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Doggy Lifejackets


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What brand do you use?


We bought a couple of non-branded (i.e. cheap) ones for our two and after a couple of days Tilly was walking funny and we found that the velcro fastener had rubbed all the fur and skin off her elbow :default_sad:

One of the problems seem to be sizing as she is so small and for the one we bought she was at the extreme of the sizing chart.


I've been looking at these ones http://www.lifejackets.co.uk/products/259/crewsaver-petfloat-dog-life-jacket as the sizing seems more suitable.

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My hound has a petfloat which works well but we had to adjust it underneath as wasn't very 'todger friendly', he is a bit of an odd shape as he's a fairly big dog with short legs which doesn't help.

We shortened the strap underneath and re-stitched so he is comfortable in it.

Due to the different shapes and sizes of muts I don't suppose it's easy to size for all.

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We had new crewsavers for all the dogs recently until one of the rings (not the handle) on the back of the neck of one suddenly failed. When we checked the others they were similar. Crewsavers suggested the ring was not for attaching the dogs lead to.... it had no other purpose that we could see and the instructions suggested that was what it was for. Anyway they were very good and took the faulty ones back and we now have Julius K9 items. 

Our problem was opposite to yours. We have a bulldog and they can't swim. This one weighs 25kgs. Because they have no natural bouyancy and just sink to the bottom we needed a jacket that would save rather than assist. A 25kg dog jacket is about twice the size of the bulldog (!) but Julius were excellent and soon had the problem solved. 

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43 minutes ago, vanessan said:

We found the best thing was to take the dog into the shop and see which model/size fitted best. I know that’s not possible when buying online but it’s the only sure way of a good fit. 

My wife did buy one online for our staffy, which seemed to fit ok, but when we tried to pick him up with the handle on the back, used obviously to help drag a wet dog from the water, it simply broke away.

Lesson now learned, we will be taking him into Jeckels in Lowestoft to have him properly fitted, with one designed for purpose. Our dog is as much a member of the crew as anyone else, he is therefore worthy of the best we can buy.

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We bought an ‘Ezy Dog’ one. It seems to be really well made with very sturdy fastenings. It hasn’t really been tested in water yet. Seren fell between the bank and a Hunter’s sail boat last summer, but the largish handle on the back of her buoyancy aid was grabbed easily, so only her back legs went in. It’s also sturdy enough to bear her weight to lift her on the boat by the handle. 


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