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Everything posted by DAVIDH

  1. Could be. I did clarify that this was just as a result of me updating for 2021. I only do it once a year at this time, when Hoseasons are updating. Not sure if Explorer is ex-WRC, as I looked at it and I think it states that plans could be modified whilst under construction.
  2. I had put together a photographic list on the word doc, but for those who can't download it, here's the list: Removed: Brinks Airies, Brink of Peace Benmore, Crystal Gem Silver Gem, Opal Gem, Ibiza Royall Solitaire, Royall Oak Royall Stuart, Summer Horizon Phantom, Prelude, Quest, Majorca, Madeira, Bright Gem Broadland Breeze, Corsica Crown Gem, Dream Gem Added; Fair Consort, Fair Explorer Transferred from WRC to Faircraft: Waveney Andromeda now Fair Crusader (Interestingly, Hoseasons also list Fair Courier and Fair Aristocrat, all with the same Crusader image, so I guess these will be the names of the transferred craft, but Hoseasons have not (as yet) completed their database entries. (They are not on the boatyard's own site, so I can't check which is which.)
  3. Just been updating my database of boats offered by Hoseasons, and it's striking how many boat classes have been withdrawn from hire. I've counted 21 out, and just two added. This is across boat classes of course, and as such, there could be more than one of each type. Similarly, it's possible that some of the boats have been incorporated into other classes. So the list below is just an observation. The 2021 season is already very well booked (not full), due to transfers from 2020, and those booking early due to perhaps having missed out this year. So it's counter-intuitive that so many boats would have been retired, when demand is likely to be strong for 2021. Doc1.doc
  4. Andy, I've seem this said a few times, but over the last few years, they have added more boats to the different classes - the Captains and Bolero spring to mind, Clean Sweep and Broom Explorer too. Were these all purchased "ready made", or were they all completed more than 18 months ago? If so, it seems odd that they would have had such a spurt of activity, and then just stopped.
  5. Put up with it for now Ian. It won't last forever (even if it seems so at the moment) and by the time midnight 31st December comes around, not only will you feeling much better, you will have the stamina to kick this dreadful year out the door for good.
  6. They appear to be hire canoes, so I wonder if it's some sort of designated itinerary for a group to meet up there for lunch at the Cross Keys.
  7. Indeed Vaughan. You will become the branch manager.
  8. No Paul, I just had a spring in my step that day!
  9. The turning point is directly opposite the moorings. It won't be tight for a boat like yours. I was on the one you see here, which is the same model as you are on and there was plenty of room to turn, even if someone is moored there.
  10. It shown on this map, together with the route from Wayford Bridge. The image below is the last part before the moorings
  11. DAVIDH

    Hic !

    As you say Chris, nothing prepares you for that moment when you're left alone. My despair was so deep when Doreen died, I was non-plussed as to how nobody had warned me such pain existed. People lose partners and loved ones every day, and as i walked around Leeds City Centre, I looked at the faces because some of them must have been experiencing the pain of loss, even though they weren't showing it. It's life's biggest charade. Just soldier on, in the hope that it will get better in time. But it doesn't. It stays there, though it's joined by other more positive feelings of life. The awful thought is that half of all couples are going to be left this way. And I ask again, why is it nobody warns you the pain is great, and to make every last second together count. In another thread we were asked what we would spend the money on, should we have a really big win. I wrote, but didn't send, because I thought it too sentimental, that I couldn't think of anything which would make my life materially better, so I would hire a team of scientists, in the hope they would come up with a time machine, to take me back five years, so I could spend time with Doreen again, while she was healthy and happy. I also added that Chris could have second go with it. Then Alan, and anyone else who's lost somebody.
  12. DAVIDH

    Hic !

