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Everything posted by batrabill

  1. Not dispute - just not a blind acceptance of the spin that the most vocal members put on this subject. I am not alone in this view.
  2. This is absurd. The Broads are listed in the National Parks website as one of the National Parks. Draw your own conclusions. Or parrot what the school bully says.
  3. I’m sorry, but these statements are just not true.
  4. 167 people died due to accidents at work in 2016-17 There were 175,000 accidents which caused 7 days or more absence from work. The trend is thankfully downward because there is much more attention paid to health and safety. I know a man who had to go and tell a woman her husband had died at work. If you think its health and safety gone mad...... well...
  5. What vote? Someone has to introduce a Bill. Who? Why? This is magic pixie dust stuff.
  6. Once again a reference to International Law. Not UK law? So really a Bill has to be introduced - not just a nod and a wink. Something that is virtually inconceivable in the current climate. So, basically impossible.
  7. I have been searching for a while for any evidence that Opinio Juris is a method used in the U.K. to change primary legislation but I have been unable to find any. This may be because I don’t know where to look. I have read a number of pieces about the principle in International law where people are trying to resolve disputes between nation states with conflicting interests. What is clear from those is that Opinio Juris goes way beyond “accepted practice”. You probably have greater knowledge than me so perhaps you can help by pointing to a relevant or similar precedent? It would be quite suprising if UK primary legislation was changed because something was on The Chase.
  8. Pray tell. How do you "sneak through" legislation? Perhaps some deluded civil servant, bemused by all the lies he/she has heard will accidentally add it to the bottom of the bill establishing National parks. Tosh/ Or LIES as you like to say. This is the nub of things - can anyone tell me HOW this will be done. I believe it is inconceivable that it will happen and I can see no mechanism by which it could happen. Over to you.
  9. The total limit and connection? That will be news to the National parks! The term cult usually refers to a social group defined by its religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or its common interest in a particular personality, object or goal.
  10. JM. Explain the path to full NP status. How will this approach change legislation?
  11. JohnK. My views are well known. This conversation is repeated most months. The cult says BA: “failing” “intending to ban boating” “Lie” “lie” “lie” “Nazi meme” “lost moorings” “no dredging” “sandford” “4 horsemen of the apocalypse” “the rapture” Others say: Broads complex balance between many pressure groups - conservation, boaters, etc. On whole keep balance pretty well. No chance of legislation to make Broads full NP Mostly Broads lovely.
  12. Of course speed kills. If a pedestrian is hit by a car at 30mph they have a chance in the 40-50% region of being killed. Studies vary. If they get hit at 40mph they have an 80-90% chance. These are not ‘statistics that can be manipulated’ - they are facts. If you can produce better facts then do so. If all speed limits were lowered by 10mph then quite a few people would not die. We collectively decide what level of carnage we are happy with. If people want to point speed cameras at me then good for them. Modern cars are absurdly fast and being reminded that you are in several tons of lethal weapon is good for us all.
  13. batrabill


    I thought the answer to this was well known and well understood. Many people take their boats out of the water for a decent portion of the year. If tolls were allowed that meant you only paid for the time the boat was in the water then there would be a massive drop in tolls income. The only way to rectify that would be to have equally massive increases of tolls. Any system that allowed ‘part Year’ payments would be open to ‘gaming’ - for instance not paying your toll until a Ranger sees you and claiming you put the boat in the water an hour previously and so only need to pay from today.
  14. You can always check the facts before you repeat things.
  15. Cadbury’s have several products on sale with Christmas on them. Have you been reading the Daily Mail again ??
  16. I was referring the waste of time and money caused by people putting parking meters on moorings without seeking planning permission. Seems a deliberate attempt to waste both time and money. Or did they think no one would notice?
  17. What an appalling waste of public money and time.
  18. The outcry may be people shouting "shut up about your personal obsession with the Broads Authority"
  19. Successful? Much loved? Respected around the world? Better than Sky? More trusted than ANY newspaper? Responsible for so much of what we consider BRITISH? Apart from that, can't think of anything.
  20. Does everybody want more rules? I came to the Broads to escape all the rules.
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