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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. I saw one leaning against a bus stop in Brundall last month. It was there for over two weeks and nobody nicked at.
  2. Depends on how many formal moorings you want to go past, Waterside, Bramerton, the Ferry house, the one opposite, I am sure they weren't all full. When it is 11pm and pitch black I guess most people would have found a space. I suspect it was sheer bloody mindedness and a complete disregard of peoples safety. The BA issued a ticket and the yard owner had a load of grief when the boat was returned. The Yare was quiet all day due to the football so I don't see lack of mooring being the reason.
  3. Yes, heading down river past the Ferry House and the 24 hour moorings opposite. I don't know how full they were but Coldham Hall and Church Fen were all but empty.
  4. The first boat was a woods, couldn't see the last one as it was so dark. Didn't see the coast guard, they must have come down river. We came back from Coldham Hall, only one space taken at 9.45pm.
  5. No, if it was me I would be sub letting on the side
  6. The reasonable and very nice people were on the first boat. The mean people live in the property that has the private moorings outside, they spend a lot of time looking out the huge windows waiting to pounce. I don't know what the people on the second boat were like but they did wave and shout thank you when I called out, there are moorings available 5 minutes further on the left. All clear as mud now.
  7. The first lot were normal, they had just run out of daylight, the tenants of the property they thought they might use are not happy or reasonable, they have a tendency to shout loudly at people who look like they might moor up. They tried to untie a boat late one evening. The boat had permission from the landlord, that shut them up.
  8. Sadly the new tenants have a habit of being less than friendly with people mooring, I thought it better to suggest moving 5 minutes down river than have a load of grief when it was completely dark.
  9. What part of cruising after dark do some people not understand. 10pm and a hireboat comes past with someone shining a phone light from the front and tries to moor on the private No mooring area, I directed them to the empty church fen mooring 5 minutes away. They said they had run out of daylight, amazing really its not like it gets dark at about the same time every night. 11pm another one comes past without even a phone light and gets directed to the same mooring. Give it another hour and Church fen will be full.
  10. I had a little bimble down the Yare in the little Broom. I got to Coldham Hall and the river had lots of youngsters out in sailing dinghies, all over the place. Now I could have weaved passed them but I thought, they are having fun on the water, so I turned around and went back up river. My evening wasn't ruined, I was pleased to see others enjoying the Broads.
  11. Too late, you must of slipped through
  12. I tried that once, I fell over and passed out,
  13. I saw this in a post remembering those who lost their lives on RFA Sir Galahd during the Falklands conflict and found it very poignant. Thankfully my two brother in laws came back. My neighbour didn't, leaving a young wife and family. IN WATERS DEEP In ocean wastes no poppies blow, No crosses stand in ordered row, There young hearts sleep… beneath the wave… The spirited, the good, the brave, But stars a constant vigil keep, For them who lie beneath the deep. ‘Tis true you cannot kneel in prayer On certain spot and think. “He’s there.” But you can to the ocean go… See whitecaps marching row on row; Know one for him will always ride… In and out… with every tide. And when your span of life is passed, He’ll meet you at the “Captain’s Mast.” And they who mourn on distant shore For sailors who’ll come home no more, Can dry their tears and pray for these Who rest beneath the heaving seas… For stars that shine and winds that blow And whitecaps marching row on row. And they can never lonely be For when they lived… they chose the sea.
  14. My dentist books emergency appointments for 2.30. He finds it funny.
  15. Just as well with half of Norfolk watching
  16. Really need to get Timbo afloat and occupied, The Devil makes work for idle hands, Who knows what he might get involved in if he isn't afloat
  17. I like this, surprised no one has sent it to me.
  18. Ok, I am tired, it is the end of the week, I have six more big sleeps before I am afloat. Give me time and I will come up with a really good explanation for my inability to solve this problem. I can't even google it. I admit I did laugh at your jokes, well one of them.
  19. After careful consideration, I have decided I don't want to know how to achieve nuffing in a box The paint is nearly dry, in fact it is tacky, just like your jokes Jayfire Even if you lot explain how to achieve nuffing, I refuse to read it., honest. Can it be achieved on a mobile, not that I care of course.
  20. My brain hurts most days, you are not helping, I might read the jokes instead.
  21. You would be surprised at the things I can struggle with. Nuffing is beyond my ability to achieve nought.
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