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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Ford corsair, my first car.
  2. I am, it is on the edge of Brundall broad, that is owned by BGM, they have a lot of land, more than you would expect.
  3. Perhaps I have a special invitation on Saturday
  4. I doubt it, if you moor or store a trailer, you pay
  5. No. It is surrounded by Brundall Gardens.
  6. Someone must own the land and be turning a blind eye.
  7. Just to clarify, the area he uses is effectively a wild mooring, a good few yards past the 24 hour moorings.
  8. The land is Brundall gardens as they had to supply 2 additional 24 hour moorings on the end of their land as a condition of the moorings expansion a couple of years ago. The guy has been in residence for a good few years without being moved on. It does beg the question, is it alright to trespass as long as you don't make a mess ?
  9. I think the land belongs to Brundall Gardens and is near the closed over entrance to Brundall broad, this was closed up over 20 years ago by UEA as an experiment to see what would happen.
  10. My day consisted of writing a Modern Slavery policy statement, Environmental Policy, Equality policy and updating the Data Protection policy. Reviewing the Control of substances hazardous to health documents, manual handling, working at heights policy, Asbestos Awareness training, waste transfer license and sundry other documents and policies. A complete waste of time and energy when I should have been out surveying, in an attempt to generate work to keep the workforce employed and enabling me to pay employers nation insurance, pension contributions and act as a tax collector for HMRC. Oh how I laugh when people say how lucky I am to have my own company. That feels better
  11. Hi, welcome to the friendly forum. What Topliner did you hire and what was the problem.
  12. This is what the Friendly Forum is all about. Great effort from all those who gave their time so willingly and especially Doug who came up with the idea. Sod the moaners
  13. Eastbound is clear, westbound is not moving.
  14. West bound to Thetford, up on the viaduct..
  15. Just seen a big accident on the A47 just past Postwick junction, could be a long wait so avoid if you are homeward bound today.
  16. ExSurveyor

    Bye Bye

    I am struggling with this thread, What is this supposed Party Line and who has set it. ? If the majority view is the "party line" surely that is just the ethos of the forum. If you hold a counter view to the majority, that is all it is, it may feel like you are being ganged up on but you just hold a minority view. That should not stop anyone posting a different perspective, just don't expect anyone to suddenly convert to a different stance, anymore that you would alter your stand point. I find this need to announce the intention to leave the forum in a fanfare very strange, all it will achieve is to stir up ill will, if you find this place is not for you, just stop posting, you can always return later if you feel it has changed more to your liking. It is a pity that John has stopped posting at the moment, I did enjoy most of his posts, but that is his choice and right. It is probably better that members ask a few months later, what happened to…..they haven't posted recently, hope they are ok. Shame we are spending so much time on this rather than celebrating a forum contingent who have given time and money to help a fellow forumite to get back on the Broads.
  17. They appear to be heading in the same direction as the RSPCA and the National Trust.
  18. Good luck this weekend, hope you all achieve lots but also have a bit of fun.
  19. Always happy to please our advertisers
  20. What have the Romans ever done for us, Sorry, I had to do it. All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?
  21. A tender will open up a whole range of pubs to you We use ours most days just to potter about on, saves finding a pub with a mooring, we can usually squeeze in most places.
  22. A 10hp engine will have to work a lot harder than a 20hp engine. The noise from the engine can be an issue in my experience. The rear seats are very close to the engine. Given the choice I would always go for 20hp.
  23. At just under half power against the tide I did 6mph today with two up. The Scorpio with a roof attracts a good premium.
  24. Hi Robin, that is not a Scorpio. Might be another Broom model or a lookalike. 10hp might struggle in the tidal flow on the, Yare, 20hp is about right without the engine having to go rev too high. Happy early retirement /gap year.
  25. A jet rib is no fun in the rain, now a Scorpio has a sliding roof for those showery days we have in this country.
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