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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Andrew, start a topic that you are interested in, I guarantee you will get opinions, it might even stay on topic.
  2. Surely there is room for both, non Broads related threads don't block Broads related posts. As many threads are started by and continued, as members want, Andrew, what would you want to start a thread about ? (Sorry if that sounds abrupt but I can't think how else to phrase it )
  3. Two threads are not directly Broads related but are in The Broadscot Lounge, the area of the Forum for general discussions. By far this forum has the widest range of Broads related topics, also the most active yet civilized members.
  4. Some of the biggest condensation problems I come across are in all electric properties, invariably the storage heaters are expensive to use and inadequate, electric heaters and electric underfloor heating is too expensive for the occupants to use for more than a couple of hours a day. Colour gas fires are sometimes used, these are horrendous contributors to condensation formation.
  5. Solo boat cleaning weekend, so not much fun
  6. With the upcoming ban on gas Boilers in new builds, leading to increasing demand for electricity to power homes, how is the further demand for electric cars going to be met ?
  7. He definitely looks better from the back
  8. Sadly it seems that the madness has spread to Holland,
  9. Fingers crossed, looks like the next one is on sky1, that's free. If not, meet you in a sports bar Polly I much prefer C4 coverage.
  10. It is showing as being on Sky1 for the next race, at the moment. Mercedes have also found damage to Lewis's floor, that would explain his performance.
  11. I refuse to pay the £35 a month to virgin to watch sky F1 when sky only charge £150 to their customers. Nice suprise to be able to watch the full race on Sky1, bet that won't last. Max has calmed down a bit, should be a good season.
  12. Only allow ladies, the worst thing would be keep lifting the lid.
  13. At that price, I would want a Captain included.
  14. What part of the Authority's remit covers spending 1 million plus on educating people on Global Warming, sorry, climate change. That is a function of Government. Pick your outside, " independent " planner carefully and you can guarantee the right result.
  15. The Boundaries commission report of 2018 was laid before Parliament in September last year. The recommendations were to reduce the number of MPs from 650 to 600 and equalizer the population size of each constituency. Who thinks turkeys vote for Christmas?
  16. I have just realized that I have been flying the forum pennant upside down for the past year, and no one has come to my rescue.
  17. Welcome to the forum Paul. Lots of information available from some very experienced Woody owners here.
  18. I haven't bought a new car in over 30 years, I really don't like depreciation. The Jeep Commander cost 6k with 70k mileage, after 4 years and 100k additional mileage I sold it for 3k with no major expense. It only did 20mpg but was ideal for my use. I now have a VW Toureg, 10 years old with 35k mileage, I really splashed out and paid 9k. This will last me 5 years and will still sell for a reasonable price. I get 30mpg. My best cars have always been big Lexus saloons, i am on my second one, the previous one i had for 18 years and paid less than 8k for, it lost 5k in that time, amazing comfort and reliability, , again my latest one is 12 years old, 60k for under 6k. this does 30mpg even though it is a 4.3cc petrol engine. I may be able to by a new car that does better mpg but would lose thousands in depreciation. At least I am being "Green" by recycling old cars.
  19. Thirty five years ago I had to find a phone box to ring my office, reports and invoices were sent by post and cheques came back by post, ( two deliveries a day ) then a trip to the bank to pay the cheques in. Now a days everything is by email and bank transfer or card payment. These technological advances mean my cash flow has improved, the company is more productive and I don't need to be in the office or even the same county. This means I have more time to go boating and I can still deal with any issues that arise, as though I was sitting in my office. So for me technology has given me more freedom whilst still being available if needed. My biggest bonus is brilliant staff, far more valuable than technology.
  20. Sold close to the asking price, Sad to see her go, a new life on the Thames awaits as a week day base for a tugboat worker. The good news is I have one less boat to clean and maintain. I found I had quite a few contacts via the Norfolk boat sales facebook site and a Kent equivalent.
  21. Nothing for it, you will have to sing to yourself, in your head
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