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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. It is always impressive to see the effects weather can have on water, one day very low, the next very high. We tend to be isolated from the effects of weather living in houses.
  2. MM, yesterday Brundall was a very low tide, sitting on the mud low. Today Brundall is a very high tide, coming over the quay heading in places.
  3. Bob, it dropped another 6". tomorrow it is supposed to be flooding in the area. Funny old weather.
  4. At a guess, I would suggest road signs are being defaced by locals and 24 hour signs by boaters, that, to me, indicates two groups who are unhappy.
  5. High tide is about 1pm in Brundall, the flow is still going out at quite a rate. I can see us sitting on the mud today, it might stop some of the rocking though.
  6. blowing a hooley at Brundall now, hitting side on and sticking us to the quay heading so at least we aren't bouncing to much.
  7. Hi Bob, probably the best plan to get back, looks like it is going to be rough for a few days, hopefully catch up with you during the summer.
  8. Sadly legislation moves faster than us dinosors, In all walks of life, things that were said and done over the past 40 plus years are now considered to be unacceptable, and rightly so. Gender, religious belief, race and minority aged children are rightly protected. The certain young lady is 17 and therefore protected from personal abuse. Just consider if your 17 year old daughter was subjected to personal on line abuse, who of us would be happy with that. Pull anyones campaign apart, but don't have a go at the child. If I think her campaign is based on half truths and misinformation I would attack that not any percieved short comings she has and that she has no control over. Blimey, I appear to be getting very liberal minded, not something that has ever been suggested before. I have a whole stack of inappropriate gags I could have added but they are inappropriate and not suitable for a friendly family forum.
  9. I think Sunday will be a book reading day, give the authority's chance to clear the trees and power lines from the local roads.
  10. Fortunately the marina have done a lot of tree work over the summer to take out damaged and potentially dangerous trees. This time of year, and after all the rain, the ground is very soft, a few days of sustained high winds might cause problems. Dreading going home next week, I have a load of big trees in the garden, well I have at the moment.x
  11. I will keep an eye on it.It looked ok earlier when I came past.
  12. I see the Met office has upgraded the storm warning to ' danger to life'. Looks like i have picked a good weekend to be onboard. Batten down the hatches and tie down the tarpaulin.
  13. Given the limited range for any electric vehicle at present, they will need to.make huge strides to make electric lorries viable. Some days i do more mileage than the best range currently available, travel time is already dead time for me without having to spend time charging a car. I suspect by the time this all happens I will be driving an electric buggy down to an empty High Street. Battery is all very well and ' Green' until you factor in the incredible damage caused on land and now under the sea to extract the rare precious metals to mske the batteries.
  14. Getting up at 5am, 7 days a week, to do a paper round. That lasted from age 12 to 13. Then I got a weekend job in the local hardware shop selling parafin, just saturdays, for more money.
  15. I have been racking my old brain and I can't think of anything I miss. We have benefited from so much over the last 60 years in the improvements to our general standards of health care, transport, relative wealth, peace, social reforms and communication. I guess the thing that has suffered is our close society in that we probably don't know our own neighbours. Every step of progress has a drawback, it is making the most appropriate use of new things rather than missing the older ways. That is perhaps balanced by the very fact we can communicate with like-minded individuals across the world on something like this forum. I communicate with family and friends more often because of facebook and whatsapp than I would without it. Thought provoking topic though.
  16. Is that how it works. I was thinking planet, the one between Saturn and Neptune. For men, Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional.
  17. Timbo, if you face east, bend forward and hold your ankles, and look through your legs, what would you see.
  18. You must have long dislocated arms ?
  19. Not him, Dinger used a walking stick and had a bushy beard, Gave the impression of being grumpy but he has a heart of gold. A prooer boatyard character.
  20. He got a place up there near his daughter the year before last and spent the winter there. He is sailing his new yacht up over the summer. I think the cold winters were less fun than they used to be.
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