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So You Can Go Swimming!


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I dont think its negativity I think it may be the voice of common sense.  

The boating fraternity is encouraged not to swim in the rivers and broads by the BA themselves, yet they authorise 200 people to don their swimming hats and googles and off they go to Beccles clutching their risk assessment....

If I wanted to abseil into an active volcano would a risk assessment mean it was safe! 

Boat owners pay Tolls (becoming extortionate) to maintain the navigation personally I think that gives us the right to disagree when appropriate. 

I dont see it as being sellfish, in this instance it just seems a bad idea.

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13 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

 I hope to god it goes off without incident as that going to catastrophic for BA and all involved .

EXACTLY!  Which is precisely why I am confident that the BA would not be allowing it unless they were satisfied that adequate control measures were in place to mitigate risk.

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If you can't swim you probably shouldn't sail a wet boat, paddle board or kayak.

I understand why swimming is discouraged but I think its nonsense. I swim all the time. 

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1 minute ago, Bobdog said:

that adequate control measures were in place to mitigate risk.

That would mean no boats no anglers all that stretch checked for under water obstructions, all weed cut away, and life guards every 100 yds.

Do you think all this can be achieved , I certainly dont....

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1 minute ago, Bobdog said:

EXACTLY!  Which is precisely why I am confident that the BA would not be allowing it unless they were satisfied that adequate control measures were in place to mitigate risk.

N need to shout ( block capitals) I'm not deff nor am I daft , obviously iv no idea who if anyone ( because no one has seen it ) signed off that risk assessment but I'm wholly glad my name isn't against it .

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What about old fishing line snags. 

The things ive dragged out of the Waveney by the WRC in the past. 

Imagine braid wrapped around a swimmers ankle or a snagged up treble stuck in someones trunks with a barb on tethering them to a log or something, it could happen. 

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4 minutes ago, Bound2Please said:

How much TOLL per swimmer are they going to be charged??????

Never mind that how much are the toll payer's going to get refunded for the reduced facilities , BA love to crow about the free Mooring's which arnt free anyway if yiu think about it n then give them away for the use of others that don't even contribute to the system , but hey ho it saves the rangers looking for in licences boats etc , only last yr I was stopped by a BA launch from traveling up the yare due to the rowers having a race n I'm one boat not the amount of traffic that like on that stretch of river in July.

If anyone thinks that this will in convince no one they need there head testing , obviously it will n for a group that as I said don't contribute to tolls , be interested to know the reason BA come up with for someone having to leave a mooring on that route .

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27 minutes ago, batrabill said:

The organiser is planning to come on here and explain..

Would that be the organiser who has organised, and completed, swims across the English Channel, amongst other events?  Isn’t that a bit risky, getting somebody on here who might have a clue what they’re talking about?

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41 minutes ago, batrabill said:

Jeez. Wake up.

It's a stream on negative stuff. Sounds like the Harry Enfield character "You didn't want to do THAT!"

And there's yge difference between me n thee if a hole load of folk disagree with me that's fine but I do then rethink if I'm seeing the situation correctly , then again 

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43 minutes ago, batrabill said:

Jeez. Wake up.

It's a stream on negative stuff. Sounds like the Harry Enfield character "You didn't want to do THAT!"

More shouting , calm down :default_biggrin:, because someone or a group disagree with you its just that they disagree that's all , clearly the fact if already said that virtually every post has touched on the safety aspects has pass you by , but re read the entire thread if required but I can defiantly say that's the situation 

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11 minutes ago, Bobdog said:

Would that be the organiser who has organised, and completed, swims across the English Channel, amongst other events?  Isn’t that a bit risky, getting somebody on here who might have a clue what they’re talking about?

Seriously how many green hire boaters at in the English channel ? Its full of professional sailors isn't it unlike the broads , I'm still laughing at that comparison + this event is open to anyone isnt it they could be first timers of there just the same as first time hire crews , only difference is they have a boat to protect them .

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Our safety concerns put to one side what may be coming over as negativity is caused by the BA themselves.

If they hadnt capitalised on boat owners in the crude way they have we probably wouldnt feel so agrieved when they see fit to hand over the facilities we pay to maintain willy nilly to another group that doesnt, as I said I dont want to appear sellfish but something doesnt seem very fair about that. 

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Negativity or realism based on experience?

I have personally witnessed mass starts at wild water swimming events, hardly line astern stuff neatly following close along the the river bank!

I just hope & prey that none of us will be in a position of being able to say 'I told you so'.

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5 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

I do think this is all getting a bit out of hand and think perhaps we need more information,having a go at one another is not helpful.

Hello Ian I agree with you it is time for everyone to respect everyone's point of view and not let it get personal.



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3 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

Our safety concerns put to one side what may be coming over as negativity is caused by the BA themselves.

If they hadnt capitalised on boat owners in the crude way they have we probably wouldnt feel so agrieved when they see fit to hand over the facilities we pay to maintain willy nilly to another group that doesnt, as I said I dont want to appear sellfish but something doesnt seem very fair about that. 

You are using this as a justification for being against everything.  If you are against everything then your opinions have no value since there is no judgement involved, just blanket negativity.

Lets see what the organiser has to say.

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1 minute ago, batrabill said:

You are using this as a justification for being against everything.  If you are against everything then your opinions have no value since there is no judgement involved, just blanket negativity.

Lets see what the organiser has to say.

So can we please leave it here until the organiser gets in touch.


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I am certainly not against everything thankyou and I dont agree you can devalue my opinion by making a statement that is categorically untrue. 

I hope it goes off without incident and everyone involved enjoys the day but it doesnt mean I have to think its a sensible place to do it. 

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1 hour ago, Bobdog said:

Not sure that you can, but damned sure that when the organisers asked for permission to stage an event such as this that the BA will have required them to submit such, will have reviewed them and made any approval conditional on changes that they saw appropriate.  That’s the way the BA works, they are safety obsessed.

Surely if you were a participant in this event you would be entitled to see the risk assesment??

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6 minutes ago, batrabill said:

You are using this as a justification for being against everything.  If you are against everything then your opinions have no value since there is no judgement involved, just blanket negativity.

Lets see what the organiser has to say.

With due respect like any event the organiser is only going to justify their own position, I have no problem with people enjoying themselves or organised events I do have a problem with people who only want to do their own thing regardless, open water swimming is fine in open water and it doesn't get more open than the English channel the upper reaches of the Waveney are not that open or wide with weed lined fringes and given that not all participants will be that experienced I am afraid it is a disaster waiting to happen, I am afraid that the stance regularly taken by some regarding the general  overview on most topics seems to be argumentative for its own sake.


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