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Everything posted by jimbo

  1. Gor! Just when you think you have closed a thread, along come a couple of muppets and keep it going Ooops! Thats another post!
  2. jimbo


    I think it was Jonny that broke it
  3. Did you get to the bottom of the gear selecting problem?
  4. I think the idea of the time sensative launch Simon, is to stop the paint fully curing, thus stopping it doing what it says on the tin? I think the worst that will happen is you will have more 'Clingon's' than you would, had you launched it on time.
  5. I am fairly sure the one on mine is 2.5bar Steve, hope that helps. Welcome to the forum by the way
  6. Watch out for accidentally throttled back Harriers if you going out into the Salty stuff
  7. jimbo


    Later this month at some point Paul, but not made any plans yet.
  8. jimbo


    That's good news! matey
  9. jimbo


    Was the 'Big green cruising machine' alright Paul??
  10. Do the others you list employ those foam sandwich type hulls though? As I imagine there would be a big weight saving doing it that way.
  11. Being a sea goer, it will have a thick layup compared to a river dweller
  12. jimbo


    Close Donny it's a Ocean 30 with the rear window to starboard.
  13. I recon it was Italian for..........." You don't wanna do it like that! "
  14. jimbo


    It would be one of the newer boats wouldn't it!
  15. It certainly won't like starting without heat! If it will at all. Thats why testing the position 2 when the engine is cold should give you a definative answer. The other way of course is to turn the key to position 2 and see if there is current flowing to the plugs with a simple test meter or even a 12v bulb held on the plug contact with a short length of wire to earth to the engine.
  16. In that case I think you will have to test and see if Pos. 2 is heating the plugs by trying it on a cold engine. turn the key to pos 2 wait for 15 seconds and then go for the start. If it fires up straight away, then do as the instructions say and turn the key to Pos4.
  17. Have you tried turning the key to see if your ignition barrel has a left of centre position?
  18. Stop teasing Mark!! or are you having a senior moment?
  19. I'm not telling what type I use through fear of ridicule
  20. Washing up liquid is brilliant to use as a lubricant when fitting a new impellor. I do of course replace the cover and start the engine within a matter of minutes, so it setting has never been an issue for me
  21. Bucket of cold water quick! someone !
  22. Looks very nice Mark Bet your gagging for a go now
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