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A Huge Relief

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Just thought I would let all know that I visited the hospital today for my normal check up on my prostrate cancer. It appears that the 51g of it they cut out a couple of days before last Summers meet at Oulton Broad removed it all.

I still have to keep taking the 2 tablets, but now I go back in November again, but  in a couple of moth an mri scan will be done to make sure every where else is clear.

So my point is as was Richard in his post, the slightest doubt get checked,  Men and Women Men especially if you do start having waterworks troubles its not always just getting old. That add that's started appearing on the TV for self medication could mask the problem until its to late to act.

Sorry if this is jumping about but its not as easy to put into words the relief I am feeling at the moment.


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Thant's great news indeed Charlie both  for you and your family. I know only too well the anxiety that accompanies waiting for the outcome of test results , you're frightened of tempting  fate by looking on the bright side.




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Oh Charlie darlin, you always manage to give me an excuse to celebrate, I'll just have to crack open a bottle and raise a glass to you now :naughty:

Seriously, I am so, so chuffed for you and your family, I know what a huge relief it is to get a positive test result, bless you, couldn't happen to a nicer guy

Grace :kiss:arms:

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