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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Sorry we missed it, but the gale-force winds put us off a bit!
  2. Oh, ok. I didn't realise that. There was a programme on TV a couple of years back called "it's not easy being Green" presented by Dick Smallbridge, where I seem to remember he used a homemade filter system to be able to make his own diesel to run an old landrover. I thought he mentioned paying duty on there, but that was a little while back so I guess things have moved on a bit. I did work with a chap who bought a brand new Ssanyong Musto 4x4. He had a fuel pre-heater fitted and ran it on Tesco cooking oil! It seemed to work fine, but he could only buy about 3 litres or oil at a time so was always in Tesco!
  3. You managed to capture the only bit of blue sky that weekend though!
  4. It's not quite a simple as tipping it in the tank, and a lot of filtering is required. There are DIY bio-diesel systems on the market that will produce diesel from old cooking oil, but there cost make them prohibitive. Also bear in mind that even if running a boat on old chip oil you would still have to pay duty on it to the government!
  5. So only one of you is straight at any one time? Any more incriminating statements you'd like to share with us?
  6. Yes, she's definately ****-up in the photo
  7. Not quite right Jonathan, "Pealine two engine 30kts one engine 5kts" should read "Pealine two engine 30kts one engine 10kts in circles". I also disgree with your last statement too, as Ian was clearly hampered by having to refuel every 100 yards so hardly a fair trial (but at least he had 2 engines ).
  8. I think it is inadvisable to run full tabs once on the plane due to; (a) making her bow-down and therefore increasing drag and so being less efficient, and ( stress on the tab rams. I'm pretty sure that the Eltrim system I have on Serenity is not meant to be used with full tab in excess of 20 kts due to the potential for damage to the rams. I use full tab to get her up, then quickly reduce to little or no tab once there. Last time out at sea, a large following swell meant I couldn't go much faster than 16kts, so lots of tab were used there to keep her planing, but on Breydon I wouldn't have thought you'd need much at all. (It seems I may suffer Davids wrath for this, but it was the most comfortable set up that still allowed us to plane and keep on top of the waves).
  9. Where's that then Gav, I've never heard of it? Some bugger went and nicked mine, and me bloody chart plotter, and me tender .....
  10. Gosh, I dunno Ian, all these lame justifications for being SLOOOOOOW! (Of course I shall eat my words the next time there is more than a 0.5m swell ) I reckon we ought to arrange a little Birchwoo, Pealine photo opportunity. They'd look fantastic line abreast, though clearly us Pealines would only be able to use one engine for the photo ......
  11. I know the chap on "Blue River" and I think that must be the first time he's gone across Breydon, so it's great to see him out We'll have another Salty Bottom soon I reckon!
  12. Nice shots Perry. I've tried several times to photograph lightning and failed miserably every time!
  13. Congratulations on the new boat you guys. I can't wait to see it in the flesh!
  14. Sitting firmly on the fence, it depends what you are after Gav! For obvious reasons I'd vote Sealine
  15. I'm not sure if he's still doing canopies or not, but his website is till up and running, which has his mobile number on it if you need it? http://www.boatcanvas.me.uk/
  16. Shouldn't this thread be in Photography Discussions for a better response?
  17. Carry on posting Merlyn, and some pics for those of us who haven't yet ventured that far would be great too!
  18. I think word must be out Perry, as travelling down from Brundall on Saturday there seemed to be an angler every 20yds for about 5 miles!
  19. Hi Barry We'd like: Starters 1x Smoked Mackerel 1x Whitebait Mains 1x Filled Giant Yorkshire Pudding 1x Blue Cheese Burger
  20. Yes, but then a lot of those hiring at Richardsons may choose to just pop round to Sutton for their first evening afloat. We'll be arriving by boat early afternoon so I hope we'll get a space. We'll also be eating, Barry
  21. Keep it coming Ian. I'm just sorry I missed such a great trip!
  22. That's an interesting shot Pete . Just how many exposures did you take to get that one?
  23. Excellent slideshow Perry, thanks for posting!
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