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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Thanks, Robin for taking the trouble to write in detail. I accept that this isn't a straightforward situation.
  2. Whilst quiet moorings and pub habits are valid discussions, how does this link to the Ranworth subject?
  3. So you can moor for the night and vet a pump out whilst you're there, very handy.
  4. I've read there's a pre-bookable overnight mooring by the Womack "Big Shop", £10, available 1700-0900. Has anybody tried this?
  5. No I didn't receive a proper explanation sadly. Yes I accept the consequences of falling in with no-one around could be greater. However, as an experienced hirer I consider myself lower risk of causing damage and injury than a crew of novices.
  6. Mmm, not sure my dog would pee in to a dinghy, she's better trained than that 😀.
  7. I was put in the same position as you in 2018 with Richardsons, BoF and it still niggles me now. Thank goodness for the sensible operators who continue to offer solo hiring. Mudweighting overnight for me generally isn't an option as I have a dog. I was dogless for one trip last year though and really wanted to mudweight overnight. I dropped the mudweight at both Barton and South Walsham but chickened out on both occasions due to windy conditions.
  8. Urrrghhh, not good. Is there yet any information on whether or not these locations will continue as short-term moorings?
  9. Coltishall Lock always seems like the secret place that no-one else knows exists. It's like the Rising Sun creates a sort of false limit of navigation where everyone thinks they have to turn around.
  10. MM did you pay the mooring fee? It strikes me that if the ranger was indeed having to combine shop duties with boat assistance then she's been lumbered with a completely unrealistic job. Perhaps the BA aren't serious about providing assistance? Surely not!
  11. I agree Rockland Staithe and the New Inn are both brilliant. If there's no room at the Staithe or you fancy a quieter spot, the pub is an easy walk from the Short Dyke moorings on the way in to the Broad.
  12. At least you didn't go to Watford Bridge.
  13. Richardsons only have 22 going out today? I guess plenty would have gone out yesterday for weekend breaks bit nevertheless that's far fewer than I'd have expected.
  14. That's a fair point about Pacific, Neil. It's surprised me that for the last few years they start their season at the beginning of May, so around 2 months later than everyone else. I guess they've been a husband and wife team for many years and I wouldn't blame them for wanting to keep it that way, plus they have space limitations at their base.
  15. At Brooms, Neil, or elsewhere as well?
  16. Stacey Arms is an underrated night spot in my view, and your sunset pics illustrate that perfectly.
  17. You've been hard at work writing today, Helen, thank you. Re Wroxham Bridge, are you saying MS is effectively banned from passing through now?
  18. Having hired from them last year I agree they're a very good standard, I just wish they would price more realistically. Silverline used to be well priced in my view, particularly on their older craft.
  19. Ferry are offering a 30% discount on holidays between 26 May and 10 June. I can't help feeling they wouldn't be left with unsold bookings to discount if they just charged less in the first place.
  20. Broads01

    Plan B

    That's the trouble with the Broads, so crowded, can't moor anywhere and can't get a seat in the pubs 🙂.
  21. I can just imagine Purdey enjoying the passenger seat with the roof down.
  22. Thanks for sharing the notice, Griff. I'm not a legal expert so I'm looking at it from a layman's perspective but I can't understand how contract law could come in to play, it doesn't seem right. I'd be very interested to hear from someone with the appropriate expertise. Secondly, doesnt the term "Mooring Contravention Notice" specifically relate to the non-payment of river tolls? If so, I can't see how at the whim of the BA the term could be extended to include non-payment of a short term mooring charge which is something completely different.
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