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Hoseasons 2010 brochure


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Hi Everyone

My 2010 Hoseasons brochure arrived today, and wondered what everyones thoughts were.

Overall, quite a nice brochure, with plenty of clear photos. A few things struck me...

Le Boat: Bit of a mess of an arrangement for them I thought! The pictures of Caprice & Cirrus pretty awful. There are no pictures for Capri or Tamaris classes. Looking at the price they're asking for those classes compared to their competitors I cant see why you would book one, especially without a photo.

Three out of ten layouts are wrong. Capri shows one open plan cabin with two singles. It actually has one forward fixed double cabin, bathroom and then an L shaped single/settee with galley opposite. The layout for Cirrus 2 is of a Tamaris class (nothing like a Cirrus so totally useless), and the Caprice layout is of a boat from a totally different company & country! Again nothing like the layout of Caprice. The layouts of Cirrus 2 and Caprice should have been obviously wrong, so I can only think they dont check things or have a team made up of people that dont know about boats - not overly reassuring. I've commented on their prices before, but how they support charging, in some cases 50% more than a competitor with the same style (and standard) is beyond me, and disappointing of Hoseasons for entertaining it.

Ferry Marina: Most prices slightly increased, with some decreased. There's the odd anomally like a week on Crystal Emblem is more in full season than big sister Ruby Emblem, though a short break is cheaper.. so they appear to have messed about with some prices but maybe not checked against the rest of the fleet for consistency when completed! Three new boats for them. The layout of Diamond Emblem implies those in the twin cabin have to use the bathroom adjoining the double cabin with no shut off/privacy - so hopefully this will not translate exactly into build. A few new additions also seem to have cropped up from elsewhere.

Richardsons: Off peak weeks seem to have gone down, quite dramatically in some cases, with the highest bracket increasing slightly. They also appear to have group priced boats, so a Bounty 37 looks much the same price whichever layout you pick. This has the strength of ease and increased value for some boats, and the disadvantage of reduced value of the older fitouts of this style and reduced fairness. For example, 37ft Rhapsody is now incredibly cheap and a great bet against say San Sebastian if the layout suits you. However, San Sebastian is now an old fitout priced the same as a new (re)fitout. Not so keen on this. To my mind its reduced the fairness of you get what you pay for which I always liked about the fleet. On the plus side it has created some bargains for those who know which boats have had more updating. It also means two people could hire 37ft Bounty 37 "Rhapsody" for much less than the same standard of fitout to Bounty 30 30ft "Symphony". So not really fair - but some good bargains if you can figure out the flip side to it successfully.

Good to see the refitted "Calypso" - seems good value too for its size/standard.

Well, there's a few of my observations... what's everyone else think?

All the best


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Only thing I noticed in my brief look at it last night

is that they still have the same photo of Eden Bridge (Bridgecraft Acle)

only this time it is bigger and even easier to notice that it has been flipped through 180 degrees. :o

Look at the name on the side of the cabin!

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Hi Dan

I got mine on Friday last week two days after i ordered it online some nice boats in there was looking for a photo of Clive on one of his boats :grin::grin::grin: but i dont think i did.

Jonny ice sliceice sliceice slice

P.S still waiting for my blakes even though i ordered it on the same day as hoseasons

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Hi Dan,

I can only really comment on what you have to say about Richardsons, so here goes....

I would say that there is not reduced fairness as the older boats are still fantastic value, the newer boats are just better value

I have compared the average weeks hire per class this year and last year and without giving too much away these were in the same order both years

(most popular first)


San Sebastian



Although we have had a cracking year this year, the plan is to do at least the same next year so although we are booked up in the main season we still

have gaps in the shoulder weeks so bringing prices down will not only encourage the new customers we welcomed this year to return but also attract people

who as yet have not been boating on the Norfolk Broads.


look closely for the young lad in the yellow t-shirt ;):lol:

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Hi Clive

I take your point, and group pricing undoubtedly has many strengths. Reducing the off peak weeks accross the board is also brilliant, and something I will no doubt take advantage of! The only reason I dont like the group pricing if not by standard is I can no longer say you get what you pay for with the same conviction (Amber Gem is not Rhapsody for example).

There is some amazing value in the fleet, and in a time of increased demand improving value and not being greedy with the increases in the peak weeks is good stuff.


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Aargh! Why do I always have to wait longer than everyone else to get my brochure!? I haven't got mine yet, even though I've been with Hoseasons twice this year.

I agree with Dan on the group pricing issue, sorry Clive. If I was a new customer with little idea what to expect and I'd booked San Sebastian (which I accept is good value) , I'd be a bit miffed to look aboard Rhapsody. By equal measure, knowing the boats as I do (though nothing like as well as Dan), I would never book San Sebastian where previously I might have been tempted.

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I agree with Dan on the group pricing issue, sorry Clive. If I was a new customer with little idea what to expect and I'd booked San Sebastian (which I accept is good value) , I'd be a bit miffed to look aboard Rhapsody.

But there's about £100 per week difference in the price between San Sebastian and Rhapsody, so surely that should tell even the first-time hirer that the boats are of a different standard. At least Richardsons have boats to cater for all budgets and this, I think, contributes greatly to their success.

