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Dog Poo Scheme


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I would love to know the answer to that one, please!

My experience of byways and other vehicular rights of way would suggest the public has right of access that the landowner can’t stop. I used to be on the Local Access Forum with Leics CC and a bundle of laughs that wasn’t.
I think that would prevent dog owners from being blocked. But I’m not certain I’m right.

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I think I’m right in saying that the first of these schemes relied on dog owners registering voluntarily which of course wouldn’t work properly. Responsible dog owners would willingly sign up whilst others wouldn’t bother. Where private land is concerned it does sound like a very good idea and has clearly worked at Lowestoft Marina. Those dog walkers that didn’t clear up have gone elsewhere probably and created inconvenience for others. As a dog owner I think it is a good idea but I don’t know how it could be enforced in some areas, LM may be gated in some way so users are monitored but of course our parks etc mostly are not. A difficult one. 

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I guess the same could be done for discarded chewing gum (a mandatory dna register of all people buying gum). Fingerprint analysis on discarded cans & packaging. etc etc

Anything to avoid the nasty temptation to employ litter/poo pickers on our streets. A job ideally suited for those serving community service!!

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