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Hi all my name is Andrew as Griff knows me as (Lip Reader ) due to fact that I'm totally Deaf with Hearing Aids worn and can Lip Read .I've been with the Ladd's week a few times in the past including last year October 2016 but found out all Three Cruisers from Herbert Woods are fully booked. I've now Booked Boat from  Herbert Woods to tag along with the Ladd's for that week 7th - 14th October Griff has all ready done a post on my behalf as I'm very grateful for that if any one wish to come please let me know.



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As I have explained to Lip Reader, unfortunately I cannot provide a crew to assist him whilst underway.  I have tried the same scenario before on two occasions.  It led to problems and it just doesn't work.  Assisting a craft alongside or getting them underway is not a problem.

The problem arises due to the fact that most of our Lads Week crew don't see each other from one year to the next.  They don't want to be on another boat all day long away from their chosen crew.  Seeing as they are paying for the week too, it should be and is their choice.  Then we get into an awkward situation where the crews then become 'Duty Bound' to assist day after day another boat, that is not what they have paid for or signed up for.  It's just the way it is and I am not going to embarrass them by asking for volunteers again - tried it twice and finally learnt from it.

Of course should Andrew get a crew together and come along with us for the week, they will be welcomed as part of the Lads Week enjoying our weekly inter-crew game challenges,  Darts,  Doms,  Fishing,  the odd  'All crews Pub Visit'  Dining out night,  Passage planning,  organised visits etc  and the general camaraderie of the week as per the norm


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Much as I would jump at the Chance of something like this, the fact your trip departs the day ours finishes makes it a bit tricky, time off work isn't the issue, getting Emma and the dog back down to Sussex does make it tricky (she doesn't drive, or do the London Underground) so asking her to travel solo with a headstrong terrier across central London would not make me a popular boy!


best of luck though Andrew, I'm sure someone will be more than happy to oblige!

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Hi LondonLad  1 I'm very sorry for not PM you sooner Londonlad 1 Thank you for your interest on the Sharing a Boat as I've now got a person to share but I do hope some one else would come along for you to share a Boat on the Norfolk Broads.

I say thank you for your time and trouble for your E - Mail to me. I wish you pleasant week.

Yours Andrew Cook

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