By the way, we have just returned from our cruising holiday with Leboat in Italy and whilst there were shown around two new boats which were being fitted out. All very luxurious, but the really interesting part was that there was a wheelchair lift from the saloon to the flybridge ( this, however, meant that interior access to the flybridge for non-disabled users was by a VERY steep ladder). We were told that this was in anticipation of new EU regulations which would extend the legislation on disabled access and I wondered whether any of the hirers on the Broads were aware of this?

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I think if i was a newbie who had neva hired before i probably would think about hireing with Richardson's just down the there wide selection of boat & prices which suit all budgets which some yards dont.

bringing new customers to a yard is about having a wide price range rather than streap or stupidly crazy prices. Take for instance Dan showed me a few photo's of Rhapsody which i neva would have thought of hireing but once looking at the photo's i was gob smacked at the inside it looked like new.

the once think i hate is it you have a large party you want so meny double & singles you find a boat that suits you you shed out loads of cash to hire that boat then when you come to sleep in the cabin its so tight its impossible to sleep turn over of just move which spoils it realy & the lack of big boats.

you have yards building new boats in the 40+ range & only building a six birth you could build a nice eight to ten birth which would be nice.

Jonny ice sliceice sliceice slice

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But there's about £100 per week difference in the price between San Sebastian and Rhapsody, so surely that should tell even the first-time hirer that the boats are of a different standard. ...

Not in 2010 they're not.

On the disabled access front it's good that some boats are being built with this in mind, as it would be a great shame if someone with a disability was totally excluded from a boating holiday. However the sheer diversity & range of disability combined with the restrictions of a boat and its design restrictions would make taking this into account on a regular basis for all new builds an absolutely (and costly) nightmare I should think. I can understand if you were making a new building then creating access good for all is a much more sensible and feasable request, but I hope no-one is seriously suggesting this must extend to all new hireboats.

All the best


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I am pleased to see the reductions Richardsons have made for some of the off peak periods. I have already taken advantage and book Rhapsody for a week. I am also considering another week as well.

This year was the first time I hired from Richardsons although I have been hiring on the Broads for many years.

I must say I was very impressed with them. The boat was first class, the staff excellent and welcoming. I will cetainly being hiring from them many more times.

It is nice to see boats to suit all budgets and a yard that does not keep increasing prices year upon year.


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... the once think i hate is it you have a large party you want so meny double & singles you find a boat that suits you you shed out loads of cash to hire that boat then when you come to sleep in the cabin its so tight its impossible to sleep turn over of just move which spoils it realy & the lack of big boats.

you have yards building new boats in the 40+ range & only building a six birth you could build a nice eight to ten birth which would be nice.

Jonny ice sliceice sliceice slice

Hi Jonny

I know what you mean, it can be difficult choosing an ideal boat without viewing them. Boat singles (and doubles) can sometimes be a bit small or have a tight cabin. I guess if they put 8-10 berths in the layout instead of 6 this is likely to make at least some cabins to be tight to fit it all in. I found Broads Serenade was one of very few boats that could have four doubles left made up, with only one cabin being relatively small so you could always have a look at this one if that is the sort of boat/price your after one time.


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Good to hear you were impressed and have booked again! cheersbar

I had Rhapsody as you know and really loved it. A great layout, and a comfy home I thought... and as discussed - now even more brilliant in value terms. I am supposedly holding off booking any holidays for next year, but we shall have to see how long that lasts! ;)


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Yup! In the Hoseasons 2010 brochure, as discussed they are the same.

Looks like the website has just not been updated fully yet, I know most of the new boats or additions were not listed on Hoseasons a couple of days ago, so maybe these will catch up soon

All the best


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Richardsons websitedoes not seem to be updated with the 2010 prices as yet. I noticed the vast diference between the price on their website for Rhapsody and that quoted in the new Hoseasons brochure and to make sure, I contacted the boatyard. They confirmed that a number of prices including Rhapsody would be reduced for 2010.


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Before this turns into a Richardsons fan club reunion dedication thread ;):lol:;) ;) I had Mr Alpha Craft pop in to see me today, Alpha Craft are now extending their hire fleet over winter.

This is only on the Spitfire / Mustang range of craft as they have the super dupa heaters installed ;)

Paul has also put forward Spitfire for a Prize for early next year ! (Just as he did last year - when my Dad won it :oops: )

I do agree that Richardsons do offer the complete range of budgets for hirer's, which is obviously down to their success.

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Do you mean they are extending their hirefleet or just spending money on some of the existing craft Brian?

I see they have Comet listed as new for 2010, so hopefully it will appear for next season (was listed as new for 2009 in this years brochure).

There's not too many new boats for next year, so if Alpha are doing further additions that would be good to see


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Right, I think I have got this right so here goes...

on the 'Our Boats' section of the Richardsons website the 'Prices From' section needs to be updated manually and these have not yet been done.

If you book a boat you will see the prices have come down, and have more to come off, for example booking an Amber Gem for a friday start will give you another £30 midweek start reduction, there are also spring and autumn savers of 10%

If you booked for a 2010 band 'G' at the monent you will see that the prices have not been updated as if you book before December you will only pay 2009 prices because these will be going up whereas you get the benefit of the reductions now.

I hope this makes sense :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Dan

Swancraft had all their fleet fitted with bow thrusters for the 2009 season but too late to go in the brochure. Used them for the first time this year, touch wood no calamities! They are a good ‘get out of jail card’ if you see what I mean, also great for turning in Geldeston dyke :naughty:


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