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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. It probably sank under the weight of the contravention notices.
  2. I am a retired gynecologist, but I like to .....better stop there or I will be modded
  3. I have been moored in BGM for 8 years and never seen a chippy, where is it
  4. Could the 4th tank be a separate fresh water flows tank for the heads, I have this arrangement on the Calypso, is there a filler point nearby?
  5. Not a boat owner, no ropes to the post
  6. Unless it is pumped ? I have a manual pump toilet with the waste tank base level with the pump. Hopefully it must have some sort of one way valve.
  7. Part of the problem is getting permits to collect from councils. We have to jump through a lot of hoops to collect from stations but it sorted out enmass. The other reason is many stores and organizations collect in house. More people give via the website and using text donations, this actually increases the amount donated, £5, £10 or more as opposed to change from their pocket.
  8. This was my (limited) view today, I am that bear 5 hours collecting at London stations, The generosity of people never ceases to amaze me. Over £20,000 raised by Kent Round Tables in 2 stations today. Other Tables were collecting throughout the country. Nationally the total should exceed £150,000. The fortitude of the parents and the incredible bravery of the children helped by Children in need is humbling. The second photo is checking the forum
  9. Remembering all those who fought and survived, but bore the scars until they died. The Dad who cried silent tears every Remembrance Day for the brother in arms killed next to him in Egypt and many others. The Father in Law reported as missing at sea, presumed dead, three times, The uncle who would only ever say he fought at Montecassino. The Mother in law who still mourns her fiancee who was killed on the very last day of WW 2. The ravages of war that last a lifetime. There but not there.
  10. Matron and the grandchildren made this wreath during the week.
  11. Unknown, but not forgotten. Remembrance Sunday On a cold November Sunday morn, an old man sits a while Looking though old photographs, he can’t help but smile They’re all there, all the boys, with hair cut short and neat Uniforms of khaki, strong black boots upon their feet. They met as strangers but soon became like brothers to the end Smiling at the camera, there could be no truer friends. They all took the Queen’s shilling, went off to fight the hun, Soon learnt the pain of loss once the fighting had begun. So many never made it home, lost on foreign shores Many more were injured and would be the same no more. The old man’s eyes mist with tears as he remembers every face Each of his fallen brothers and the killing which took place He proudly dons his beret, his blazer and his tie For today he will remember the ones who fell and died. On his chest there is a poppy, a blaze of scarlet on the blue He steps out into the cold, he has a duty he must do Once at the cenotaph he stands amongst the ranks Of those who marched to war and those who manned the tanks, He bows his head in reverence, as the last post begins to play And he wonders what will happen at the ending of his days Will anyone remember? Will anybody care? About the lads so far from home whose life was ended there? I wish that I could tell him, that he should fear not For this soldier and his brothers will NEVER be forgot We owe a debt of gratitude that we can never pay And this country WILL remember them, on each Remembrance day. Maria Cassee
  12. Who poked the sleeping bear Glad you are feeling better, Chairman Moa, Oh Great Leader.
  13. I users international topcoat, nice and easy and seems to be holding up well.
  14. 2 pack is not recommend on previous paints even with primer. Sounds like you will need to do some serious sanding.
  15. The lack of courtesy of some people never ceases to amaze me. I showed a father and son around the boat on thursday, they loved it, it was getting dark so I offered to come down again on saturday to take them out on the river, they jumped at it. I comfirmed by text friday evening and again they replied eagerly. At this point I delayed making an appointment for a guy who was coming some distance. Saturday the appointed time came, after 30 minutes and nothing., Phoned him and he cut the call, text him and no answer. No contact since. It wouldn't have taken much effort for him to text and say he had changed his mind, just bloody rude to not show. I did manage to empty the boat, how much stuff can you accumulate in 7 years, the Jeep was full to capacity.
  16. He has a huge and loyal following, always plenty of Kimi for president flags at all the races.
  17. I think anyone would be twitching after 90 minutes of adrenaline pumping through our bodies.
  18. That looks a nice boat, I started off with a cruisers international 224 on the Medway, lovely little boat to start with but we found we outgrew it after a couple of years . We changed to a Calypso 28, and have had that for 7 years, again on the Medway. I looked at a Hampton safari but found it too small, perfectly formed, just too small. 6 years ago we missed the Broads so got a 32 foot Topliner to use in Norfolk. The difference in size and feeling of space for an extra 4 feet length and 18 inches width is amazing. The Calypso looks like it has sold, but we will replace it next year, ideally I would love another Topliner but they are not available as only 3 were made in the two cabin style. I would probably go for the open plan type that Barnes have if they sold one off and remodel it. The Alpha 34 could be a contender, I need headroom and space, as well as a proper sized bed.
  19. Thanks Alan, This is for Whitey, I am having a lift out for antifoul in February. The initial survey 7 years ago found it to be in excellent condition. In 2 years she will be 30 triggering the need for a recent survey with Craftinsure. GJW have a 10 year survey requirement so it is a bit of a catch 22. The yard are able to do a report but it would then need a full survey in 2 years if I stayed with Craftinsure. The BSS is also due in March so I may just bite the bullet and get both done at the same time.
  20. Any recommendations for insurance companies that accept a boatyard report instead of a full survey. Thanks
  21. I have had to avoid the forum and news as I am afloat and had to watch highlights on C4. Lewis has been an exceptional driver this year, he always thanks his team, fans and family. Max is the one to watch in the next few years.
  22. One for Gracie, time to reach for the wine glass
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