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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Your friend could try wax, i would slap some grease on it.
  2. You will need it in spray form to get it in the concealed areas of the hinge.
  3. Glad you managed to get out on the water after such a rough winter, enjoy the magic of a 6 year old.
  4. I have a recent woowoo phone, not had any problems, yet, google gave a 90 day extension to any changes to the licence for woowoo. I suspect there will be negotiations going on. I have had samsungs for years without any problems.
  5. You looked like you were doing a good job of cleaning
  6. Hose and broom already in use
  7. I know 5 , who wants me on their team
  8. Very sad news, he was a real fighter and a great mentor to Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes.
  9. I made a big fuss, but that was based on the fact they were wrong and caused damage.
  10. The hallmark of many Quangos
  11. I wonder if the Rangers and Head Ranger were allowed any input into the original purchase decision or it was just independent experts who decided. It worked out well, not. Guess it might be time to ask those who will use any replacement what they think..
  12. Is that a reason or an excuse though.
  13. Within the Brundall area we have, A partially burnt boat that has been abandoned on Surlingham Broad since last summer. A yacht left on Church Fen 24 hour moorings since before Easter, the local yoofs have taken an interest in it, i chased them off and photographed Saturday evening. These two untolled vessels will be more expensive to refloat than they will be be tow away. Two areas of the river still substantially obstructed by fallen trees. A collection of boats that have obscured reg numbers and no tolls, again. However, these things cost money to rectify, no point in pursuing boats that are continually untolled as the costs will never be recovered, far better to spend a considerable time and effort sending rangers out to check if reg numbers are displayed in accordance with the authority's latest whim, not the bye laws but a recently interpreted 'guidance' leaflet that is now the third version in a few years. How to win friends and influence people. NOT.
  14. If only it was that easy, I have tried twice and given up. They insist they can't email the receipts and then send them separately even though the are paid at the same time. They don't even have the ability to take one payment and ask me twice if i want paper tide tables. I would love to know how much they spend on IT.
  15. Definitely BA, hence last years damage to my window.
  16. The Rangers and the Authority should be spending their time and energy pursuing the many regular non toll payers who year after year flout paying. This would at least increase income. The ability to identify a vessel has not changed, the Authority's wish to speed up the process because they changed the issuing of the toll has. To call the new toll system paperless is a joke. I get two envelopes with separate receipts and two lots of additional paper in addition to the two separate reminders issued in March. They have my email, why not use it.
  17. Thanks, that is the one,. I used these as the master socket is out of range of most cordless phones at the time. Really good system, never had a problem.
  18. I think it might have been suggested, but. I use a plug in thing at the master socket, this uses the electric cable to connect to another plug in socket at the other end of the house. Any phone can be plugged in and it works well.
  19. The logical thing to do would be to insist that all newly registered vessels comply. Strange that they accept a toll for a vessel that doesn't comply with their "guidelines". For the past few years I have seen the same boats that have no toll and defaced reg numbers, better to persue these first than chase owners who have always paid on time. When they have collected every toll due they can spend their time on minor perceived infringements.
  20. surprised they have not been deploying the rangers to clear the Yare of two large fallen trees above Brundall that have obstructed the navigation since before Easter. One tree blocks about a third of the river and the other one, on the opposite side just further up river, by a quarter. They have at least put up lots of yellow posts. I am sure i read somewhere that they had a duty to maintain the navigation ??? I have also read somewhere that they have a wonderful piece of expensive equipment to do the job.
  21. Some of you will recall the issue i had last year with a notice put on a perspex window, even though the reg numbers were compliant, just the ranger to lazy to look properly. I wonder what is the situation if the numbes are covered by a winter cover.
  22. How old do I have to become to get this grumpy . My biggest moan about yoofs is the snowflakes, too scared to try anything and too frightened that they may offend someone. I wonder which group will produce our future great leaders and Warriors ?
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