedros today and had the place to ourselves, snuggled up and watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ( not seen it since 1977 in the Picture house just after we became engaged. ) Decided to give a night on a broad a miss as it is blowing a gale outside. We also seem to have a few empty champagne bottles.
  11. I think it is more a Saturday Night Fever look going on
  12. We use the Ferry a lot as it is just up river, might give Yarmite a miss this time
  13. I'm the good looking one on the left and my ugly twin is on the right, definitely a rose between two thorns.
  14. Should have gone to specsavers, he is at least 31 Happy Birthday Peter.
  15. This weekend is a 40th, sadly not my birthday but our wedding anniversary. Any suggestions of somewhere a bit special to have a meal, we are based in Brundall , so somewhere in reasonable driving distance. For pure entertainment value, our wedding photo. 17 and just 19 This is a black and white photo taken by the local newspaper, just in case a certain firefighter thinks the world was black and white in 1979.
  16. They still have to be dressed, you just need better eye sight.
  17. My claim to fame was winning a fancy dress competition with my twin brother as Bill and Ben when the world really was black and white
  18. I remember Muffin the mule but no-one has ever offered me a seat on public transport, admittedly the last time I was in a bus or tube was 40 odd years ago
  19. Try using a dehumidifier with a small tent rigged over it, together with the fan heater it should shrink the wood back .
  20. Happy New Year Timbo, another 'regeneration' Doctor !! Hope this year gives you much improved health.
  21. Thats the one, my little 3year old granddaughter loves it. It drives me mad.
  22. A bit more up to date but really annoying, unless you are 3 years old The Stick song. I have no idea how to do a link to it though.
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