    I feel for those who are told to isolate, but don't have a husband or wife at home. What a miserable existence that must be.
  13. I did think of that, but wasn't sure if they were already charging for it.
  14. The tactic has been outlawed (seemingly) in cases where the site was telling you about bookings/interest against all dates, not just the one you were looking at. The Hoseasons banner is passive and stays there irrespective of any changes which may or may not happen. I guess the Hoseasons site will catch up with the all inclusive pricing and alter their rates accordingly. It's a busy time for them at the moment, loading/removing 2021 accommodation/rates for boats, cottages, lodges and holiday parks across the UK, As an exercise, I looked at the price of Fair Chancellor, 7 nights 24th April NBD price = £1490.00 all inclusive rate Hoseasons = £1359.00 hire charge 150.00 fuel 45.00 damage waiver £1554.00 total So you can see all inclusive is £64 cheaper. That could be explained by less allowance for fuel.
  15. I love the detail of the field, how traffic has worn the grass away to and beyond the gate, and the odd lengths of timber used at the line crossing. It's something I wouldn't have even thought of. I can see this project is a pastime in itself, and not just a means to get to a point where you can "play Norfolk trains".
  16. You were probably given 30mg Codeine by the hospital, but you can get lesser strengths Ian. It might be worth asking your doctor for 15 or 16mg. My wife had the same problem after returning home from an operation. Her doctor prescribed half strength, which stopped the light headedness.
  17. "LTE stands for Long Term Evolution and is sometimes referred to as 4G LTE. It’s a standard for wireless data transmission that allows you to download your favorite music, websites, and video really fast—much faster than you could with the previous technology, 3G." (Taken from this T-Mobile page: https://www.t-mobile.com/resources/what-is-lte) It does seem to offer more than the standard signal. But as others have said, the fact that you have to use the pre-installed Sim card, suggests the usage charges (for European coverage) will be high.
  18. I know it's a little while away but, make sure you have a party (sort of) on New Years Eve Ian, then metaphorically kick out 2020, which has been a misery for you and frankly, just about everyone else on the planet. Then start afresh with a New Year. It really does feel like you're cleansing the worry, hurt and fears from your body.
  19. Goosander has just one two week share, all the others being four weeks, Naturally enough it is very sought after.
  20. Sure you'll get many answers, but I use Shotcut, which is free and open source, so many people collaborate on it. I've found it quite easy to use, especially so since discovering there are many short video tutorials on how to accomplish a single task that might not be so intuitive. It does all the usual stuff with a timeline. You can zoom in to parts of the video, add slow motion, fade clips and audio in and out, titles etc. Probably lots more that I'm still to discover. I used it to make the 4 minute video I put up recently. As regards music, I'll let others offer their advice, but there's a lot of royalty free music here: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/electronica
  21. Whereas I can see your efforts are all in the interests of preserving this valuable resource, and for that I commend you, but I feel uneasy that Craig's work can be manipulated and perhaps reformatted without the permission of his family. I can see the logic of Smoggy's intervention above and if there is a danger of losing the database, this seems to be a first step to secure it. But from what I see, the domain is secured under broads.org.uk (this redirects to norfolk.broads.org.uk which has expired) The former domain expires on the 16th May 2021 and the last update was on the 13th April 2020. I don't know when Craig passed away, but if it was before/around that date, it suggests the family is aware of the site. I take note that the site is offered under the Creative Commons licence, but was Craig really meaning that anyone could come along and copy and replicate it in it's entirety when he wrote that? Or was he trying to say that information within it could be reproduced? He also has the copyright Craig Slawson note on his homepage. I just urge caution, as this could cause great upset to his family, if it's not gone about in the right way.
  22. Just for those people already on holiday, as a travel agent, this has been pointed out to me. It comes from the gov.UK site and is billed as a statement from the Prime Minister: It's taken from this page: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prime-minister-announces-new-national-restrictions According to the statement, you are allowed to finish your week onboard, though you would be restricted in that the pubs and restaurants wouldn't be open. Certainly worth checking with the provider.
  23. Definitely showing up for me: https://www.hoseasons.co.uk/boat-holidays/united-kingdom/the-broads/wroxham-horning?adult=2&child=0&infant=0&nights=7&range=3&pets=0&start=04-09-2021&sortorder=5
  24. Yes Simon, and it appears odd to me when you think they have so many Serenades, which it appears, is a decendant of these boats. And thanks for reminding me that Royall Oak had been sold. I missed that.
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