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Everything posted by batrabill

  1. I asked the Broads Authority about putting a shed on my mooring which is a similar but not identical situation. I was told max 10 x10 feet and no more than 2.4m high. But, like all structures in gardens it has to be a certain distance from the main building. Not a problem for me but may come into play on a small river plot. Call the BA planning dept and have a chat. They will usually help - they have a duty planner all the time during working hours.
  2. Most times, most people point to where they want you to go. I always try to make it really clear by over exaggerated pointing.
  3. Perfectly reasonable to have a debate about NP status. It's dragging it into other subjects where it is, at best tangential to the real subject. Please stop.
  4. The new dyke is open. They have gone through to the old dyke not the river. We take our boat to The Lion for the evening and don't stay the night so selfishly, while I'd happily pay a fiver, more would make it a pricy trip.
  5. Vaughan, a beautiful account celebrating all that is glorious about the Broads. Would you accept that it is at odds with the impression you get if you regularly read this forum? The relentless impression given here is that a few brave souls are fighting a desperate rearguard action to stop the evil genius Dr Packman from stopping boating and finally achieve his lifelong ambition of a boat free Broads. Except for his canoe. That they allow moorings to deliberately disappear, remove wild moorings (working with that other evil empire EA) to stop more mooring. Deliberately fail to dredge. Deliberately call it a National Park so they can fulfill their evil plan. Destroy the hire boat industry by charging so much. Unfairly help the hire boat industry with the intention of driving private boats away by charging them less. And generally do everything in their power to make things worse. i find this odd. I see things are pretty good. So why the obsession here with presenting everything in a bad light?
  6. Hardly a surprise as the National Park website says The Broads are a National Park.
  7. I'm confused - I thought the BA had recently changed the Tolls structure in a way that was widely seen here as in favour of the hire boat industry? i seem to remember many references to the profits that they are making. But it is the BA's fault that the Hireboat industry and the boatbuilding industry has declined? So encouraging them is a good thing? No? There is a always a balance. One that almost NEVER makes all parties happy. The problem that I and others have is that the dominant voices here use ANY stick to beat the BA so as is pointed out above... "The danger is, and this is my opinion only of course, that if you create argument or objection where there should be none then people stop listening to you. Then, when it really matters, when you have a really valid and important point to make your audience consists only of those few who shout alongside you" Oh and Vaughan, if you feel "singled out" then try arguing against the orthodoxy here....
  8. Like it or not, it can't be 'waste of the licence fee' as the show earns a vast amount for the BBC.
  9. As usual you go on the personal attack when ever anyone challenges you. I find that disappointing. I shall take my naivety somewhere else.
  10. It appears the real culprits are The National Parks. They seem to be misleading everyone!
  11. Ah, so you are using the "unknown future" argument. We don't know what a future head of the BA will do? None of us know what will happen in the future so we must fight it now. Only trouble is, that can be used to justify ANYTHING. Ergo it is meaningless. The opinion on this forum is skewed by a small number of people who waste no opportunity to rubbish the BA and, much more reprehensibly, individuals in the BA. Something I find very distasteful. Everyone has a right to disagree but to personalise it is wrong.
  12. But you are quite wrong. The BA has clearly stated in the debate over the name that it will no longer seek full National Park status and that Sandford will not apply. You are tilting at Windmills.
  13. This obsession is both tedious and utterly pointless. The Broads get £3 million pound National Park Grant and if you visit the National Park website you will see them listed as one of the National Parks. If you think anyone outside the small - yes small - group of moaners about this gives a damn about the distinction between National Park Family and Nationals Park you are wrong.
  14. Ah... an imaginary response to an unworkable idea. Yes, the BA have really dropped the imaginary ball on this one.
  15. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/780707/Draft-Policy-on-Waste-Collection-and-Disposal-in-the-Broads-National-Park.pdf
  16. Promising considering what a steaming pile of dog do the new Sierra OS seems to be. Slow, slow slow.
  17. How do you join the Fawning Society?
  18. Dog found wandering. Currently at Slippery Bottoms next to Hunters.
  19. So in summary, innit awful, something should be done, it was much better in my day, I hate Packman.
  20. This whole thing can be solved very easily, Just raise £3 million pounds to replace the National Park Grant and bobs your uncle. No?
  21. Driving ability[edit] Svenson (1981) surveyed 161 students in Sweden and the United States, asking them to compare their driving skills and safety to other people. For driving skills, 93% of the U.S. sample and 69% of the Swedish sample put themselves in the top 50%; for safety, 88% of the U.S. and 77% of the Swedish put themselves in the top 50%.[26] McCormick, Walkey and Green (1986) found similar results in their study, asking 178 participants to evaluate their position on eight different dimensions of driving skills (examples include the "dangerous–safe" dimension and the "considerate–inconsiderate" dimension). Only a small minority rated themselves as below the median, and when all eight dimensions were considered together it was found that almost 80% of participants had evaluated themselves as being an above-average driver.[27] One commercial survey showed that 36% of drivers believed they were an above-average driver while texting or sending emails compared to other drivers; 44% considered themselves average, and 18% below average.[28]
  22. Ahem.... https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/74305
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